Apache Camel - 19 - Lifecycle(Camel 中的生命周期)

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Apache Camel 中的生命周期

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Camel Lifecycle

Camel uses a simple lifecycle interface called Service which has a single start() and stop() method.

Various classes implement Service such as CamelContext along with a number of Component and Endpoint classes.

When you use Camel you typically have to start the CamelContext which will start all the various components and endpoints and activate the routing rules until the context is stopped again.






CamelContext Lifecycle

The CamelContext provides methods to control its lifecycle:

    • start

    • stop

    • suspend Camel 2.5

    • resume Camel 2.5

The operations is paired: start/stop and suspend/resume.

Stop is performing a Graceful shutdown which means all its internal state, cache, etc is cleared. And the routes is being stopped in a graceful manner to ensure messages is given time to complete. If you start a CamelContext after a stop, then its performing a cold start, recreating all the state, cache etc. again.

Instead you can use the suspend/resume operations. They will keep the CamelContext warm and only suspend/stop routes using the same Graceful shutdown feature. This ensures messages is given time to complete.

End users is encouraged to use suspend/resume if you are temporary stopping a Camel application.

All these operations is available in JMX as well, so you can control Camel from a management console.



    • 开始

    • 停止

    • 暂停Camel 2.5

    • 恢复Camel 2.5


Stop正在执行Graceful关闭,这意味着它的所有内部状态,缓存等都被清除。 并且正在以优雅的方式停止路由以确保消息有时间完成。 如果在停止后启动CamelContext,则执行冷启动,再次重新创建所有状态,缓存等。

相反,您可以使用暂停/恢复操作。 它们将使CamelContext保持温暖,并且仅使用相同的Graceful关闭功能暂停/停止路由。 这可确保消息有时间完成。



CamelContext接口是Camel框架的核心,它负责处理路由中的消息 。



Interface used to represent the CamelContext used to configure routes and the policies to use during message exchanges between endpoints.


The CamelContext offers the following methods to control the lifecycle:

start() - to start (important: the start method is not blocked, see more details here)

stop() - to shutdown (will stop all routes/components/endpoints etc and clear internal state/cache)

suspend() - to pause routing messages

resume() - to resume after a suspend


start() - to start(重要:start方法没有被阻塞,请参阅这里的详细信息)

stop() - to shutdown(停止所有路由/组件/端点等并清除内部状态/缓存)

suspend() -暂停路由消息。

resume()- 暂停后恢复

Notice: stop() and suspend() will gracefully stop/suspend routes ensuring any messages in progress will be given time to complete. See more details at ShutdownStrategy.


If you are doing a hot restart then it's advised to use the suspend/resume methods which ensure a faster restart but also allows any internal state to be kept as is. The stop/start approach will do a cold restart of Camel, where all internal state is reset.

如果你正在进行热启动,那么建议使用suspend / resume方法,以确保更快的重启,但也允许任何内部状态保持原样。停止/启动方法将执行Camel的冷启动,其中所有内部状态都被重置。

End users are advised to use suspend/resume. Using stop is for shutting down Camel and it's not guaranteed that when it's being started again using the start method that Camel will operate consistently.



Service lifecycle

A service (org.apache.camel.Service) in Camel adheres to the following lifecycle states as illustrated in the diagram below:


Apache Camel - 19 - Lifecycle(Camel 中的生命周期)

Notice: A service can optimally support suspend/resume by the org.apache.camel.SuspendableService. This means not all services in Camel supports suspension. It's encouraged that consumers support suspension which allows to suspend/resume routes.

注意:服务可以通过org.apache.camel.SuspendableService以最佳方式支持挂起/恢复。 这意味着并非Camel中的所有服务都支持暂停。 鼓励消费者支持暂停,允许暂停/恢复路线。

The org.apache.camel.impl.ServiceSupport is a good base class to extend for custom services as it offers the basic functionally to keep track of state. You implement your custom logic in the doStart, doStop, doSuspend, doResume methods.

org.apache.camel.impl.ServiceSupport是一个很好的基类,可以扩展自定义服务,因为它提供了基本的功能来跟踪状态。 您可以在doStart,doStop,doSuspend,doResume方法中实现自定义逻辑。


Routes lifecycle

Routes in Camel have the following operations to control its lifecycle

  • start
  • stop
  • suspend
  • resume
  • remove (previously named shutdown)

The remove operation will remove the route, for example in JMX the route will then be unregistered and its gone. So only use remove if you really want to remove the route. The route must have been stopped before you can remove.

The start and resume operations in JMX checks the state beforehand. So if a route is stopped and you click resume, it will know to invoke start. And likewise if a route has been suspended and you click start it knows to resume instead. This makes management a bit easier.

If a route is suspended then it keeps its resources and all their JMX metrics alive. Where as stopping a route will graceful stop the route, and clear its resources, and as well their JMX metrics. If you want to temporary "pause" a route, then consider using suspend/resume over stop/start.

If a route consumer does not support suspension, it will fallback and stop the route instead.

Routes(路由) 生命周期


  • start
  • stop
  • suspend
  • resume
  • remove (以前命名为关机)








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