Machine Learning 06 - Support Vector Machine


6.1 Large Margin Classification

6.1.1 Optimizaiton objective

Here we intorduce the last supervised algorithm : Support Vector Machine.

Hypothesis :


Cost function :

minθ Ci=1m[y(i)cost1(θTx(i))+(1y(i))cost0(θTx(i))]+12i=1nθj2

where cost1 is the cost when y=1 and cost0 is the cost when y=0. An intuitive explanation is below :

Machine Learning 06 - Support Vector Machine

Decision boundary :

Machine Learning 06 - Support Vector Machine

SVM will find a line that has the largest margin between the data. And the regularized term C is intuitively show below :

Machine Learning 06 - Support Vector Machine

6.1.2 Concept of kernels

In this part, in order to fit Non-linear decision boundary, we will adapt the hypothesis function to

hθ(x)={1θ0+θ1f1+θ2f200 otherwise 

(1) Polynomial


It can fit dataset very well, but we don’t know which features to add and it is very computationally expensive.

(2) Gaussian Kernel
First, choose some landmarks l(i)( i=1,2,)

Second, define fi( i=1,2,), such as Gaussian Kernel :


It mesures the similarity of two points :

  • If xl(i):fi1,
  • If x is far from l(i) : fi0.

And the σ just like a scale of the distance of two points :

Machine Learning 06 - Support Vector Machine

Finally, what it perdicet (for example) is :

Machine Learning 06 - Support Vector Machine

6.1.3 SVM with kernels

(1) Choose landmarks

Given (x(1),y(1)),(x(2),y(2)),,(x(m),y(m)) ,and choose l(1)=x(1),l(2)=x(2),,l(m)=x(m) .

(2) Define kernels

We define f as Gaussian Kernel :


(3) Training

minθ Ci=1m[y(i)cost1(θTf(i))+(1y(i))cost0(θTf(i))]+12j=1mθj2

Use minimization algorirhm to solve it.

(4) Evaluation

  • Large C:Lower bias, higher variance.
  • Small C:Higher bias, lower variance.
  • Large σ2: Higher bias, lower variance. (f is more “smooth”)
  • Small σ2: Lower bias, higher variance.

(5) Note

  • Perform feature scaling before using the Gaussian Kernel .
  • Not all similarity functions make valid kernals. (Need to satisfy “Mercer Theorem” to make sure SVM packages run correctly)
  • Other kernels : Polynomial kernel, String kernel, …
  • Muti-class classification : one-vs-all method.
  • If nm, use logistic regression or SVM without kernel; if n is samll, m is intermediate, use SVM with kernel; if mn, create more features, and turn to case one. Neural network likely to work well for most of these things.