LaTeX in 24 Hours - 书籍信息

  • 书籍信息

    1. 书名: LaTex in 24 Hours: A Practical Guide for Scientific Writing
    2. 作者: Dilip Datta
    3. 出版日期: 2017
    4. ISBN: 978-3-319-47830-2
    5. e-ISBN: 978-3-319-47831-9
    6. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-47831-9
    7. Springer 链接:
  • 大标题目录
    先列个目录, 后期学一点加一个链接, 强迫自己写笔记, 不然又像以前那样, 看得兴起就忘记写笔记了…

    1. Introduction
    2. Fonts Selection
    3. Formatting Texts I
    4. Formatting Texts II
    5. Page Layout and Style
    6. Listing and Tabbing Texts
    7. Table Preparation I
    8. Table Preparation II
    9. Figure Insertion
    10. Figure Drawing
    11. Equation Writting I
    12. Equation Writting II
    13. User-Defined Macros
    14. Bibliography with LaTeX
    15. Bibliography with BIBTEX Program
    16. Lists of Contents and Index
    17. Miscellaneous I
    18. Miscellaneous II
    19. Letter and Article
    20. Book and Report
    21. Slide Preparation I
    22. Slide Preparation II
    23. Error and Warning Messages
    24. Exercise
      Appedndix A: Symbols and Notations
      A.1 Text_Mode Accents and Symbols
      A.2 Math-Mode Symbols
  • 截图

    1. 封面
      LaTeX in 24 Hours - 书籍信息
    2. 前言
      重点介绍了写书的原因和书名的由来, 此书共有24章, 戏称为24小时????, 最后一段是致谢.
      LaTeX in 24 Hours - 书籍信息