Associative Domain Adaptation_notebook


  • Our training scheme follows the paradigm that in order to effectively derive class labels for the target domain, a network should produce statistically domain invariant embedding, while minimizing the classification error on the labeled source domain.
  • We accomplish this by reinforcing associations between source and target data directly in embedding space. Our method can easily be added to any existing classification network with no structural and almost no computational overhead.


This data may be costly to obtain or even nonexistent.

A、Domain adaptation

Function: Rather than labeling vast amounts of real-world data, one renders a similar but synthetic data-sets that is automatically labeled.

  • The problem of domain adaptation was theoretically studied in [2], relating source and target error with a statistical similarity measure of the respective domains.
  • Their results suggest that a good domain adaptation method should be based on features that are as similar as possible for source and target domain (assimilation), while reducing the prediction error in the source domain as much as possible (discrimination).
    Previous work:
    Associative Domain Adaptation_notebook

B、related work

  • Focusing on methods that are based on deep learning, as these have proved to be powerful learning systems and are closest to our scheme. In this work, we propose a different loss for Lsim which is more intuitive in embedding space, less computationally complex and better suitable to obtain effective embedding.


  • we minimize the classification error on the source domain Ds as a proxy while enforcing representations of Dt to have similar statistics to those of Ds. This is accomplished by enforcing associations [12] between feature representations of Dt with those of Ds that are in the same class.

• A straightforward training schedule for domain adaptation with neural networks.
• An integration of our approach into the prevailing domain adaptation formalism and a detailed comparison with the most commonly used explicit Lsim: the maximum mean discrepancy
• A simple implementation that works with arbitrary architectures
• Extensive experiments on various benchmarks for domain adaptation that outperform related deep learning methods.
• A detailed analysis demonstrating that associative domain adaptation results in effective embedding in terms of classifying target domain samples.

Associative domain adaptation

Associative Domain Adaptation_notebook
Associative Domain Adaptation_notebook
Associative Domain Adaptation_notebook
The walker loss by itself could be minimized by only visiting target samples that are easily associated, skipping difficult examples. This would lead to poor generalization to the target domain. Therefore, a regularizer is necessary such that each target sample is visited with equal probability. This is the function of the visit loss. It is defined by the cross entropy between the uniform distribution over target samples and the probability of visiting some target sample starting in any source sample.
Associative Domain Adaptation_notebook
Associative Domain Adaptation_notebook
The association loss enforces similar embedding (assimilation) for the source and target samples, while the classification loss minimizes the prediction error of the source data (discrimination).


The key idea is to optimize a joint loss function combining the classification loss on the source domain with an association loss that imposes consistency of source and target embedding. The implementation is simple, works with arbitrary architectures in an end-to-end manner and introduces no significant additional computational and structural complexity.