
本文为加拿大滑铁卢大学(作者:Ami Woo)的硕士论文,共104页。



Path planning of the autonomous robots isone of the crucial tasks that need to be achieved for mobile robots to navigatethrough the environment intelligently. The robot paths are typically plannedutilizing map that is accessible at the time with a certain optimizationobjective such as to minimizing the travel distance, or time. This thesisproposes a multi-objective path planning approach by integrating SimultaneousLocalization And Mapping (SLAM) with a graph based optimization approach and anobject detection algorithm. The proposed approach aims not only to find a paththat minimizes travel distance but also to minimize the number of obstacles inthe path to be followed. This thesis uses Visual SLAM (VSLAM) as the basis togenerate graphs for global path planning. VSLAM generates a trajectory networkwhich is usually in the form of a spare graph (if odometry based) orprobabilistic relations on landmark estimates relative to the robot. An objectdetection algorithm is run in parallel to provide additional information ontrajectory network graphs generated by the VSLAM, to be used in multi-objectivepath planning. The VSLAM, object detection, and path planning fields aretypically studied independently, but this thesis links the these fields tosolve the multi-objective path planning problem. The first part of the thesispresents the connections and methodology on using the VSLAM and objectdetection to generate trajectory network graphs. The nodes are inserted to thegraph when a new keyframe is needed in VSLAM. The distance travelled betweenthe nodes is the first criterion to minimize and is computed while traversing.In parallel to VSLAM, the object detection component quantifies the number ofobjects detected between the nodes. Only the pre-trained objects to detect arequantified and the trained objects in the thesis are cars and trucks. Thenumber of objects are the two additional edge information added to the graph.Later in the thesis, the multi-objective path planning on the generated graphsis presented. The objective of path planning on graph is not just on minimizingthe distance to travel but also on minimizing the number of cars and trucks itpasses. The proposed design is tested using KITTI dataset which is specializedfor autonomous driving and consists of many cars and trucks. The design is notlimited to autonomous driving applications, but can be applied to other fieldssuch as surveillance, rescuing, and many more with different objects to detect.

1 引言
2 项目背景与文献回顾
3 总体设计
5 对象检测
6 基于位姿SLAM的多目标路径规划
7 仿真与实验测试
8 结论与未来工作展望
