



You might think emoji only belong on your phone, and it’s true these post-modern hieroglyphs didn’t really take off until the smartphone revolution. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use them on your computer, especially if you own a Mac. There are all kinds of emoji-specific features baked right into macOS.

您可能会认为表情符号仅属于您的手机,并且确实这些后现代象形文字直到智能手机革命之后才真正普及。 但这并不意味着您不能在计算机上使用它们,尤其是如果您拥有Mac。 各种表情符号特有的功能都直接嵌入到macOS中。

We’ve shown you the basics of emoji before, but if you’re a real emoji fan, you’re going to want more power. Here’s how to get it.

之前我们已经向您展示了表情符号的基础知识 ,但是如果您是真正的表情符号爱好者,那么您将需要更多功能。 这是获取方法。

快速插入表情符号 (Quickly Insert Emoji)

Apple never really advertised it, but macOS makes it relatively easy to insert emoji while typing. Simply press Control, Command, and Space to bring up the emoji window.

Apple从未真正宣传过它,但macOS使键入时插入表情符号相对容易。 只需按Control,Command和Space即可打开表情符号窗口。


From here you can browse every emoji, either by scrolling or by category. You can also start typing to quickly search for a particular emoji:

在这里,您可以滚动或按类别浏览每个表情符号。 您也可以开始输入以快速搜索特定的表情符号:


In addition to emoji, you’ll find all sorts of special unicode symbols, like ⌘, ⏏, and ♠, for example. It’s also a useful way for people with a US keyboard to quickly find international symbols, like the Euro symbol (€) or the British Pound symbol (£).

除了表情符号外,您还会找到各种特殊的unicode符号,例如⌘,⏏和♠。 对于使用美国键盘的人来说,这也是一种快速查找国际符号的有用方法,例如欧元符号(€)或英镑符号(£)。

使表情符号更易于与火箭一起使用 (Make Emoji Easier to Use With Rocket)

If you’re a Slack user, you know that the chat platform does emoji right. In Slack, inserting an emoji is as easy to type using a colon (:) followed by a word describing what you’re looking for—autocomplete popups make things even faster. It’s fast and intuitive, and unlike the method outlined above, does not require any extra gestures.

如果您是Slack用户,则您知道聊天平台的表情符号正确。 在Slack中,插入一个表情符号很容易,用冒号(:)后面跟一个描述您所要查找的单词的单词-自动填充弹出窗口使事情变得更快。 它快速且直观,并且与上面概述的方法不同,不需要任何额外的手势。

Rocket is a simple, free Mac application that brings this feature to every program on your Mac. Using it couldn’t be simpler: just type a colon followed by the word you’re looking for. Real-time search results show you your options as you type, and you can hit “Enter” to choose something. Like this:

Rocket是一个简单,免费的Mac应用程序,可将此功能引入Mac上的每个程序。 使用它并非易事:只需输入冒号,然后输入您要查找的单词即可。 实时搜索结果会在您键入内容时显示您的选项,您可以按“ Enter”键进行选择。 像这样:


If you”re really addicted to emoji, I highly recommend you set this program up. Sure, it only saves you a couple of keystrokes, but that might be worth it.

如果您真的沉迷于表情符号,我强烈建议您设置此程序。 当然,它只为您节省了几次按键操作,但这可能是值得的。

If you’d rather not have a third party program running constantly, check out Macmoji instead. This uses the native auto-replace feature in macOS to accomplish pretty much the same thing, the main difference being that you need to know the exact spelling for an emoji in order to use it.

如果您不想让第三方程序持续运行,请改用Macmoji 。 它使用macOS中的本机自动替换功能来完成几乎相同的事情,主要区别在于您需要知道表情符号的确切拼写才能使用它。

快速查找任何表情符号 (Look Up Any Emoji Quickly)

Emoji are tiny, and sometimes it’s hard to figure out what they’re supposed to be. Your Mac can help.

表情符号很小,有时很难弄清楚它们应该是什么。 您的Mac可以提供帮助。

Many people overlook the Dictionary application that comes with macOS, and tha’ts too bad: it’s a whole lot more than just a dictionary. Perhaps my favorite feature is its integration with the entire operating system: highlight and right-click just about anything, or use the three finger tap gesture, and you can quickly look up any word. As it turns out, this also works for emoji:

许多人忽略了macOS随附的Dictionary应用程序,这太糟糕了:它不仅有字典 ,而且还有很多其他功能 。 也许我最喜欢的功能是它与整个操作系统的集成:突出显示并右键单击几乎所有内容,或者使用三指点击手势 ,您可以快速查找任何单词。 事实证明,这也适用于表情符号:


It’s neat, but all this is doing is giving the definition of the emoji’s name. If you’d rather see a larger picture of the emoji, along with a link to more information, I recommend installing the Emojipedia dictionary. Just download the file, and you’ll have a .dictionary file in your downloads folder.

整洁,但是所有这些只是给出表情符号名称的定义。 如果你宁愿看到表情符号的图片放大,并链接到更多的信息一起,我建议安装Emojipedia字典。 只需下载文件,下载文件夹中就会有一个.dictionary文件。


Drag this file to ~/Library/Dictionaries; you’ll need to know how to access the hidden Library folder on your Mac.

将此文件~/Library/Dictionaries ; 您需要知道如何访问Mac上隐藏的Library文件夹


Next, fire up Dictionary, which you’ll find in the Applications folder. Head to Dictionary > Preferences in the menu bar, then scroll down until you find Emojipedia.

接下来,启动“字典”,您将在“应用程序”文件夹中找到该字典。 转到菜单栏中的词典>首选项,然后向下滚动直到找到Emojipedia。


Ensure that this dictionary is checked. You can now look up emoji the same way you do words.

确保已检查该词典。 现在,您可以用与单词相同的方式查找表情符号。


If you’re ever unsure what an emoji is supposed to be, this will give you a bigger picture and a brief description. It probably won’t save your life, but it might.

如果您不确定表情符号应该是什么,这将为您提供更大的图片和简短的说明。 它可能无法挽救您的生命,但是可以。

