whether logo retrieval will block the application

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Jun 17, 2015

  • Logo
  • logo
  • LOGO
    whether logo retrieval will block the application
    whether logo retrieval will block the application
    whether logo retrieval will block the application
    whether logo retrieval will block the application
    whether logo retrieval will block the application

如果把false改为true,下图$value的network request就消失了。
whether logo retrieval will block the application



whether logo retrieval will block the application

How I verify?

whether logo retrieval will block the application
在后台返回logo attachment 数据的class里设置断点,前台每次点击list item时,都会弹出一个新的窗口,并且前台仍然能够继续操作。
whether logo retrieval will block the application
