
Networks transmits signals through two type of medium. One medium is cables and other medium is air. Cables have  most popular usage. We will look different type of cables. And how these cables are used, their performances and characteristics.

网络通过两种类型的媒体传输信号。 一种介质是电缆,另一种介质是空气。 电缆是最流行的用法。 我们将寻找不同类型的电缆。 以及这些电缆的使用方式,性能和特性。

同轴电缆 (Coaxial Cables)

Coaxial cable or simply coax is a type of cable using a core conductor which is surrounded with a insulating layer. This insulating layer is also surrounded with a conductor too. This two conductor is used to transmit signals.

同轴电缆或简称为同轴电缆是一种使用芯线导体的电缆,芯线导体被绝缘层包围。 该绝缘层也被导体包围。 这两个导体用于传输信号。

Coaxial Cables

This cables was used in the old times as main networking component. Because there was a  lot of this type of cables and they were cheap. Coax is all ready used for cable TV.

该电缆在过去曾用作主要的网络组件。 因为这类电缆很多,而且价格便宜。 同轴电缆已准备好用于有线电视。

Coax performance is very limited from networking point of view.


库珀(DSL)电缆 (Cooper (DSL) Cables)

Cooper cables are mainly used for telephone systems. While computer networks are becoming more popular these all ready existing cabling infrastructure is used for networking. Cooper cables are mainly used for last mile of internet by ISP’s. Because the cheapest way to provide internet connections the the customers is using all ready existing infrastructure. From POP points to the customer residence cooper cables are used.

Cooper电缆主要用于电话系统。 随着计算机网络变得越来越流行,所有这些现成的现有布线基础设施都用于联网。 Cooper电缆主要用于ISP的互联网的最后一英里。 由于提供互联网连接的最便宜的方式,客户正在使用所有现成​​的现有基础架构。 从POP点到客户住宅,使用铜缆。

Cat(类别)电缆 (Cat (Category) Cables)

Cat cables are most popular usage for the computer networks. Because cat cables are cheap and provide good performance in the LAN usage. CAT have different types for usage bu most popular are CAT5 and CAT6 .

Cat电缆是计算机网络最常用的用法。 因为Cat电缆便宜,并且可以在LAN使用中提供良好的性能。 CAT具有不同的使用类型,最流行的是CAT5和CAT6。


Cat5 is an older version of cable but used widely along network infrastructures.



六类 (CAT6)

CAT6 is newer version of CAT standard. It is currently deployed everywhere.

CAT6是CAT标准的更新版本。 目前已部署到各处。


光纤电缆(Fiber Cables)

Fiber cables are next generation cables used for new installations. Fiber cables are generally preferred by ISP’s. Because fiber cables gives long range and high bandwidth. But the cost of fiber cable is much higher than other type of cables. This makes fiber less favorable in the LAN network infrastructures.

光纤电缆是用于新安装的下一代电缆。 ISP通常首选光纤电缆。 因为光缆可以提供长距离和高带宽。 但是光缆的成本比其他类型的电缆高得多。 这使得光纤在LAN网络基础架构中不太受欢迎。

了解更多带有示例Linux Cat命令
Fiber Cables

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/ethernet-cables-like-cat-coaxial-fiber/