获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Would you like to quickly find out more about the people you email with?  Here’s how the Outlook Social Connector can help you stay informed and connected without wasting hours on Facebook.

您想快速找到有关您与之联系的人的更多信息吗? 这是Outlook Social Connector如何帮助您保持联系和联系而又不浪费时间在Facebook上的方法。

While Facebook and other social networks are often considered a great time waster, they can also be useful tools for staying in touch with family and friends and knowing what’s going on in their lives.  Plus, it’s one of the best ways to find out more about someone; who hasn’t looked up someone who emailed you on Facebook to see who they really are? 

尽管Facebook和其他社交网络通常被认为是浪费大量时间,但它们也可以成为与家人和朋友保持联系并了解他们生活的有用工具。 另外,这是了解更多有关某人的最佳方法之一; 谁没有查过在Facebook上通过电子邮件向您发送电子邮件的人,以了解他们的真实身份?

The new Outlook Social Connector integrates your favorite social networks seamlessly into Outlook, so you can see your contacts picture and recent status updates without leaving Outlook.  We’ve already looked at the LinkedIn connector, so let’s look at how you can use the more popular Facebook with it.

新的Outlook Social Connector将您喜欢的社交网络无缝集成到Outlook中,因此您可以在不离开Outlook的情况下查看联系人图片和最新状态更新。 我们已经看过LinkedIn连接器 ,所以让我们看一下如何将流行的Facebook与它一起使用。

Installing the Outlook Social Connector

安装Outlook Social Connector

If you’re running Outlook 2010, you’ve already got the Outlook Social Connector installed.  The Connector was recently updated, however, so be sure to check Windows Update and install the latest update if you haven’t already.

如果您运行的是Outlook 2010,则已经安装了Outlook Social Connector。 但是,连接器是最近更新的,因此,如果尚未安装,请确保检查Windows Update并安装最新的更新。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

If you’re still using Outlook 2003 or 2007, don’t despair; you can still use the Outlook Social Connector too!  Head over to the download link below, and install it as normal.  The installer makes it sound like you can only use it with Outlook 2010, but the download site from Microsoft promises you can use it with Outlook 2003 and 2007 as well.

如果您仍在使用Outlook 2003或2007,请不要失望; 您仍然可以使用Outlook Social Connector! 转至下面的下载链接,然后按常规进行安装。 安装程序听起来像只能在Outlook 2010中使用,但Microsoft的下载站点保证您也可以在Outlook 2003和2007中使用它。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Now, the next time you open Outlook, you’ll be prompted to add social networks.  Click Next to start setting them up.

现在,下次打开Outlook时,系统将提示您添加社交网络。 单击“ 下一步”开始设置它们。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Or, if you’ve already had the Outlook Social Connector running but hadn’t added social networks, click on the link at the bottom of your emails to get started adding them as above.

或者,如果您已经运行了Outlook Social Connector,但尚未添加社交网络,请单击电子邮件底部的链接以开始按上述步骤添加它们。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Now, you can add one of the pre-installed connectors or click the link to view more providers online.  The new Windows Live Messenger adds a connector by default, but if you want to add Facebook, LinkedIn, or others, you’ll need to download a connector.

现在,您可以添加一个预安装的连接器,或单击链接以在线查看更多提供商。 新的Windows Live Messenger默认情况下会添加一个连接器,但是如果要添加Facebook, LinkedIn或其他,则需要下载一个连接器。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

On the Connector website, select the network you would like to add.  We’re going to add Facebook, though feel free to add any or all of the networks, depending on what you use.

在连接器网站上,选择要添加的网络。 我们将添加Facebook,不过您可以随意添加任何或所有网络,具体取决于您的使用方式。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

This will send you to a download page on Microsoft Downloads.  Select the x86 bit version for most versions of Outlook; if you’re running the 64 bit version of Outlook 2010, then you can select the x64 download instead.

这将把您带到Microsoft下载上的下载页面。 选择大多数Outlook版本的x86位版本; 如果您正在运行64位版本的Outlook 2010,则可以选择x64下载。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Once it’s downloaded, install the connector as you would any normal program.  You don’t have to close Outlook to install the connector, but you will need to restart it before you can add your Facebook info.

下载后,请像安装任何普通程序一样安装连接器。 您不必关闭Outlook即可安装连接器,但是您需要重新启动它才能添加Facebook信息。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Note that when you exit Outlook, it will ask if you wanted to add a social network.  Click Remind Me Later, then restart Outlook so you can add your Facebook info.

请注意,退出Outlook时,它将询问您是否要添加社交网络。 单击稍后提醒我 ,然后重新启动Outlook,以便您可以添加Facebook信息。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Now, when you go to add a social network as above, you’ll see Facebook listed as an available social network.


获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Click the check box, and then add your Facebook account info.


获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

If you want, you could also add Live Messenger to see updates from your friends on Windows Live.

如果需要,您还可以添加Live Messenger以在Windows Live上查看朋友的更新。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Click Connect at the bottom to continue.


获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

After a few moments, you’ll see a confirmation that your networks are connected.  You can click the document icon to change settings if your accounts didn’t connect correctly or you need to change the password.

片刻之后,您将看到网络已连接的确认。 如果您的帐户连接不正确或需要更改密码,则可以单击文档图标来更改设置。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Once you’re finished, click Finish at the bottom of the dialog.

完成后,单击对话框底部的“ 完成 ”。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Outlook will congratulate you on connecting your social networks; just close this box, and you’re ready to start staying more connected through Outlook.

Outlook将祝贺您连接社交网络; 只需关闭此框,即可开始通过Outlook保持更多连接。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Using the Outlook Social Connector


Once you’ve integrated social networks with Outlook, your emails will tell you a lot more about your friends and colleagues.  Whenever you open an email, Outlook will automatically find and show you your friend’s recent status updates, pictures, and more from Facebook, as well as emails you’ve recently sent and received from them.

将社交网络与Outlook集成后,您的电子邮件将告诉您有关朋友和同事的更多信息。 每当您打开电子邮件时,Outlook都会自动查找并显示您朋友的最新状态更新,图片以及来自Facebook的更多信息,以及您最近从中发送和接收的电子邮件。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

You can click on a picture from a friend’s updates to open it in Facebook in your browser.


获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Group emails will be especially interesting, as you’ll be able to see information about everyone listed in the email.


获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

If you’d like to add a contact as a friend on Facebook, click the Add button and then select Facebook.

如果您想在Facebook上将联系人添加为朋友,请单击“ 添加”按钮,然后选择“ Facebook”。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Click Continue to confirm that you want to add this person as a Facebook friend.  This is much easier than trying to find a contact from Facebook’s search page.

单击继续以确认您要将此人添加为Facebook朋友。 这比尝试从Facebook的搜索页面中查找联系人要容易得多。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

However, if you receive an email from Facebook, Outlook will show you recent emails you’ve received from Facebook rather than updates from the friend that sent you a message or post.  This is because Outlook is looking up information from the sender’s email address, and messages from Facebook are all sent from an automated service rather than from your friend’s account.

但是,如果您收到来自Facebook的电子邮件,Outlook将显示您从Facebook收到的最近电子邮件,而不是向您发送消息或帖子的朋友的更新。 这是因为Outlook正在从发件人的电子邮件地址中查找信息,而来自Facebook的消息都是通过自动服务而不是您朋友的帐户发送的。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

The Outlook Connector also helps you stay in touch with your emails better.  You can see all the attachments and emails you’ve sent to or received from a contact.  This is a great way to find that report you misplaced or to remind yourself what you were emailing about last week.  Explore the different tabs in the Connector to find even more about your contact.

Outlook Connector还可以帮助您更好地与电子邮件保持联系。 您可以查看已发送给联系人或从联系人那里收到的所有附件和电子邮件。 这是查找报告放错位置或提醒自己上周通过电子邮件发送邮件的好方法。 浏览连接器中的不同选项卡,以查找有关您的联系人的更多信息。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Re-enable the Outlook Social Connector

重新启用Outlook Social Connector

If you didn’t find the Outlook Social Connector useful at first, you may have disabled it.  You’ll need to re-enable it to start seeing Facebook updates and more in Outlook.  Open your Outlook settings; in Outlook 2010, click the File menu and select Options.

如果最初发现Outlook Social Connector没用,则可能已将其禁用。 您需要重新启用它才能开始在Outlook中查看Facebook更新和更多功能。 打开您的Outlook设置; 在Outlook 2010中,单击“ 文件”菜单,然后选择“ 选项”

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Select Add-Ins from the options on the left, then select Com Add-ins beside Manage and click Go.

从左侧的选项中选择加载项 ,然后选择COM加载项旁边的管理,然后点击开始

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

Check the box beside Microsoft Outlook Social Connector and click Ok to re-enable it.  Now you can add social networks as above.

选中Microsoft Outlook Social Connector旁边的框,然后单击“ 确定”以重新启用它。 现在,您可以如上所述添加社交网络。

获取有关联系人的更多信息新的Outlook Social Connector

ConclusionWhether you’re addicted to social networking or just use it since all your friends and family do, the Outlook connector is a great way to know what’s going on with your friends without having to stay on Facebook all the time.  Since it can also show related emails and attachments, it may even make you more productive in Outlook, too!

结束语无论您是沉迷于社交网络还是只是因为您所有的朋友和家人都在使用社交网络,Outlook连接器是一种了解好友情况的好方法,而不必一直呆在Facebook上。 由于它还可以显示相关的电子邮件和附件,因此它甚至还可以使您在Outlook中提高工作效率!



Download the Outlook Social Connector for Outlook 2003 and 2007

下载适用于Outlook 2003和2007的Outlook Social Connector

Download Social Connectors for Outlook


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22873/get-more-info-about-contacts-the-new-outlook-social-connector/