css 网格布局_准备好CSS网格布局

css 网格布局

css 网格布局_准备好CSS网格布局

I’m very happy to be announcing my latest book today – Get Ready For CSS Grid Layout.

我很高兴今天宣布我的最新著作– CSS网格布局做好准备

As regular readers of this blog will know, I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the last few years experimenting with the emerging CSS Grid Layout specification. So when the possibility of writing a short book introducing the specification for A Book Apart came up, I was very keen to do so.

正如该博客的普通读者所知道的,在过去的几年中,我花了很多时间来试验新兴的CSS Grid Layout规范。 因此,当出现写一本简短的书介绍A Book Apart规范的可能性时,我非常热衷于这样做。

I’ve worked as a technical editor for A Book Apart, write and edit for A List Apart and have been getting people excited about Grid Layout from the An Event Apart stage in 2015 (and will be doing so again this year). Writing for A Book Apart seemed a natural fit. Even more so, when I discovered they were launching a range of Briefs books. Briefs will be published as ebook only – perfect for introducing a topic in a concise way.

我曾担任A Book Apart的技术编辑,为A List Apart编写和编辑,并在2015年的An Event Apart阶段让人们对Grid Layout感到兴奋(并将在今年再次这样做)。 为一本书写作似乎很自然。 更是如此,当我发现他们正在发行一系列《 简报》书籍时。 简介将仅以电子书形式发布-非常适合以简洁的方式介绍主题。

Get Ready for CSS Grid Layout is an introduction to Grid Layout, with just the information you need to start exploring the spec and seeing how it will fit into your workflow in future. By giving you the basics in a quick to read format I hope to get you up to speed so that when Grid lands in browsers you’ll be ahead of the curve and ready to take advantage of it.

CSS做好准备Grid LayoutGrid Layout的简介,其中仅包含您开始研究规范并查看其在将来如何适合您的工作流所需的信息。 通过以快速阅读的格式向您提供基础知识,我希望使您快速入门,以便当Grid进入浏览器时,您将处于领先地位并准备好利用它。

Alongside my book is Pricing Design by Dan Mall. A great guide to pricing – a subject that I know a lot of designers find really tricky.

我的书旁边还有Dan Mall的Pricing Design 定价的绝佳指南–我知道很多设计师都认为这很棘手。

These Briefs are a natural addition to the range of A Book Apart books. I’m looking forward to seeing what else they have in store.

这些摘要是A Book Apart书籍系列的自然补充。 我很期待看到他们还有什么。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2016/01/07/get-ready-for-css-grid-layout/

css 网格布局