



The packaging that all of your fancy toys came in is no longer just packaging—it’s a part of the product, and many argue that keeping boxes and other packaging can help you sell the item in the future. But is it absolutely necessary to keep all of your tech product boxes?

您所有精美玩具所附带的包装不再只是包装,而是产品的一部分,许多人认为保留盒子和其他包装可以帮助您将来出售产品。 但是,保留所有高科技产品包装盒绝对必要吗?

It depends on a number of different factors, including what the item is, how old it is, how much it’s worth, and whether or not you care about the resale value in the first place.


什么时候应该保留箱子 (When You Should Keep the Boxes)

Keeping product boxes for your various tech gadgets can not only help with the resale value, but there are other benefits as well, namely if the item is still within its return period.



Most return periods are anywhere from 14-90 days, and if there’s even the slightest inkling that you might return the item within that time window, you’ll want to keep the box and any paperwork that came with it. Most stores require that you include everything that came with the item when you return it, including the box, so be sure to check the store’s return policy before throwing everything away.

大部分退货期为14-90天,如果您可能在那个时间范围内退货,即使有一点点暗示,您都希望保留包装盒及其随附的所有文件。 大多数商店都要求您在退货时包括物品随附的所有物品(包括包装盒),因此请确保在丢弃所有物品之前检查商店的退货政策。

You should also keep the box for anything that’s relatively high in value, like a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. When you go to sell it in the future, your item will look more enticing to potential buyers, and they’ll be more likely to pay more for it compared to a similar product that doesn’t include the box and manuals.

您还应该将盒子存放在价值相对较高的任何物品上,例如笔记本电脑,平板电脑或智能手机。 将来当您出售它时,您的商品将对潜在的买家更具吸引力,并且与不包含包装盒和手册的类似产品相比,他们将更有可能为此付出更多。

Even if you don’t care about the resale value, keeping the box for your tech gadgets can be beneficial in other ways, like if you plan to move in the near future. Some boxes can be great for transporting your gadgets without damaging them. Heck, you could even use those boxes for packing miscellaneous items away for storage—iMac boxes make for great moving boxes in general, because they’re large and come with a convenient carrying handle.

即使您不关心转售价值,保留技术小工具的包装盒也可以从其他方面受益,例如您计划在不久的将来搬家。 一些盒子非常适合运输小配件而不会损坏它们。 哎呀,您甚至可以使用这些箱子将杂物包装起来以进行存放-iMac箱子通常较大,可以移动,因为它们很大并且带有方便的提手。

When it comes time to return or sell your items, re-packing the box can sometimes be difficult—we recommend watching unboxing videos of that product on YouTube to see how everything originally fit into the box.

当需要退货或出售商品时,有时很难重新包装包装盒-我们建议您在YouTube上观看该产品的包装盒视频 ,以了解包装盒中最初的所有物品。

当您不需要保留盒子时 (When You Don’t Need to Keep the Boxes)

While there are a lot of good reasons to keep your product boxes around, you probably don’t need to it for all of your tech gadgets.



Namely, older tech products that aren’t worth a whole lot today probably won’t benefit too much from having its accompanying box. When most buyers are looking for a bargain on an old tech gadget, they usually don’t care about the packaging. Granted, a vintage item (like an original Macintosh) would benefit greatly if it still had its box, but stuff that’s in that between stage likely won’t benefit.

就是说,如今不值一提的较旧的高科技产品可能不会从附带的包装盒中受益匪浅。 当大多数买家都在寻找旧技术产品的便宜货时,他们通常不在乎包装。 诚然,老式物品(如原始的Macintosh)如果仍装有盒子,将大为受益,但是介于此之间的物品可能不会受益。

Furthermore, you don’t really need to keep the boxes for new but cheap products. The packaging for those $50 headphones that you bought probably isn’t going to make a huge difference with the resale value, and it may only be a few dollars difference at most.

此外,您实际上不需要保留用于存放新的但便宜的产品的盒子。 您购买的那些50美元的耳机的包装可能不会对转售价值产生巨大的影响,而且最多可能只有几美元的差别。

Larger product boxes are also really not worth keeping around, unless of course the box itself can be beneficial in other ways (like as a moving box). More often than not, though, they just take up a lot of unnecessary space. TV boxes are the worst, in my opinion—you can’t really reuse them for other purposes and they can be a pain to squeeze into a storage closet.

较大的产品包装盒也确实不值得保留,除非包装盒本身当然可以通过其他方式(例如移动包装盒)受益。 但是,它们经常会占用大量不必要的空间。 在我看来,电视盒是最糟糕的-您不能真正将它们再用于其他目的,并且挤入储藏室可能很痛苦。

最终,保留盒子永远不会受到伤害 (In the End, It Never Hurts to Keep the Boxes)


After it’s all said and done, if you have room to store a product box, it never hurts to keep it. Besides, in a couple years, you can go through your empty product boxes and throw any out that you really don’t need anymore. This is a good habit to form anyway, even if you’re a big proponent of keeping all of your gadget boxes.

说完一切之后,如果您有足够的空间来存放产品盒,则保存它永远不会有任何伤害。 此外,在几年内,您可以浏览空的产品包装盒,扔掉您真正不需要的任何东西。 无论如何,这都是养成的好习惯,即使您强烈建议保留所有小工具盒。

On the other hand, don’t sweat it too much if you go to resell your old laptop and discover that you no longer have the box for it. It might decrease the resale value ever so slightly, but as long as your eBay or Craiglist listing is a good one, you shouldn’t have a problem selling it for the amount you want.

另一方面,如果您要转售旧笔记本电脑时发现您再也没有合适的包装了,请不要流汗。 它可能会稍微降低转售价值,但只要您的eBay或Craiglist列表是一个好列表,就可以以所需的价格出售它就不会有问题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/298075/should-you-throw-away-all-of-your-tech-product-boxes/
