instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户

instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户

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instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户

There are lots of reasons you might want multiple Instagram accounts. Maybe you need one for your personal life and one for your business. Or maybe you and your partner share a device, but want to post photos to your own accounts. Here’s how to do it.

您可能有多个理由想要多个Instagram帐户。 也许您的个人生活需要一件,而您的业务需要一件。 或者,您和您的伴侣共享设备,但想将照片发布到您自己的帐户中。 这是操作方法。

Unlike Facebook, which is tied to your real identity, you can set up an account for anything on Instagram. And until last year, if you wanted to use more than one Instagram account on your phone, you had to log out of the first and then log in to the second. It was very inconvenient. Thankfully, Instagram has now added the ability to switch between different accounts in the app. Let’s look at how.

与与您的真实身份联系在一起的Facebook不同,您可以在Instagram上为任何内容设置一个帐户。 直到去年,如果您想在手机上使用多个Instagram帐户,则必须先退出第一个帐户,然后再登录第二个帐户。 这很不方便。 值得庆幸的是,Instagram现在已添加了在应用程序中的不同帐户之间切换的功能。 让我们看看如何。

设置第二个帐户 (Set Up a Second Account)

Open Instagram and head to your profile page. Tap the gear icon in the top right to get to the “Options” screen.

打开Instagram并转到您的个人资料页面。 点击右上角的齿轮图标,进入“选项”屏幕。

instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户
instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户

On the “Options” screen, scroll down to the bottom and tap “Add Account.”


instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户

And then just log in to your other account.


instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户
instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户

在帐户之间切换 (Switch Between Accounts)

Now you’ve got two Instagram accounts set up on your phone. To switch between them, on your profile page, tap your username or the arrow next to it. From the dropdown, select the account you want to use.

现在,您已经在手机上设置了两个Instagram帐户。 要在它们之间切换,请在您的个人资料页面上,点击您的用户名或旁边的箭头。 从下拉列表中,选择要使用的帐户。

instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户
instagram h账号_如何在Instagram上使用多个帐户

And if you have additional accounts, set them up the same way. You’ll then be able to switch quickly and easily between all your Instagram accounts.

如果您还有其他帐户,请以相同的方式进行设置。 然后,您将能够在所有Instagram帐户之间快速轻松地切换。

All though Instagram started out as a simple filter app, it’s now pretty powerful with a lot of hidden features. Having multiple accounts is just one of them.

尽管Instagram最初只是一个简单的过滤器应用程序,但它现在已经非常强大, 具有许多隐藏功能 。 拥有多个帐户只是其中之一。


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