unity2d5.3.4_Unity 4.3:2D游戏开发概述

unity2d5.3.4_Unity 4.3:2D游戏开发概述


Today, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Unity 4.3, and with it, the highly anticipated introduction of our new feature set for 2D.

今天,我们很高兴宣布Unity 4.3的发布 ,并伴随着我们对2D新功能集的高度期待的引入。

To give you a better insight into the development process, we have created a demo project to show you the ropes. For a head-start on learning from this project, take a look at the video below, which walks you through the main points of what it takes to create a 2D game in Unity.

为了让您更好地了解开发过程,我们创建了一个演示项目来向您展示绳索。 要从该项目中学习,请先观看下面的视频,该视频向您介绍在Unity中创建2D游戏所需的要点。


下载 (Download)

Download the demo project and take a look through it today!


What will you make with the new 2D tools? tell us in the comments below!

您将使用新的2D工具做什么? 在下面的评论中告诉我们!

If you haven’t done so already, download Unity 4.3 here.

如果您尚未这样做,请在此处下载Unity 4.3。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/11/12/unity-4-3-2d-game-development-overview/
