How to play EOS Knight? - by Godapp

How to play EOS Knight? - by Godapp
Talk about this first RPG role-playing game on EOS.

This EOSKnights (Chinese translation: Knight) was developed by the Korean BADA studio.

It is also a popular towering game with popular popularity, rising heroes, pets, equipment, and monsters.

The official game introduction is true. . . Very brief, just a word - save the village from the hands of the goblin.

Although the introduction is simple, it does not set its own tokens. All the materials and equipment in it are traded freely between players through the C2C market.

It is out of the bad impression that the blockchain game in the past has been given to everyone - the Pond’s fund game, and it also shows the attention to detail and experience from the detailed screen design of the interface characters.

The official three current profit channels:

  1. Create a hero to charge the fee;

  2. Each transaction receives a seller’s 3% transaction fee;

3, selling magic water (0.2EOS = 2000).

With clear monetization channels, the team can make a profit, it will continue to optimize and upgrade the game, and everyone will have a better gaming experience.

In the later stages of the game, the upgrade of heroes, equipment, and pets requires a lot of magic water. It’s all money!

Now the official event, in the game settings -> recommended bonus -> add recommender EOS account, recommenders and referees can get 1000 magic water for free.

Game app interface

Android APP splash screen

The game has three login methods, based on the security first push for the feelet wallet authorization login operation, followed by the recommended built-in wallet with a better experience to import the private key (each operation can be added to the whitelist, do not need to authorize each time. But remember to use the trumpet, Don’t have too many EOS balances).

There are 7 servers, and domestic users recommend choosing meetone and eoscafeblock. Usually these two are the fastest.

The game is quick to get started

The game system settings and interface are mainly divided into 4 items: (more on this later)

  1. Hero growth system

  2. Material acquisition and trading

3, equipment synthesis upgrades and trading

  1. Pet growth system

Detailed strategy

First, the hero growth system

If you have just created an account, there are three heroes: Warrior, Archer and Magician. At least 0.1EOS needs to buy 1 hero to play.

No matter which hero you buy first, the first is 0.1EOS, the second is 0.2EOS, and the third is 0.4EOS.

Like other games, the warrior is bloody, and the archer magician is high offensive and low defense.

But the difference is that this game is not standing in front of the death of the soldiers, other heroes began to lose blood, but the three heroes correspond to three monsters, independent monsters, each blood.

At present, the level is open to 16th level, but the combat power is still mainly dependent on equipment and pets. The difference in the attribute points of different heroes has little effect on combat effectiveness.

So if you don’t want to invest in EOS, just play a hero experience, recommend the warrior, the total attribute point should be 10 points, and the attack, defense, and average.

If you like this kind of game, experience better or want to make a little money, it is recommended to buy three at the same time.

Because although the Daguai is an independent calculation, but in addition to killing 10 monsters to upgrade a layer of towers, it will reward 0.02% of the explosion rate.

If a hero can kill 90 layers, then the three heroes can roughly kill 270 layers, and the reward rate for rewarding dropped items is much higher, so the multi-hero is obviously dominant.

The initial attributes of the three heroes are as follows:

Initial attribute warrior archer magician attack power 100120130 defense power 100100100 physical strength 250220210 total attribute 450440440 upgrade required magic water = 8 * 2 ^ (level-2),

For example, to 14 liters and 15 levels, you need 8*2^(15-2)=15360 magic water.

The recommended level is enough to equip the equipment, and it is more cost-effective for EOS to spend on equipment.

Add attribute points per level up to the following:

Each level of property warrior archer magician attack power 71110 defense 977 physical strength 978 second, material acquisition and trading

The material is that each time a resurrection, 1 hero gets the best quality of all the dropped materials.

The detailed explosion rate is slightly more complicated, and the material section (2/3 episodes) is opened later to explain in detail.

The material interface has a material illustration that can be viewed. Currently, it is divided into five categories: natural, metal, bone, skin and mineral, with 5 grades (11 species) and 55 species.

The number on the map is the probability ratio of the five materials produced by this map.

In each major category:

The highest price of 5 grades of material trading is currently limited to 100EOS.

The lowest price is currently limited to:

4 medium (gray boxes) > 0.001 EOS

3 rare (orange boxes) >0.005EOS

2 special (green box) >0.01EOS

1 legend (purple frame) >0.05EOS

1 ancient (red box) (a few players asked, it should be >1EOS)

Selling after getting the material is a major income for current players.

Various materials are obtained from the map, and you can click on the unlocked map to switch.

At present, 9 maps are gradually unlocked with the level, but the ratio and the explosion rate are different.

What materials are needed to select the highest proportion of materials, and the map with the highest rating is right.

The map is roughly divided into three levels:

The three map explosion rates of Level 1, 2, and 3 unlocked are 22%, 23%, and 24%, respectively;

The explosion rates of the three maps unlocked at levels 6, 7, and 8 are 28%, 29%, and 30%, respectively;

The explosion rate of the three maps unlocked by 11, 12, and 13 respectively is 33%, 34%, and 35%;

The official has detailed rules explaining the rate of explosion (except for the floor rewards, the lucky rate, etc. are counted separately for each hero):


Rare materials may be found when hitting more than 100 layers;

If you hit more than 200 floors, you may have legendary materials;

When you hit 500 or more floors, you may have ancient materials!

Explosion rate = map explosion rate + map explosion rate * lucky / (lucky + 777) + various levels of reward (1 layer 0.02%)

Let me take another example of my game account: select the map of the pig beach, the explosion rate is 34%, to 898 layers.

Project Warrior Archer Magician Lucky Value 253269174 Killing Number 270730633209 Lucky Bonus Rate 8.45% 8.74% 8.86% Total Drop Rate 60.41% 60.7% 60.82% Drop Material Number 163518601952 Three Heroes Received 1635, 1860, 1952 Materials In the resurrection, each gets the best one inside.

The probability of getting medium and rare is basically 100%, so I won’t say much.

The probability of getting at least one person to get special materials for 3 people is 50.2903%.

The probability that at least one person will be legendary is 4.2743%;

(The probability that two or three people will get the legendary ancient at the same time is basically zero, just ignore it)

This account has a death time of zero blood and is about 300 minutes.

Then the total probability of getting a special rare material at least once a day is 93.8939%, and the probability of getting a legendary ancient minimum is 16.0318%.

If the current market price, the average price of special rare materials is 0.02484EOS, the legend is far rare, the price will be artificially high, the current average price of the legendary material is 4.1814EOS.

According to the probability of obtaining, you can get 1~2 EOS per day without being lazy.

Although it is still not a profession, it is a good income.

Third, equipment synthesis upgrades and trading

Equipment is also a major income for players.

Just because the equipment is composed of materials, the official does not sell and drop equipment directly. Therefore, the price is actually determined mainly by the price of the materials required for the synthetic equipment. As with the material, there is a detailed description of the equipment in the in-game props column.

After you drop it or buy it in the material market, after you have equipped the required materials on the equipment illustration, click on the production and equipment from the upper right corner of the material interface or the equipment interface of the battle interface hero.

This is one of the three new suits, the titanium suit.

The following SET attribute is a set attribute and must be worn in three pieces to activate.

Equipment is good or bad, simple, you can use 0-100 points to evaluate bad

(Select my item score in the upper left corner to see all the equipment ratings)

(For more explanation, please see the equipment (3/3 episodes) that was opened later.)

Upgrade equipment is 2 or more of the same equipment, choose the good attributes you need, click on the main equipment, and then select other equipment to synthesize and upgrade.

The equipment is currently open to level 5.

The upgrade requires the consumption of magic water, and the equipment at each level is slightly different. E.g:

Special equipment

1->5 levels are: 200, 400, 800, 2000 water

Legendary equipment

1->5 levels: 2000, 4000, 8000, 20000 water

The post attributes correspond to:

Based on level 1 master equipment, set to 100% attribute

-> 2 pieces of equipment synthetic level 2 equipment, 120% attribute

-> 4 pieces of equipment synthetic level 3 equipment, 140% attribute

-> 8 pieces of equipment synthetic level 4 equipment, 180% attribute

-> 16 pieces of equipment to synthesize level 5 equipment, 260% attribute`

For example, the titanium suit armor in the above figure is only the basic attribute, not the set attribute:

Equipment Grade Grade Attribute 0% Score 50% Score 100% Score 1 Level 100%4745205662 Level 120% 568.8624679.23 Level 140% 663.6728792.44 Level 180% 853.29361018.85 Level 260%1232.413521471.6100% Points and 0% Points Equipment Attributes After rising to level 5, the attribute difference is close to 20%.

(After synthesizing the equipment, the increase of the increase is based on the main equipment attribute, so the good attribute will sell much more expensive than the difference attribute)

All equipment is divided into 3 types of equipment, 4 occupations, and 5 levels of weapons.

  1. The three types are:

Weapons, armor (also divided into leather robes and metal armor, 2 choose 1 to wear), accessories (also divided into rings and amulets, 2 choose 1 to wear); each hero can only wear these three, of which weapons must be differentiated Occupation, the other two categories are universal.

  1. The weapons of the four occupations are:

Warrior Axe, Archer Bow and Arrow, Magician Wand, and 3 Professional Swords

  1. The five levels are:

Medium, rare, special, legendary, ancient (this is the same as the material grade, the price range limit is the same)

Fourth, the pet growth system

Pets are currently not available for sale, and there are plans to open trades in the future.

Divided into four levels: medium, rare, special, and legendary. Compared with materials and equipment, there is one less ancient level.

The pet is currently open to level 7, and the same can be upgraded, just like the equipment.

Currently adopting pets, there are 4 options, which are:

Adopt 1/5 regular pets and adopt 1/5 senior pets.

It is recommended not to choose other, only choose to receive 5 advanced pets at a time.

There is a chance to get the above 4 levels of pets, the specific chance to see the game description.

The interface has instructions. The gameplay is simple and rude! Two words, sheet metal!

“Probability” is also part of the essence of this game.

Simple is simple, but this is to consume magic water,

0.2EOS=2000 magic water, all money.

If you are lucky, you will get a legendary pet at the beginning and you will be able to return to it soon.

Bad luck is no bottom hole. It is recommended that the sheet metal be moderately smashed!

Pets have a chance to get the same level of material, such as the legendary pet has the probability to get legendary materials.

So if you get a legendary pet, remember to send it out.

All right. The introduction to the game itself is here.

Way of making money

Next, talk about the money-making strategy that everyone cares about.

The current source of income for this game is only one core, and that is the material. So who controls the material, who controls the price.

The way is nothing more than:

  1. Sell your own materials;

  2. Selling materials or buying materials to sell equipment;

3, materials and equipment low buy high.

Tips: There is a risk in speculation and you need to be cautious.

At present, the game has a climbing tower rankings and a revenue leaderboard, which was introduced earlier and above the interface.

The income ranking is as follows:

The first one has sold 472.7546 EOS, which is currently equivalent to RMB 17946. In less than 2 months, this income is still quite good.

Although their income is really objective, if you haven’t started playing yet, then personally feel that you have missed the stage of getting the first money. After all, the game is now open for 2 months, and there are too many players behind.

If you like it, you can save a lot of time and enhance your experience if you like it. It’s easy to get back.

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