
DirectX Math提供以下功能来执行各种矢量操作。 我们用3D版本来说明,但是2D和4D有类似的版本; 2D和4D版本与3D版本具有相同的名称,除了2和4分别替代3。

XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3Length( // Returns||v||
FXMVECTOR V); // Input v
XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3LengthSq( // Returns||v||2
FXMVECTOR V); // Input v
XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3Dot( // Returns v1·v2
FXMVECTOR V1, // Input v1
FXMVECTOR V2); // Input v2
XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3Cross( // Returns v1 ×v2
FXMVECTOR V1, // Input v1
FXMVECTOR V2); // Input v2
XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3Normalize( // Returns v/||v||
FXMVECTOR V); // Input v
XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3Orthogonal( // Returns a vector orthogonal to v
FXMVECTOR V); // Input v
XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3AngleBetweenVectors( // Returns the angle between v1 and v2
FXMVECTOR V1, // Input v1
FXMVECTOR V2); // Input v2
void XM_CALLCONV XMVector3ComponentsFromNormal(XMVECTOR* pParallel, // Returns projn(v)
XMVECTOR* pPerpendicular, // Returns perpn(v)
FXMVECTOR V, // Input v
FXMVECTOR Normal); // Input n
bool XM_CALLCONV XMVector3Equal( // Returns v1 = v2
FXMVECTOR V1, // Input v1
FXMVECTOR V2); // Input v2
bool XM_CALLCONV XMVector3NotEqual( // Returns v1 ≠ v2
FXMVECTOR V1, // Input v1

FXMVECTOR V2); // Input v2

请注意,即使对数学运算返回标量的操作(例如点积k = v1·v2),这些函数也会返回XMVECTOR。 标量结果被复制到XMVECTOR的每个组件中。 例如,对于点积,返回的矢量将是(v1·v2,v1·v2,v1·v2,v1·v2)。 其中一个原因是最小化标量和SIMD向量操作的混合;在您完成计算之前,保持SIMD的一切都更为有效。


#include <windows.h> // for XMVerifyCPUSupport
#include <DirectXMath.h>
#include <DirectXPackedVector.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace DirectX;
using namespace DirectX::PackedVector;

// Overload the  "<<" operators so that we can use cout to 
// output XMVECTOR objects.
ostream& XM_CALLCONV operator << (ostream& os, FXMVECTOR v)
    XMFLOAT3 dest;
    XMStoreFloat3(&dest, v);

    os << "(" << dest.x << ", " << dest.y << ", " << dest.z << ")";
    return os;

int main()

    // Check support for SSE2 (Pentium4, AMD K8, and above).
    if (!XMVerifyCPUSupport())
        cout << "directx math not supported" << endl;
        return 0;

    XMVECTOR n = XMVectorSet(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    XMVECTOR u = XMVectorSet(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f);
    XMVECTOR v = XMVectorSet(-2.0f, 1.0f, -3.0f, 0.0f);
    XMVECTOR w = XMVectorSet(0.707f, 0.707f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // Vector addition: XMVECTOR operator + 
    XMVECTOR a = u + v;

    // Vector subtraction: XMVECTOR operator - 
    XMVECTOR b = u - v;

    // Scalar multiplication: XMVECTOR operator * 
    XMVECTOR c = 10.0f*u;

    // ||u||
    XMVECTOR L = XMVector3Length(u);

    // d = u / ||u||
    XMVECTOR d = XMVector3Normalize(u);

    // s = u dot v
    XMVECTOR s = XMVector3Dot(u, v);

    // e = u x v
    XMVECTOR e = XMVector3Cross(u, v);

    // Find proj_n(w) and perp_n(w)
    XMVECTOR projW;
    XMVECTOR perpW;
    XMVector3ComponentsFromNormal(&projW, &perpW, w, n);

    // Does projW + perpW == w?
    bool equal = XMVector3Equal(projW + perpW, w) != 0;
    bool notEqual = XMVector3NotEqual(projW + perpW, w) != 0;

    // The angle between projW and perpW should be 90 degrees.
    XMVECTOR angleVec = XMVector3AngleBetweenVectors(projW, perpW);
    float angleRadians = XMVectorGetX(angleVec);
    float angleDegrees = XMConvertToDegrees(angleRadians);

    cout << "u                   = " << u << endl;
    cout << "v                   = " << v << endl;
    cout << "w                   = " << w << endl;
    cout << "n                   = " << n << endl;
    cout << "a = u + v           = " << a << endl;
    cout << "b = u - v           = " << b << endl;
    cout << "c = 10 * u          = " << c << endl;
    cout << "d = u / ||u||       = " << d << endl;
    cout << "e = u x v           = " << e << endl;
    cout << "L  = ||u||          = " << L << endl;
    cout << "s = u.v             = " << s << endl;
    cout << "projW               = " << projW << endl;
    cout << "perpW               = " << perpW << endl;
    cout << "projW + perpW == w  = " << equal << endl;
    cout << "projW + perpW != w  = " << notEqual << endl;
    cout << "angle               = " << angleDegrees << endl;

    return 0;



DirectX Math库还包含一些估算方法,这些方法精确度较低但计算速度较快。 如果你愿意牺牲一些速度的准确性,那么就使用估计方法。 以下是两个估算函数的例子:

XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3LengthEst( // Returnsestimated ||v||
FXMVECTOR V); // Input v
XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMVector3NormalizeEst( //Returns estimated v/||v||
FXMVECTOR V); // Input v