

Do you know ~ according to research, 93% of customers make purchase decisions based on visual appearance. Visual elements of your brand are the

您知道吗〜根据研究,有93%的客户根据外观做出购买决定。 您品牌的视觉元素是

大多数潜在客户的关键决定因素 (key deciding factors for a majority of potential customers)


Your logo, website colors, chatbot texts, etc all have an impact on the psychology of people who come across them. Some colors or features attract them and some make them leave your website instantly.

您的徽标,网站颜色,聊天机器人文本等都会影响碰到它们的人们的心理。 一些颜色或功能会吸引它们,而某些颜色或功能会使它们立即离开您的网站。

In this era, interactive features with the help of technologies like Artificial intelligence are enhancing such effects. AI has the power to add interactive elements to your presentation. This creates a connection between your company and its customers.

在这个时代,借助人工智能等技术的交互功能正在增强这种效果。 AI可以将交互式元素添加到您的演示文稿中。 这将在您的公司与其客户之间建立联系。

Gone are those days, when marketers used to aim at attracting people to their brand.


今天是时候让您的观众喜欢您的品牌了。 (Today is the time to make your viewers attached to your brand.)

The emotional quotient with the psychological techniques is added to gain the maximum results.



Stimulating the senses of people with the help of sensory marketing has always been a strong strategy of businesses. In fact, in my opinion,

借助感官营销来激发人们的情感向来是企业的一项强大策略。 实际上,我认为,

营销全都与心理学有关 (marketing is all about psychology)

and technology has the capability to serve this.


Artificial intelligence is replacing humans with its subsets like Machine learning services and deep learning. They can easily impact the minds of humans with their excellence. Innovative web developers are leaving no stone unturned to use AI in marketing. 人工智能正在用诸如机器学习服务和深度学习之类的子集取代人类。 它们可以以其卓越的表现轻松影响人类的思想。 创新的Web开发人员在市场营销中使用AI势不可挡。

A detailed scrutinization of consumer behavior has been done over the years to construct useful algorithms upon which these technologies will work. Although app developers are playing their role but being entrepreneurs you will have to think about a unique idea.

多年来,已经对消费者的行为进行了详细的审查,以构建可用于这些技术的有用算法。 尽管应用程序开发人员正在发挥作用,但作为企业家,您将不得不考虑一个独特的想法。

Being different has a supreme level of effect upon the customers. This will become a separate brand recognition factor for you. There is an ocean that is still unexplored. Hence always trust your ideas.

与众不同会对客户产生最高的影响。 这将成为您的独立品牌识别因素。 有海洋尚未开发。 因此,请始终相信您的想法。

这里有一些技巧,使您可以在市场营销中使用AI。 阅读以下提示,以充分利用最新技术: (Here are certain tips that will enable you to use AI in marketing. Read these tips to make the best use of the latest technology:)

营销技巧1中的AI:包括聊天机器人 (AI in marketing tip #1: Include chatbots)

It is tough to find a website these days without chatbots. Chatbots, a product of

如今,没有聊天机器人很难找到一个网站。 聊天机器人,是

人工智能技术就像另一个人一样与人交谈。 (artificial intelligence technology converse with humans just like another human.)

In a nutshell, a chatbot is to have a human on one side of the screen and bot on another.



Machine learning is used to include different replies to common customers’ queries. This requires the study of customers’ behavior. Chatbots has the ability to offer a supreme level of customer services.

机器学习用于包含对普通客户查询的不同答复。 这需要研究客户的行为。 Chatbots能够提​​供最高水平的客户服务。

Human customer service executives will cost you fortunes. But chatbot development services will be a one-time investment for 24x7 customer services all over the globe. There are very few companies that are not using this tool to achieve greater customer satisfaction.

人类客户服务主管会花费您很多钱。 但是,聊天机器人开发服务将是全球24x7全天候客户服务的一次性投资。 很少有公司不使用此工具来提高客户满意度。

营销技巧2中的AI:使用AI优化内容 (AI in marketing tip #2: Optimise your content with AI)

Google is using bots to filter out the search results. AI algorithms are being used to find the most useful content. Cracking those algorithms can bring your content on top of google searches.

Google正在使用漫游器来过滤搜索结果。 AI算法正在被用来寻找最有用的内容。 **这些算法可以将您的内容带到Google搜索之上。

This is a wing of digital marketing. Optimizing content according to the expectations of google is the only way to bring your website on top of others. An in-depth analysis of your content is conducted within seconds by AI bots.

这是数字营销的翅膀。 根据google的期望优化内容是将您的网站置于他人之上的唯一方法。 AI机器人可以在几秒钟内对您的内容进行深入分析。

营销技巧3中的AI:给客户一种个人联系感 (AI in marketing tip #3: Give customers a sense of personal connection)

Do you know 41% of consumers think that AI has the power to change their life in the future? If consumers think so, how can you take the risk to avoid the inclusion of artificial intelligence in your services?

您是否知道41%的消费者认为AI有改变未来生活的力量? 如果消费者这样认为,您如何冒险避免在服务中包含人工智能?

期望客户获得非凡的体验。 (Customers are expecting to be given an out-of-the-world experience.)

It does not matter whether you have a startup or enterprise level of business, AI possesses the power to enhance every business service.


It can help you to make sense of huge customers’ behavior data. Have you ever witnesses a text message from a shopping app “we are missing you” or “(You name) loves green”?

它可以帮助您了解大量客户的行为数据。 您是否曾经目睹过购物应用程序发出的短信“我们想念您”或“(您的名字)喜欢绿色”?


How do you think they remember that you shop green color the most? Moreover, there are millions of people purchasing on their e-store. Sometimes, companies also suggest products that you see over other e-commerce websites.

您如何看待他们记得您最常购买绿色商品? 此外,有数以百万计的人在其电子商店中购物。 有时,公司还会建议您在其他电子商务网站上看到的产品。

All this is possible with the help of machine learning algorithms. There are e-commerce platforms like Magento that provide customer behavior analysis. You can try these features for free with the help of Magento development services.

借助机器学习算法,所有这些都是可能的。 有像Magento这样的电子商务平台可以提供客户行为分析。 您可以在Magento开发服务的帮助下免费试用这些功能。

营销技巧4中的AI:使用增强现实来提供更好的体验 (AI in marketing tip #4: Use augmented reality to give better experience)

Do you know what augmented reality can do for your business? If you have an eCommerce business, you can provide your customers after purchase feels. If you have a social media app, you can provide customers with interesting filters.

您知道增强现实可以为您的业务做什么吗? 如果您经营电子商务,可以在购买后为您的客户提供服务。 如果您有社交媒体应用程序,则可以为客户提供有趣的过滤器。

Like, IKEA, future dealers provide customers a look at how the furniture will look in their space. It allows customers to check without leaving their homes. It saves time and

像宜家一样,未来的经销商可以让客户了解家具在其空间中的外观。 它使客户无需离开家就可以进行检查。 节省时间,

给人们带来惊人的购物体验 (gives an amazing shopping experience for people)



Now, did you get an idea about the capabilities of AR? This technology can play with reality. It can enhance the existing surroundings which can be used in varied ways by different industries.

现在,您是否了解AR的功能? 这项技术可以发挥现实作用。 它可以改善现有环境,可以被不同行业以多种方式使用。

营销技巧5中的AI:客户行为分析 (AI in marketing tip #5: Customer behavior analysis)

Machine learning, a subset of AI works on algorithms that can analyze the huge data. How many customers browse a particular product? Or how many customers do not buy a product that they have moved to the cart?

机器学习是AI的一个子集,其工作原理是可以分析大量数据的算法。 有多少客户浏览特定产品? 还是有多少客户不购买已转移到购物车的产品?

All these questions can be answered with the help of ML. Machine learning services provided by developers can be used to analyze customers in different industries. They will write codes for algorithms according to your specific business processes.

所有这些问题都可以在ML的帮助下得到解答。 开发人员提供的机器学习服务可用于分析不同行业的客户。 他们将根据您的特定业务流程编写算法代码。

结论 (Conclusion)

Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of contemporary marketing style. The sensory market is incomplete with technologies like AI and ML. Businesses are constantly looking for a different way to exploit these trending technologies

毫无疑问,人工智能已经成为当代营销风格不可或缺的一部分。 像AI和ML这样的技术在传感市场上并不完整。 企业一直在寻找一种不同的方式来利用这些趋势技术

If you have an idea or want to include AI in your business processes then you can contact or hire software developers. They can reshape or direct your ideas toward a possible outcome.

如果您有想法或想在业务流程中加入AI,则可以联系或雇用软件开发人员。 他们可以改变您的想法或将您的想法导向可能的结果。

Do you know any other way with which AI can be used in marketing? If yes, then please share it with us in the comment section below. We are excited and eager to learn new ways of integrating AI with marketing.

您是否知道可以在市场营销中使用AI的任何其他方式? 如果是,请在下面的评论部分与我们分享。 我们很高兴并渴望学习将AI与营销相集成的新方法。

