流利阅读 2019.3.1 Chinese firm behind the “Amazon Coat” hits jackpot in U.S.

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流利阅读 2019.3.1 Chinese firm behind the “Amazon Coat” hits jackpot in U.S.
Chinese firm behind the “Amazon Coat” hits jackpot in U.S.

When Kevin Chiu left his job in 2012 to try his luck at starting an online apparel business in a rural Chinese city, his main goal was to carve out more time to spend with his wife and newborn child.
邱佳伟先生在 2012 年辞了职,打算在中国城镇开一家服装网店碰碰运气。当时他的主要目的是多留出时间陪陪妻子和刚出生的宝宝。

It never entered his mind that his Orolay puffer jacket would become a huge hit, celebrated as the ‘Amazon Coat’ in U.S. social and traditional media—and held up as a budding rival to premium brand Canada Goose.

Using duck down sourced from China’s Hebei and Anhui provinces, the polyester coats are priced between $80 and $139. By contrast, Canada Goose jackets start from about $575 in the United States.
这种涤纶面料的羽绒服,选用的是产自中国河北省和安徽省的鸭绒,价格在 80 至 139 美元之间。相比之下,加拿大鹅的羽绒服在美国售价则是 575 美元起。

Orolay’s success is, however, not just a tale of competitive pricing and a design that found favor with U.S. consumers.

Chiu is among a wave of Chinese merchants that have benefited from measures introduced by Amazon in recent years that have made it easy for overseas vendors to sell on its site.

Analysts say the number of Chinese merchants selling on Amazon’s U.S. site began to pick up over the last five years after it introduced measures that allowed sellers worldwide to store products at Amazon warehouses and provided help shipping those goods to customers.

Chiu credits Amazon for much of the firm’s success but is thinking of branching out. Expansion plans include extending Orolay’s product line to cotton clothing and men’s outerwear. But for now, Chiu is still marveling at how his business has become so successful in a market he barely knows.

————— 文章来源 / 路透社


  • 搭配短语:hit the jackpot
  • 例句:He hits the jackpot with his new invention.

n. 服装

  • 近义词:clothing
  • 搭配短语:women’s and children’s apparel

carve out

  • 靠努力开创出;努力赢得,谋得(尤指职位)
  • 英文释义:to create or obtain something that helps you by skillful activities
  • 例句:Our company carved out a large chunk of the market within a year.

puffer jacket

  • 词性拓展:puff (v.)
  • puffer 英文释义:a person or thing that puffs
  • 搭配短语:a red, leathery puffer jacket

adj. 初露头角的

  • 词性拓展:bud (v.)
  • 例句:While still at school Daniel was a budding genius.

n. 竞争对手

  • 词性拓展:rival (v.)
  • 英文释义:to be as good or impressive as sb./sth. else
  • 例句:No computer can rival a human brain in complexity. (v.)

adj. 优质的,高级的

  • 近义词:superior
  • 搭配短语:premium products

duck down

  • 搭配短语:duck down pillow

n. 聚酯(纤维);涤纶

  • 拓展发音:UK·/ˌpɒliˈestə®/
  • 拓展发音:US·/ˈpɑːliestər/

find favor with

  • 近义词:be popular among
  • favor 英文释义:approval or support for sb./sth.
  • 例句:The suggestion has found favor with local people.

n. 卖主,卖方

  • 英文释义:someone who is selling something

pick up

  • 近义词:increase

v. 把…归于;认为是…的功劳

  • 搭配短语:credit sb./sth. for/with sth.
  • 例句:The ‘Green Book’ director credits Viggo Mortensen for winning Best Picture Oscar.

branch out

  • 英文释义:to start to do an activity that you have not done before,
    especially in your work or business

v. 感到惊奇;大为赞叹

  • 近义词:wonder
  • 搭配短语:marvel at sth.