2018年9-12月份雅思口语题库素材(原创) describe something important you lost in the past

2018年9-12月份雅思口语题库素材(原创) describe something important you lost in the past

I always forget that where I put something on, but I can find them when I calm down and thought carefully where it is when I used it. And of course, I actually lost something most of which are unimportant.  There is one thing that I lost and feel sad for a long time. When I began my primary life, all members of my family felt happy and my grandmother gave me a red sweater with my name on as a gift. With my growing day by day, this sweater is too small to dress. Therefore, I had to reserve it in my wardrobe. When I study in university, I lived in other city and I can only go back home in the summer and winter holiday. In the second year of my college life, my parents move to other house without notifying me. When I come to the new house and can not find this sweater. Therefore, I asked my mother where it is. She told me that she thought it is too small so she threw away it. I felt very sad because this sweater is meaningful, indicating the beginning of my study life. As I can not find it back, the only thing I can do is to persuade me to accept this fact.