

Traditionally, a homepage is the first website your browser loads when you start it. But by default, Safari on Mac opens up a window of Favorites instead. If you’d like Safari to start with a website of your choice, follow these simple steps.

传统上,主页是您启动浏览器时加载的第一个网站。 但是默认情况下, Mac上的Safari会打开“收藏夹”窗口。 如果您希望Safari从您选择的网站开始,请遵循以下简单步骤。

First, open the Safari web browser by clicking its icon in the dock, by using Spotlight Search, or by selecting it from the macOS Applications folder. From there, navigate to the page you’d like to use as your home page. It can be any website you want.

首先,通过单击扩展坞中的图标,使用Spotlight搜索或从macOS应用程序文件夹中选择它来打开Safari Web浏览器。 从那里导航到您要用作主页的页面。 它可以是您想要的任何网站。


In the menu bar at the top of the screen, select Safari > Preferences.



In Preferences > General, click the “Set to Current Page” button. This changes your home page to the current website Safari has open.

在“偏好设置”>“常规”中,单击“设置为当前页面”按钮。 这会将您的主页更改为Safari已打开的当前网站。


After clicking the button, the address in the “Homepage” field will change to the address of the current page.


Next, we’ll make it so you see your home page when you open Safari. In Preferences > General, click the drop-down menu beside the “New Windows Open With” listing.

接下来,我们将使其打开,以便您在打开Safari时看到主页。 在“偏好设置”>“常规”中,单击“新建Windows打开方式”列表旁边的下拉菜单。


In the drop-down menu, select the “Homepage” option.



If desired, you can repeat the same step with the “New Tabs Open With” option. In that case, every time you open a new tab, you’ll see your home page.

如果需要,您可以使用“新建选项卡打开方式”选项重复相同的步骤。 在这种情况下,每次打开新标签时,都会看到您的主页。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/659609/how-to-change-the-safari-homepage-on-a-mac/