ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

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ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

If you send and receive a lot of text messages, the Messages app can take up a significant of space on your iPhone or iPad. Not only does it store your text message history, but it also keeps photo and video attachments you’ve received. Here’s how to free up that space if you’re running low.

如果您发送和接收大量文本消息,则“消息”应用程序可能会占用iPhone或iPad上的大量空间。 它不仅存储您的短信历史记录,而且还保留您收到的照片和视频附件。 如果电量不足,请按以下方法释放空间。

查看消息应用程序正在使用多少空间 (See How Much Space the Messages App is Using)

You can check how much space the Messages app is using on your device from the Storage screen. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad and navigate to General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage) and wait for everything to load (it may take around 20 seconds or so).

您可以从“存储”屏幕检查Messages应用程序在设备上使用了多少空间。 在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用,然后导航至“常规”>“ iPhone存储(或iPad存储)”,然后等待所有内容加载(可能需要20秒钟左右)。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

Next, scroll down the list and look for the Messages app. You’ll see how much storage space it’s using up. In my case, it’s taking up 1.14 GB. If yours is taking up a significant amount of space, read on to learn how you can free it up.

接下来,向下滚动列表并查找“消息”应用程序。 您会看到它正在消耗多少存储空间。 就我而言,它占用了1.14 GB。 如果您要占用大量空间,请继续阅读以了解如何释放空间。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

自动删除旧邮件 (Automatically Delete Old Messages)

To prevent messages from building up forever and taking up a larger and larger amount of storage space, you can set all messages to delete themselves after a certain period of time.


Bear in mind, though, that any messages that do get deleted will be gone forever. So if you want to keep a record of your messages or keep certain messages forever, you probably won’t want to have them deleted automatically. To change this setting, open up the Settings app and tap on “Messages.”

但是请记住,任何确实删除的消息将永远消失。 因此,如果您想保留一条消息记录或永久保留某些消息,则可能不想自动删除它们。 要更改此设置,请打开“设置”应用程序,然后点击“消息”。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

Scroll down and tap on “Keep Messages”.


ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

Choose an expiration period. By default, your iPhone or iPad will keep messages “Forever”, but you can choose to keep them for “30 Days” or “1 Year” if you prefer.

选择一个有效期。 默认情况下,您的iPhone或iPad会将消息“永久保存”,但您可以根据需要选择将其保留“ 30天”或“ 1年”。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

As for audio messages, your device will automatically delete them two minutes after you listen to them. This prevents them from taking up space forever even after you’re completely done with them. To change this, though, you can go back to the main Messages screen in the settings and tap on “Expire” under “Audio Messages”.

对于音频消息,您的设备会在听完语音后两分钟自动将其删除。 即使您完全用完它们,这也可以防止它们永远占用空间。 但是,要更改此设置,您可以返回设置中的主消息屏幕,然后点击“音频消息”下的“过期”。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

From there, you can choose to have them automatically deleted after two minutes or never have them deleted (unless you delete them manually).


ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

批量删除照片,视频和附件 (Bulk Delete Photos, Videos, and Attachments)

You might be familiar with one way to delete messages and attachments in the Messages app, which is by long-pressing on a message or photo, tapping “More”, selecting what you want to delete, and tapping the trash can. But this is the slowest way to do it, and you’ll have to hunt through your conversations to find all those images that you want to delete.

您可能熟悉一种在“消息”应用程序中删除消息和附件的方法,该方法是长按消息或照片,点击“更多”,选择要删除的内容,然后点击垃圾桶。 但这是最慢的方法,您必须在对话中搜寻以找到所有要删除的图像。

You can also tap on the round “i” button in the top-right corner of a conversation to view all of that conversations attachments, and then delete any media you no longer need. However, this still isn’t the best way to go.

您也可以点击对话右上角的圆形“ i”按钮以查看所有对话附件,然后删除不再需要的任何媒体。 但是,这仍然不是最好的方法。

Instead, go back into the Settings app and navigate to General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage) like you did before. Scroll down the list and select the Messages app. From there, tap on “Review Large Attachments”.

相反,像以前一样,回到“设置”应用并导航至“常规”>“ iPhone存储”(或iPad存储)。 向下滚动列表,然后选择“消息”应用。 从那里,点击“查看大型附件”。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

This will provide you a list of every single photo, video, and other attachment that the Messages app has saved from all of your conversation threads, and it’s in order by largest size first.


ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

To delete one, simply just swipe to the left and hit “Delete”.


ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

Unfortunately, there’s no “Select All” option or even a way to select multiple attachments and delete them in one swoop. However, this is still the best way to get rid of the largest attachments with minimal effort.

不幸的是,没有“全选”选项,甚至没有一种选择多个附件并一举删除它们的方法。 但是,这仍然是用最少的努力摆脱最大的附件的最佳方法。

If you want to organize this list into specific media types, go back a screen and below “Review Large Attachments” you’ll see “Documents & Data” followed by a list of the different kinds of media.


ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

Tapping on one will only show attachments of that kind. So if you tap on “Photos”, it will only show photos.

轻按一个只会显示此类附件。 因此,如果您点击“照片”,它将仅显示照片。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

If you want to save a photo or video before you delete it for good, you can tap on it and then select the Share button in the top-left corner.


ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

From there, you can AirDrop it to another device, send it in an email, save it to a cloud storage service, and more.


ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

删除整个对话主题 (Delete Entire Conversation Threads)

If Messages is using a lot of space, image attachments are likely to blame, so simply deleting text conversations may not help enough. However, if you have long conversations full of text messages, they might take up quite a bit more space than you think. You can delete them and free up that space, assuming you don’t want to keep those conversations.

如果邮件占用大量空间,则可能是图片附件受到了指责,因此仅删除文本对话可能并不能提供足够的帮助。 但是,如果您在长时间的对话中充斥着短信,则它们可能会占用比您想象的要大得多的空间。 如果您不想保留这些对话,则可以删除它们并释放该空间。

You can delete an entire conversation thread in the Messages app by swiping left on it and tapping “Delete”. This will delete all messages in the thread, as well as all media attachments.

您可以通过在消息应用中向左滑动并点击“删除”来删除整个对话线程。 这将删除线程中的所有消息以及所有媒体附件。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

To bulk-delete multiple conversation threads at once, tap the “Edit” button on the main Messages screen and select multiple conversations. Tap “Delete” in the bottom-right corner of the screen to delete them.

要一次批量删除多个对话线程,请在“消息”主屏幕上点击“编辑”按钮,然后选择多个对话。 点击屏幕右下角的“删除”将其删除。

ipad iphone开发_如何释放iPhone或iPad的消息应用程序占用的空间

Text messages alone don’t really use up that much space. However, if you’ve racked up several years of photos and videos that you’ve sent and received, it’s likely that you’re in need of a messaging audit anyway.

仅文本消息并不会真正占用那么多空间。 但是,如果您已经累积了几年来发送和接收的照片和视频,则很可能仍然需要进行邮件审核。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/247466/how-to-free-up-space-used-by-your-iphone-or-ipads-messages-app/

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