每个人都困在自己的模式里_一些Windows 10用户被困在S模式下

每个人都困在自己的模式里_一些Windows 10用户被困在S模式下


每个人都困在自己的模式里_一些Windows 10用户被困在S模式下
Microsoft 微软

Windows 10’s S Mode won’t let you install software from outside the Store or even change Edge’s default search engine. If you purchased a Surface Go this week, you’ve likely been trapped in S Mode.

Windows 10的S模式不允许您从商店外部安装软件,甚至不能更改Edge的默认搜索引擎。 如果您本周购买了Surface Go,则可能会陷入S模式。

Update: This problem has been fixed.

更新 :此问题已得到解决

This problem affects people who purchase a Surface Go, Surface Laptop, or any of the other devices that come in S Mode. You’re supposed to be able to leave S Mode for free. Microsoft originally planned to charge $50 for leaving S Mode, however, so the option to leave S Mode is in the Store app.

此问题会影响购买Surface Go,Surface Laptop或其他以S模式提供的其他设备的人。 您应该可以免费离开S模式。 微软最初计划为离开S模式收取50美元的费用,因此可以在Store应用中选择退出S模式。

The Store app’s “leave S Mode” feature has been broken for three days, however. As a thread on the Microsoft Answers forum describes, users are seeing blank gray screens in the Store app when attempting to leave S Mode.

但是,商店应用程序的“ 离开S模式 ”功能已中断了三天。 正如Microsoft Answers论坛一个线程所描述的那样,当用户尝试退出S模式时,他们在Store应用程序中看到空白的灰色屏幕。

每个人都困在自己的模式里_一些Windows 10用户被困在S模式下
KJohnsonBMD/Shutterstock.com 约翰逊BMD / Shutterstock.com

Obviously, this is pretty bad: People who purchased a Surface Go or another S Mode PC at the start of this week have been totally unable to leave S Mode and actually install the software they want to use on their device all week. As far as Windows bugs go, being trapped in S Mode is a pretty bad one that can make someone’s new hardware totally useless. How many Surface Gos have been returned to stores this week?

显然,这很糟糕:在本周初购买Surface Go或另一台S Mode PC的人们完全无法离开S Mode并实际上要整周在其设备上安装要使用的软件。 就Windows漏洞而言,陷入S模式是一件非常糟糕的事情,它会使某人的新硬件完全失效。 本周有多少Surface Go退还给商店?

There do seem to be some ways around this: One forum poster claims he spent two hours on the phone with Microsoft Support, who eventually fixed the problem. Some say that if you reset your PC and quickly use the Store to leave S Mode, you can get out of it. But, if the Store app updates itself, the leave S Mode feature will break once again. Microsoft needs to fix the problem.

看来确实有一些解决方法:一位论坛发布者声称他在Microsoft支持部门的电话上花费了两个小时,最终解决了该问题。 有人说,如果您重置PC并快速使用Store离开S模式,您就可以摆脱它。 但是,如果“商店”应用自行更新,则离开S模式功能将再次中断。 Microsoft需要解决此问题。

Thanks to Woody Leonhard at AskWoody and Barb Bowman for spotting this.

感谢AskWoody的 Woody Leonhard和Barb Bowman的发现。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/435715/some-windows-10-users-are-trapped-in-s-mode/
