ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序

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ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Sometimes, an app gets stuck on a screen or stops responding. If you force quit the app on your iPhone or iPad, it “unsticks” everything. We’ll show you how!

有时,某个应用卡在屏幕上或停止响应。 如果您强行退出 iPhone或iPad上的应用程序 ,它将“取消粘贴”所有内容。 我们将向您展示如何!

强制戒烟有什么作用? (What Does Force Quitting Do?)

When you close an app on your iPhone or iPad and go back to the Home screen, you don’t actually quit the app; it’s still running in the background. You can think of it as “pausing” the app.

当您在iPhone或iPad上关闭某个应用程序并返回到主屏幕时,实际上并没有退出该应用程序。 它仍在后台运行。 您可以将其视为“暂停”应用程序。

If an app crashes, is stuck, or generally behaving badly, force quitting is likely the best option. This actually quits the app, and when you open it again, it loads up fresh. Any temporary issues you were experiencing with that app should be fixed.

如果应用程序崩溃,卡死或通常表现不佳,则强制退出可能是最佳选择。 实际上,这会退出该应用程序,当您再次打开它时,它将重新加载。 您在使用该应用程序时遇到的任何临时问题都应该得到解决。

RELATED: How to Force-Quit an Application on Any Smartphone, Computer, or Tablet

相关: 如何在任何智能手机,计算机或平板电脑上强制退出应用程序

如何在iPhone上强制退出应用 (How to Force Quit Apps on an iPhone)

The process of opening the App Switcher and force quitting an app on an iPhone is slightly different depending on which model you have and which version of iOS it uses.

根据您使用的型号和所使用的iOS版本,在iPhone上打开App Switcher并强制退出应用程序的过程略有不同。

First, let’s talk about the newer iPhones (X, XS, XS Max, XR, or later) which have the notch at the top of the screen and don’t have a Home button.

首先,让我们讨论一下屏幕顶部带有缺口但没有“主页”按钮的新型iPhone(X,XS,XS Max,XR或更高版本)。

On your iPhone, stay in the troublesome app or open the one you want to force quit. Swipe up from the bottom (the Home bar) of the iPhone screen.

在您的iPhone上,留在麻烦的应用程序中或打开要强制退出的应用程序。 从iPhone屏幕底部(主页栏)向上滑动。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序

Hold your finger on the display as you approach the middle of the screen. When you see a preview of the app in card size, lift your finger to open the App Switcher.

当您接近屏幕中间时,将手指放在显示屏上。 当您看到卡片大小的应用预览时,松开手指以打开应用切换器。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序

You can now scroll horizontally in this interface to see all the previously opened apps. When you see the app you want to quit, swipe up on its preview. The card should disappear through the top of the display.

现在,您可以在此界面中水平滚动以查看所有先前打开的应用程序。 当您看到要退出的应用程序时,向上滑动其预览。 该卡应从显示屏顶部消失。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序

If you use an iPhone X that runs iOS 11, you have to tap and hold the app preview, and then tap the red “-” (minus sign) button to quit the app.

如果您使用运行iOS 11的iPhone X,则必须点击并按住应用预览,然后点击红色的“-”(减号)按钮以退出该应用。

If you’re iPhone has a physical Home button, just double-press it to open the App Switcher, and then swipe up on the app preview to quit that app.


如何在iPad上强制退出应用程序 (How to Force Quit Apps on an iPad)

The method to force quit apps on an iPad is similar to the one for iPhone, but the interface is different.


If you have a newer iPad Pro with Face ID (that runs iOS 12, iPadOS 13, or higher), swipe up from the bottom of the screen to the middle area, hold for a second, and then let go to reveal the App Switcher.

如果您拥有带有Face ID的更新iPad Pro(运行iOS 12, iPadOS 13或更高版本),请从屏幕底部向上滑动到中间区域,按住一秒钟,然后放开以显示App Switcher 。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序

You see a grid of previously opened apps. Find the one you want to force quit and swipe up on the preview to dismiss it.

您会看到以前打开的应用程序的网格。 找到您要强制退出的人,然后在预览中向上滑动以将其关闭。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上强制退出应用程序

If your iPad has a physical Home button, double-click it to open the App Switcher. If you run iOS 12 (or iPadOS 13) on an older iPad with a Home button, you can still swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the App Switcher.

如果您的iPad具有物理“主页”按钮,则双击它以打开App Switcher。 如果您通过“主页”按钮在较旧的iPad上运行iOS 12(或iPadOS 13),则仍可以从屏幕底部向上滑动以访问App Switcher。

After you quit the app, find it on the Home screen (or use Spotlight search to locate it), and then tap on it to open it again. The app should now work fine.

退出应用程序后,在主屏幕上找到它(或使用Spotlight搜索找到它),然后点击它再次打开它。 该应用程序现在应该可以正常工作。

If you still have issues, try our tips to fix a crashing app. If all else fails, we recommend you restart your iPhone or iPad.

如果仍然有问题,请尝试根据我们的提示修复崩溃的应用 。 如果所有其他方法均失败,建议您重新启动iPhoneiPad

RELATED: How to Fix Crashing Apps on an iPhone or iPad

相关: 如何修复iPhone或iPad上崩溃的应用程序

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/437307/how-to-force-quit-apps-on-an-iphone-or-ipad/

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