如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

One of the coolest features of the Nintendo Switch is that you can quickly take screenshots in almost any game using a dedicated Capture button. Here’s how to get those screenshots off your Nintendo Switch console using a microSD card.

Nintendo Switch最酷的功能之一是,您可以使用专用的“捕获”按钮在几乎所有游戏中快速拍摄屏幕截图。 这是使用microSD卡从Nintendo Switch控制台获取这些屏幕截图的方法。

屏幕截图如何在Nintendo Switch上工作 (How Screenshots Work on the Nintendo Switch)

By default, whenever you push the Capture button, the Nintendo Switch saves an image of the current screen to a JPEG image file on a microSD card if you have one inserted. If not, the Switch saves them to internal memory. Some parts of the Switch system software (and possibly some games) block screenshots from being taken, but in general, the feature works everywhere.

默认情况下,每当您按下“捕获”按钮时,Nintendo Switch都会将当前屏幕的图像保存到microSD卡上的JPEG图像文件中(如果已插入)。 如果不是,则交换机将它们保存到内部存储器中。 Switch系统软件的某些部分(可能还包括某些游戏)会阻止截取屏幕截图,但总的来说,该功能可在任何地方使用。

Once captured, you can view screenshots using the Switch’s built-in Album feature, which is accessible on the home screen (the white circle with the blue rectangle inside, like a tiny photo of Mario-style hills).


您需要转移的内容Switch屏幕截图 (What You Need to Transfer Switch Screenshots)

Here’s what you need to transfer screenshots to another device:


  • A Nintendo Switch or Switch Lite

    Nintendo Switch或Switch Lite
  • A microSD card large enough to hold the images you want to transfer


  • A microSD card reader (or an SD card reader with a microSD card adapter) that works with the device you’d like to transfer the images to.

    可与您要将图像传输到的设备一起使用的microSD卡读取器(或带有microSD卡适配器的SD卡读取 )。

Some devices, such as certain models of Apple or Windows computers, have built-in full-size SD card readers. To use one of those, you will need a microSD to SD adapter.

某些设备(例如某些型号的Apple或Windows计算机)具有内置的全尺寸SD卡读取器。 要使用其中之一,您将需要一个microSD到SD适配器

If you have an iPhone or iPad with a Lightning port, you can copy images using a Lightning to SD Card Camera Reader. If you have an iPad with a USB-C port, you can use Apple’s USB-C to SD Card Reader. For either solution, you will need a microSD to SD adapter as well.

如果您的iPhone或iPad带有Lightning端口,则可以使用Lightning将图像复制到SD卡相机阅读器 。 如果您的iPad具有USB-C端口,则可以使用Apple的USB-C转SD卡读取器 。 对于这两种解决方案,您都将需要一个microSD到SD适配器

To read an SD card on an Android device (if your device has a Micro USB port), you will need a Micro USB SD card reader such as this one, which also includes a microSD card slot so you do not need an adapter.

要在Android设备上读取SD卡(如果您的设备具有Micro USB端口),则需要一个Micro USB SD卡读卡器(例如此读卡器),该读卡器还具有microSD卡插槽,因此不需要适配器。

将屏幕截图从系统内存传输到microSD卡 (Transfer Screenshots from System Memory to a microSD Card)

If you already had a microSD card inserted into the system when you took the screenshots, chances are that they are already stored on the card. If so, skip down to the next section.

如果您在截屏时已经将microSD卡插入系统,则很可能它们已经存储在卡中。 如果是这样,请跳至下一部分。

If you captured your screenshots prior to inserting a microSD card, then the Switch has saved them to internal memory. To transfer them off the Switch, you must first copy them to a microSD card.

如果您在插入microSD卡之前捕获了屏幕截图,则表明Switch已将其保存到内部存储器中。 要将它们从交换机上移走,必须首先将它们复制到microSD卡上。

Copy All Screenshots at Once


To copy all of the screenshots on your Switch to a microSD card in bulk, open System Settings on the Nintendo Switch home screen by selecting the small white circle with a sun icon in the middle.

要将Switch上的所有屏幕截图批量复制到microSD卡上,请在Nintendo Switch主屏幕上打开系统设置,方法是选择中间带有太阳图标的白色小圆圈。

如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

In System Settings, scroll down and select Data Management, then select Manage Screenshots and Videos.


如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

On the Manage Screenshots and Videos screen, make sure Save Location is set to “microSD Card”, then select “System Memory” and press A.

在“管理屏幕截图和视频”屏幕上,确保将“保存位置”设置为“ microSD卡”,然后选择“系统内存”并按A。

如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

Select “Copy All Screenshots and Video to microSD Card” and press A.


如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

A pop-up window will show you the copy progress. Once it’s complete, the screenshots are stored on the card. Skip down to the “How to Transfer Screenshots from a microSD Card to Another Device” section below.

弹出窗口将显示复制进度。 完成后,屏幕截图将存储在卡上。 跳至下面的“如何将屏幕截图从microSD卡传输到另一台设备”部分。

Copy Screenshots Individually


To copy certain screenshots one-by-one to a microSD card, you’ll need to use the Switch’s built-in Album feature. It is accessible on the home screen of the Nintendo Switch (the white circle with the blue rectangle inside).

要将某些屏幕截图一张一张地复制到microSD卡,您需要使用Switch的内置相册功能 。 可以在Nintendo Switch的主屏幕(带有蓝色矩形的白色圆圈)的主屏幕上进行访问。

如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

Once in Album, highlight the photo you’d like to copy to the card and press A for “Editing and Posting.” A menu will pop up on the left side of the screen. Select “Copy” and hit A.

进入相册后,突出显示要复制到卡上的照片,然后按A进行“编辑和发布”。 屏幕左侧会弹出一个菜单。 选择“复制”,然后按A。

A pop-up will ask you if you want to copy the image to the microSD card. Select “Copy,” and the image will be copied to the microSD card.

弹出窗口将询问您是否要将图像复制到microSD卡。 选择“复制”,图像将被复制到microSD卡。

如何将屏幕快照从microSD卡传输到另一台设备 (How to Transfer Screenshots from a microSD Card to Another Device)

Once you know that your screenshots are stored on a microSD card, it’s time to transfer them over to another device.


Turn off your Switch by holding down the power button for three seconds. A menu will pop up. Select “Power Options”, then “Turn Off”.

按住电源按钮三秒钟以关闭开关。 将会弹出一个菜单。 选择“电源选项”,然后选择“关闭”。

(If you take out the microSD card without powering down, the Switch will suspend whatever game you were running, complain about it on screen, and force you to shut down.)


After powering down, remove the microSD card from your Nintendo Switch. On the full-sized switch, the microSD slot is located under the kickstand on the back of the unit.

关机后,从Nintendo Switch上卸下microSD卡。 在全尺寸交换机上,microSD插槽位于设备背面的支架下方。

如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

On the Switch Lite, the microSD slot is located under a small plastic flap on the bottom edge of the unit.

在Switch Lite上,microSD插槽位于设备底部边缘的小塑料盖下。

如何将屏幕截图从Nintendo Switch传输到计算机

Once the microSD card has been removed, insert it into your microSD card reader of choice. A computer with a microSD card slot will work, and you can also buy microSD card readers that connect via USB.

卸下microSD卡后,将其插入所选的microSD卡读取器中。 带有microSD卡插槽的计算机可以使用,您也可以购买通过USB连接的microSD卡读卡器。

On the microSD card, you can access the screenshots in the path “\Nintendo\Album”, and they are sorted into folders by date starting with year, then month, then day. For example, a Switch screenshot taken on March 5, 2020 would be in the “\Nintendo\Album\2020\3\5” folder on the microSD card.

在microSD卡上,您可以在路径“ \ Nintendo \ Album”中访问屏幕快照,并将它们按照日期(从年,月,日,日)分类到文件夹中。 例如,2020年3月5日拍摄的Switch屏幕截图将位于microSD卡上的“ \ Nintendo \ Album \ 2020 \ 3 \ 5”文件夹中。

From there you can use your device’s operating system to copy the images wherever you’d like.  Edit them, share them—it’s up to you. Have fun, and happy gaming!

从那里,您可以使用设备的操作系统将图像复制到所需的任何位置。 编辑它们 ,共享它们-由您决定。 玩得开心,玩得开心!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664576/how-to-transfer-screenshots-from-a-nintendo-switch-to-a-computer/