



If you use Safari on a Mac and would like for your browsing history to stay private but don’t want to always think about having to turn it on, there’s a way to open a new private browsing window every time you launch Safari. Here’s how.

如果您在Mac上使用Safari,并且希望您的浏览历史记录保持私密性,但又不想一直考虑将其打开,那么可以在每次启动Safari时打开一个新的私密浏览窗口。 这是如何做。

什么是Safari中的私人浏览? (What Is Private Browsing in Safari?)

Private Browsing is a mode where Safari doesn’t save your browsing history, AutoFill information, changes to cookies, recent searches, and download history between sessions. The mode also inclues Apple-centric privacy features, such as preventing sharing of browsing information through iCloud. And if you have Handoff enabled, browsing windows do not get passed to your other Apple devices.

私人浏览是一种模式,其中Safari不会保存您的浏览历史记录,自动填充信息,对Cookie的更改,最近的搜索以及会话之间的下载历史记录。 该模式还包含以Apple为中心的隐私功能,例如防止通过iCloud共享浏览信息。 而且,如果您启用了“ 切换” ,则浏览窗口不会传递到其他Apple设备。

Even with all those features, you should be aware that Private Browsing mode does not conceal your browsing history from websites on the internet that might use your IP address to track you across sites, hosts of your network (such as a school or business), or your ISP.

即使具有所有这些功能,您也应该注意,“私人浏览”模式不会掩盖互联网上可能使用您的IP地址来跨站点 ,网络主机(例如学校或企业) 跟踪您的网站的浏览历史记录,或您的ISP。

RELATED: The Many Ways Websites Track You Online

相关: 网站跟踪您在线的多种方式

如何始终使用新的私人浏览窗口启动Safari (How to Always Launch Safari with a New Private Browsing Window)

First, launch Safari. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click “Safari” and select “Preferences.”

首先,启动Safari。 在屏幕顶部的菜单栏中,单击“ Safari”,然后选择“首选项”。


In the Preferences pop-up window, make sure you’re on the General tab. Look for the option called “Safari Opens With:” located beside a drop-down menu.

在“首选项”弹出窗口中,确保您位于“常规”选项卡上。 在下拉菜单旁边查找名为“ Safari打开方式:”的选项。


Click on the drop-down menu and select “A New Private Window” from the list of options.

单击下拉菜单,然后从选项列表中选择“ A New Private Window”。


Close the Preferences window, quit Safari, and launch Safari again. You should see a window with a “Private Browsing Enabled” notice along the top.

关闭“偏好设置”窗口,退出Safari,然后再次启动Safari。 您应该会在顶部看到一个窗口,该窗口带有“已启用私人浏览”通知。


Now you’re free to use the window as you typically would. Just make sure you close it when you’re done.

现在,您可以*使用的窗口按照通常的做法 。 只要确保完成后将其关闭即可。

RELATED: Five Worthwhile Uses for Private Browsing Mode (Besides Porn)

相关: 私人浏览模式的五种有用用途(除了色情)

It’s worth noting that the option we just set only works when you first open Safari.  By default, new windows you open after that will not be private. If you want to open additional Private windows, you’ll need to select File > New Private Window from the menu bar, or use the Shift+Command+N shortcut. Good luck, and happy browsing!

值得注意的是,我们刚设置的选项仅在您首次打开Safari时有效。 默认情况下,您之后打开的新窗口将不公开。 如果要打开其他“私人”窗口,则需要从菜单栏中选择“文件”>“新建私人窗口”,或使用Shift + Command + N快捷键。 祝您好运,浏览愉快!

