【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension

1 问题及数据集

1.1 问题


1.2 数据集

(1)CNN&Daily Mail
(3)Graph Reachability datase

2 已有方法

2.1 单轮推理

(2) 方法

2.2 多轮推理


  • Hill et al. use multiple hops memory network to augment the query with new information from the previous hop。
  • Gated Attention reader is an extension of the attention-sum reader with multiple iterations by pushing the query encoding into an attention-based gate in each iteration.
  • Iterative Alternative (IA) reader produces a new query glimpse and document glimpse in each iteration and utilizes them alternatively in the next iteration.
  • Cui et al. propose to extend the query-specific attention to both query-to-document attention and document-to-query attention, which is built from the intermediate results in the query-specific attention。
2.3 现有方法的问题


3 本文提出的方法


4 具体内容

4.1 ReasoNet网络结构

【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension
(1)Memory:外部记忆,Document Encoder产生的每个单词的上下文表示
(3)Internal State:内部状态S,初始状态s1是Query Encoder产生的问题表示,t时刻状态由RNN产生st=RNN(st−1,xt;θs);
(4)Termination Gate:根据当前内部状态产生一个binary随机变量。如果为1,那么结束推理预测答案;如果为0,那么继续推理

4.2 具体步骤

【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension


  • embedding matrices θW
  • attention network θx
  • the state RNN network θs
  • the answer action network θa
  • the termination gate network θtg Query
  • Encoder和Document Encoder的参数(参考笔记中提出)

【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension


5 实验

5.1 CNN&Daily Mail Datasets


  • vocab_size:|V| = 101k words in CNN,|V| = 151k words in Daily Mail
  • Embedding Layer:300-dimensional word embeddings,300-dimensional pretrained Glove word embeddings,dropout with probability 0.2
  • Bi-GRU Encoder:bidirectional GRU for encoding query and passage into vector representations,隐藏层单元个数:CNN256个,Daily Mail384个;用正交矩阵初始化GRU的权重;GRU的其他权重采用-0.01到+0.01之间的均匀随机分布。
  • Memory and Attention:composed of query memory and pas- sage memory;
  • Internal State Controller:choose GRU model as the internal state controller
  • TerminationModule:adopt a logistical regression to model the termination variable at each time step
    【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension
  • 最大推理轮数为5

【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension

5.2 SQuAD

【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension

5.3 Graph Reachability Task


6 笔记小结



(3)数据集CNN&Daily Mail


【论文笔记03】ReasoNet: Learning to Stop Reading in Machine Comprehension