













COMP1531 Major Project
• To provide students with hands on experience testing, developing, and
maintaining a backend server in python.
• To develop students’ problem solving skills in relation to the software
development lifecycle.
• Learn to work effectively as part of a team by managing your project,
planning, and allocation of responsibilities among the members of your
• Gain experience in collaborating through the use of a source control and
other associated modern team-based tools.
• Apply appropriate design practices and methodologies in the
development of their solution
• Develop an appreciation for product design and an intuition of how a
typical customer will use a product.
Nothing here yet
To manage the transition from trimesters to hexamesters in 2020, UNSW
has established a new focus on building an in-house digital collaboration
and communication tool for groups and teams.
Rather than re-invent the wheel, UNSW has decided that it finds the
functionality of Slack to be nearly exactly what it needs. For this reason,
UNSW has contracted out Rayden Pty Ltd (a small software business run
by Rob and Hayden) to build the new product. In UNSW’s attempt to
connect with the younger and more “hip” generation that fell in love with
flickr, Tumblr, etc, they would like to call the new UNSW-based product
Rayden Pty Ltd has sub-contracted two software firms:
• BananaPie Pty Ltd (two software developers, Sally and Bob, who will build
the initial web-based GUI)
• YourTeam Pty Ltd (a team of talented misfits completing COMP1531 in
19T3), who will build the backend python server and possibly assist in the
GUI later in the project
In summary, UNSW contracts Rayden Pty Ltd, who sub contracts:
• BananaPie (Sally and Bob) for front end work
• YourTeam (you and others) for backend work
Rayden Pty Ltd met with Sally and Bob (the front end development team)
2 weeks ago to brief them on this project. While you are still trying to get
up to speed on the requirements of this project, Sally and Bob understand
the requirements of the project very well.
Because of this they have already specified a common interface for the
front end and backend to operate on. This allows both parties to go off
and do their own development and testing under the assumption that
both parties comply will comply with the common interface. This is the
interface you are required to use
Beside the information available in the interface that Sally and Bob
provided, you have been told (so far) that the features of slackr that
UNSW would like to see implemented include:

  1. Ability to login, register if not logged in, and log out
  2. Ability to reset password if forgotten it
  3. Ability to see a list of channels
  4. Ability to create a channel, join a channel, invite someone else to a
    channel, and leave a channel
  5. Within a channel, ability to view all messages, view the members of the
    channel, and the details of the channel
  6. Within a channel, ability to send a message now, or to send a message at
    a specified time in the future
  7. Within a channel, ability to edit, remove, pin, unpin, react, or unreact to a
  8. Ability to view user anyone’s user profile, and modify a user’s own profile
    (name, email, handle, and profile photo)
  9. Ability to search for messages based on a search string
    10.Ability to modify a user’s admin privileges: (MEMBER, ADMIN, OWNER)
    11.Ability to begin a “standup”, which is a 15 minute period where users can
    send messages that at the end of the period will automatically be collated
    and summarised to all users
    To get further information about the requirements, Rayden Pty Ltd will
    provide a pre-recorded video briefing (with verbal and visual descriptions)
    of what they’d like to see in the Slackr product. This will be released on
    September 23rd.
    After your week 2 tutorial, you should know who your team members are.
    Follow the instructions on the tutorial sheet to ensure your team is
    registered. You need to do this by Thursday 9PM in week 2.
    If you registered your team on time, then on Sunday of week 2, you
    should have access to an individual repository at this URL:
    where team-name is the name of your group as registered on the course
    Progress check-in
    During your lab class, in weeks without demonstrations (see below), you
    and your team will conduct a short stand-up in the presence of your tutor.
    Each member of the team will briefly state what they have done in the
    past week, what they intend to do over the next week, and what issues
    they faced or are currently facing. This is so your tutor, who is acting as a
    representative of the client, is kept informed of your progress. They will
    make note of your presence and may ask you to elaborate on the work
    you’ve done.
    Iteration 1: Tests and Stories
    In this iteration, you are expected to:
  10. Create extensive tests (using pytest) for all of the functions in the agreed
    upon interface.
    These should all be in files of the formn *_test.py. See below for more
  11. Create user stories for your current understanding of the product based
    on your previous understanding of a slack-like app.
    Each individual story should form its own card on the project task board.
  12. Write assumptions that you feel you are making in your interpretation of
    the specification and of the functions provided.
    Write these in markdown in assumptions.md.
  13. Write a brief 1-page plan highlighting how you will approach the following
    iteration (the development stage).
    Write these in markdown in plan.md. You may include diagrams, tables or
    whatever other information you believe conveys your plan.
  14. Write a brief 1-page reflection on how this iteration has gone and how you
    successfully operated as a well-functioning team.
    Write these in markdown in reflection.md.
    You are not expected to begin developing or completing the actual
    functions themselves.
    The files described above should all be in the root of your repository. If
    you’ve not written markdown before (which we assume most of you
    haven’t), it’s not necessary to research the format. Markdown is
    essentially plain text with a few extra features for basic formatting. You
    can just stick with plain text if you find that easier.
    It is up to you how you structure your tests, but we do require that you
    write all of your stubs and tests in the /server/ folder.
    Our recommendation is to break all of the functions to test up into 1 or
    many files (this is a decision for you and your team), and then create test
    files in the same directory as the files the tests are testing. An example of
    this has been done with:


• Remember that we encourage you to write stub functions for all of the
functions we provide. Stub functions are dummy implementations of
functions that allow them to be trivially tested. E.G. A stub function for a
user to login may always return a dummy auth token “123456”. This will
allow your tests to successfully compile. It is expected that some errors
may appear in your tests as you write them that you won’t discover until
you develop the backend in iteration 2.
You may also wish to create some helper files with extra helper functions
if that would assist you writing your tests.
(More info) User Stories
The scaffold for user stories will be provided in the lecture on Monday
23rd September. Please refer to that lecture for information about the
structure of the user stories.
This iteration is due to be submitted at 5pm Sunday 6th October (week 3).
You will then be demonstrating this in your week 4 lab. All team members
must attend this lab session.
To submit, run this command in the CSE environment:
1531 submit iteration1
This will submit the contents of your repo on GitLab and perform a check
to make sure that the files above are present. Make sure that everything
you intend to submit is included in your repo. User stories should be
entered into GitLab on the task board for your project.
Marking Criteria

| |

  • Demonstrated an understanding |
    40%| -
    • Demonstrated an understanding-|–|
      | |
      • Demonstrated an understanding |
        • Demonstrated an understanding
          of good test
        • Demonstrated an
          understanding of the importance of
          clarity on the communication of test
        • Demonstrated an