
Are you looking for a way to show your most important posts at the top of your blog page so people can see them first?


WordPress by default shows your newest posts first. As you add more content, your older posts go down and eventually moved to archives.

默认情况下,WordPress首先显示您的最新帖子。 当您添加更多内容时,您的旧帖子就会掉落,并最终移至存档。

But what if you wanted to show your pillar articles on the front page for a longer time?


That’s when WordPress sticky posts feature comes in handy.


A sticky post is a post that sticks to the top of your blog page. Unlike your regular posts, it stays on your blog’s front page until you remove its sticky option.

即时贴是贴在博客页面顶部的帖子。 与常规帖子不同,它会保留在博客的首页上,直到您删除其粘性选项为止。

In this article, we will show you how to easily make sticky posts in WordPress with just 2 steps.



何时使用WordPress即时贴? (When to Use a WordPress Sticky Post?)

A sticky post is mainly useful to highlight the important content on your blog. This allows you to feature your best articles on your blog’s front page regardless of their publication date.

粘性文章主要用于突出显示博客上的重要内容。 这样,无论文章的发布日期如何,您都可以在博客的首页上刊登最佳文章。

There are mainly 2 types of content you may want to pin to your blog home page.


1. The Best Content (Pillar Articles) on Your Blog


Pillar articles are the most important content on your website. This includes in-depth articles, comprehensive guides, and your most popular posts.

Struts文章是您网站上最重要的内容。 这包括深入的文章,全面的指南以及您最受欢迎的帖子

They are the best way to introduce new users to your blog, generate leads, and increase page views. You would want to highlight them across your website to make sure that new users are able to find these articles.

它们是将新用户介绍到您的博客, 生成销售线索并增加页面浏览量的最佳方法。 您可能希望在您的网站上突出显示它们,以确保新用户能够找到这些文章。

For example, you may have a comprehensive article covering a specific topic in great detail. Such an article will be highly useful for your users and you may want to stick it to the top.

例如,您可能有一篇详尽的文章,涵盖了特定主题的详细信息。 这样的文章对您的用户将非常有用,您可能希望将其放在首位。

2. Critical Content by Time-relevancy


Another type of posts that you may want to make sticky are time-relevant posts like product updates, announcements, giveaways, etc.

您可能想留下的另一种类型的帖子是与时间相关的帖子,例如产品更新, 公告赠品等。

Suppose you have announced a major product update via your blog, then you will want your users to see it as soon as possible. Similarly, if you are running a giveaway for a month, then you will want everyone to see it before it expires.

假设您已经通过博客宣布了一项主要产品更新,那么您将希望您的用户尽快看到它。 同样,如果您要运行一个月的赠品,那么您将希望每个人都能在赠品过期之前看到它。

Once their time relevancy is expired, you can then replace them with new sticky posts.


Having said that let’s see how to easily make your posts sticky in WordPress.


分两步使WordPress发布贴 (Making WordPress Posts Sticky in 2 Steps)

WordPress comes with built-in functionality to stick any post to the front page. All standard compliant WordPress themes support this feature and will highlight the sticky post on the front page or the blog page.

WordPress带有内置功能,可将任何帖子粘贴到首页。 所有符合标准的WordPress主题均支持此功能,并将在首页或博客页面上突出显示该粘性帖子。

First, you need to edit the post that you want to make sticky or create a new one.


On the post edit screen, look towards the right-hand sidebar where you will see your document settings. Click on ‘Status and Visibility’ option first.

在帖子编辑屏幕上,向右看侧栏,您将在其中看到文档设置。 首先单击“状态和可见性”选项。


Now you will see a checkbox option for ‘Stick to the Front Page.’ Simply check the box to make the post sticky and then save or publish your post.

现在,您将看到“粘贴到首页”的复选框选项。 只需选中该框以使该帖子具有粘性,然后保存或发布您的帖子即可。


That’s it! Your post will now stick to your blog’s front page until you remove the check.

而已! 现在,您的帖子将贴在博客的首页上,直到您删除支票。

If you want to make an older post sticky, follow the same steps and just click save.


You can also make older posts sticky with the Quick Edit feature.


Simply go to the Posts » All Posts page from your dashboard and search for the respective post title. Next, you need to click the ‘Quick Edit’ option below it.

只需从信息中心转到“ 帖子»所有帖子”页面,然后搜索相应的帖子标题即可。 接下来,您需要单击其下方的“快速编辑”选项。


After that, you will see the quick edit options including a sticky post checkbox at the bottom on the right side. You need to check the box and click the ‘Update’ button below.

之后,您将在右侧底部看到快速编辑选项,包括一个便利贴复选框。 您需要选中此框,然后点击下面的“更新”按钮。


You can also apply this on your unpublished drafts to make them sticky once they are published.


We hope this article helped you to learn how to make sticky posts in WordPress easily. You may also want to see our guide on 6 cool things you can do with your WordPress and how to show your latest sticky posts.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松地在WordPress中发布粘性帖子。 您可能还想查看有关WordPress可以做的6件事的指南,以及如何显示最新的即时贴

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-make-sticky-posts-in-wordpress/