Spring festival summary1--the end of the fucking world,sex education

New words

  • sanity 神志正常,精神健全To be mad in a deranged world. Is not madness. It's sanity--The end of the fucking world
    de-, 向下,脱离。range, 范围,排列。即脱离顺序,引申义发狂的
  • cuddle ['kʌd(ə)l] vi. 拥抱;偎依;舒服地贴著身睡
  • reckon ['rek(ə)n] vt. 测算,估计;认为;猜想,料想
  • dissonant ['dɪs(ə)nənt] adj. 刺耳的;不谐和的;不调和的 GRE
  • resonance['rez(ə)nəns] n. [力] 共振;共鸣;反响 CET6
  • diagnose ['daɪəgnəʊz; -'nəʊz] v. 诊断;断定
  • consent 同意 con-, 强调。-sens, 感觉,词源同sense, sentiment.Spring festival summary1--the end of the fucking world,sex education
    Spring festival summary1--the end of the fucking world,sex education
    Spring festival summary1--the end of the fucking world,sex education

Oral language

Take your top off
Spring festival summary1--the end of the fucking world,sex education
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