
SSD is a new generation storage technology that provides different benefits to computing. SSD is the short form of the Solid State Drive where it is technology is similar to the Flash Disk Drives or USB Drives. In this tutorial, we will learn SSD, SSD Applications, SSD Types, SSD Interface/Connection Types, SSD Advantages, SSD vs HDD comparison.

SSD是新一代存储技术,可为计算带来不同的好处。 SSD是固态驱动器的缩写形式,其技术类似于闪存盘驱动器或USB驱动器。 在本教程中,我们将学习SSD,SSD应用程序,SSD类型,SSD接口/连接类型,SSD优势,SSD与HDD的比较。

什么是SSD(固态硬盘)? (What Is SSD (Solid State Drive)?)

SSD or Solid State Drive is a flash-based disk where it is used to store the data permanently like a regular HDD. Which makes the SSD is its technology where flash technology is the main part.

SSD或固态驱动器是基于闪存的磁盘,用于像常规HDD一样永久存储数据。 这使得固态硬盘成为其技术,其中闪存技术是主要部分。

Let’s start with a disk or storage history where the Hard Disk Drives, Floppy Disks, CD’s where popular for permanent storage. But all these disk technologies were dependent on physical access of operations which makes them error-prone, slow. But the main advantages of these technologies were their prices. Even early SSD-like technology starts with the invention of the modern computer in the 1950’s it is used in special areas like Super Computers, Space Systems, Military applications, etc because of its applicability and price. The price/size ratio was very low for flash-based storage like SSD.

让我们从磁盘或存储历史开始,其中流行用于永久存储的硬盘驱动器,软盘和CD。 但是所有这些磁盘技术都依赖于操作的物理访问,这使它们易于出错,速度较慢。 但是这些技术的主要优点是价格。 甚至早期的类似SSD的技术都始于1950年代现代计算机的发明,由于其适用性和价格优势,它还用于特殊领域,例如超级计算机,太空系统,军事应用等。 对于基于闪存的存储(例如SSD),价格/尺寸比非常低。

2.5 inch SATA3 SSD

With the new advancement and manufacturing cost cuts the SSD’s prices become affordable for the end and enterprise-level users. Even currently there are some gaps between SSD and HDD, it is closing day by day. It is expected to SSD shipments will overtake HDDs in 2022 which is a revolutionary case.

随着新技术的进步和制造成本的降低,SSD的价格对于最终用户和企业级用户而言变得可以承受。 即使目前,SSD和HDD之间仍然存在一些差距,但这种差距正在日益缩小。 预计2022年SSD的出货量将超过HDD,这是一个革命性的案例。

SSD uses NAND flash cells in order to store data which access, read, write mechanism is similar to the RAM. SSD uses electrical signals in order to access, read, write to these NAND cells which prevents physical actions. This makes SSD’s very fast because of no physical activity. NAND cells are designed as blocks like a grid and they can store between 256K and 4MB.

SSD使用NAND闪存单元来存储数据,该数据的访问,读取,写入机制类似于RAM。 SSD使用电信号来访问,读取和写入这些NAND单元,从而防止物理行为。 由于没有身体活动,因此SSD的速度非常快。 NAND单元被设计为像网格一样的块,它们可以存储256K到4MB。

SSD(固态硬盘)用于什么用途? (What Are SSD (Solid State Drive) Used For?)

As stated previously with the recent price drop for larger sizes of the SSD, it gained a lot of different application areas and use cases. Actually in generall SSD can be used for all situations but some of them are more profitable according to other solutions.

如前所述,随着更大尺寸SSD的近期价格下降,它获得了许多不同的应用领域和用例。 实际上,一般而言,SSD可以用于所有情况,但是根据其他解决方案,其中某些方法更有利可图。

  • Business and Enterprise use SSD in their performance critic applications where it boots the speed of the application from disk or storage point of view.

    Business and Enterprise在其性能批评者应用程序中使用SSD,从磁盘或存储的角度引导应用程序的速度。

  • Gaming requires high-performance systems and game consoles in order to perfect in the game joy, game competition. A lot of gamers prefer faster systems which can run games faster even with 5-10 ms which is important for their game experience.

    Gaming需要高性能的系统和游戏机,才能在游戏乐趣,游戏竞争中达到完美。 许多游戏玩家更喜欢速度更快的系统,该系统即使在5到10毫秒内也能更快地运行游戏,这对于他们的游戏体验至关重要。

  • Mobility is another area where SSD is used not because of its performance because of its low power consumption and size or form factor. As SSD has no physical movement it only consumes little power for access, read, and write operations which makes it a perfect choice for power constraint mobile devices.

    Mobility是另一个使用SSD的领域,因为其低功耗,小尺寸或小巧的形式而不是因为其性能。 由于SSD没有物理移动,因此仅消耗很少的功率进行访问,读取和写入操作,这使其成为功率受限的移动设备的理想选择。

  • Servers are another use case where enterprise servers require performance for applications running on them. SSD provides this performance without complex storage architecture like SCSI, RAID, etc.

    Servers是企业服务器要求性能的另一种用例,这些应用程序需要在服务器上运行。 SSD无需复杂的存储架构(例如SCSI,RAID等)即可提供这种性能。


SSD(固态驱动器)接口/连接类型(SSD (Solid State Drive) Interface/Connection Types)

SSD is a storage technology where data is transferred between SSD and CPU. In order to transfer data between SSD and CPU, there are some standard connection types to connect SSD to Mainboard, etc. Here are some of the most popular them.

SSD是一种在SSD和CPU之间传输数据的存储技术。 为了在SSD和CPU之间传输数据,有一些标准的连接类型可以将SSD连接到主板,等等。以下是其中一些最受欢迎的连接类型。

  • SATA2, SATA3 is the most popular interface or connection type which is mainly used to connect SSD into the Laptop, PC, Server mainboard like a regular HDD. SATA2 supports 3Gbps which is about 300MB per second. This speed is not enough for most of the cases but SATA2 is not used commonly. SATA3 is the latest version of SATA where 6 Gbps or 600 MB transfer speed is enough for most cases where modern computers support SATA3.

    SATA2, SATA3是最流行的接口或连接类型,主要用于将SSD像普通硬盘一样连接到笔记本电脑,PC,服务器主板。 SATA2支持3Gbps,大约每秒300MB。 在大多数情况下,此速度还不够,但是通常不使用SATA2。 SATA3是SATA的最新版本,对于大多数现代计算机支持SATA3的情况,6 Gbps或600 MB的传输速度就足够了。

  • mSATA is actually the SATA connection standard which is defined for mobile devices. mSATA is a smaller form factor according to SATA and supports 6 Gbps which is the same as SATA3.

    mSATA实际上是为移动设备定义的SATA连接标准。 根据SATA,mSATA的外形尺寸较小,并且支持6 Gbps,与SATA3相同。

  • PCIe is a connection standard that was designed to connect peripherals to the Laptop, Server, PC mainboard like GPU, Network Interface, etc. PCIe is the short form of PCI express. PCIe is also used in SSD devices to connect the SSD directly to the mainboard. PCIe provides high speeds which easily exceeds the SATA3 connection.

    PCIe是一种连接标准,旨在将外围设备连接到膝上型计算机,服务器,GPU,网络接口等PC主板。PCIe是PCI Express的简写形式。 PCIe还用于SSD设备中,以将SSD直接连接到主板。 PCIe提供了很高的速度,很容易超过SATA3连接。

  • NMVe is a similar connection type to the PCIe that was designed specifically for the SSD. NMVe is the short form of Non-Volatile Memory Express. NVMe uses the PCIe interface with some differences which are designed for the SSDs performance for higher IOPS. NMVe interface provides less latency and higher throughput according to SATA like 16 Gbps which is about 2 GB per second. Also with the multiple channels, it can rise to 32 Gbps and 4 GB.

    NMVe是与专门为SSD设计的PCIe相似的连接类型。 NMVe是非易失性内存Express的简称。 NVMe使用具有某些差异的PCIe接口,这些差异是为提高IOPS的SSD性能而设计的。 根据SATA等16 Gbps(每秒约2 GB)的要求,NMVe接口可提供更少的延迟和更高的吞吐量。 同样,通过多个通道,它可以上升到32 Gbps和4 GB。


SSD(固态硬盘)尺寸(SSD (Solid State Drive) Form Factors)

SSD form factor specifies the physical size of the SSD drives. As SSD uses NAND chips which are very tiny this makes SSD very flexible about the size and form. In general, the connection or interface type specifies the form factor of the SSD. There is 3 main SSD form factor popular in IT.

SSD外形尺寸指定SSD驱动器的物理大小。 由于SSD使用非常小的NAND芯片,这使SSD在尺寸和形式上非常灵活。 通常,连接或接口类型指定SSD的尺寸。 在IT中流行3种主要的SSD尺寸。

  • 2-5 inch form is the same size with a 2.5 HDD in order to be used or replaces with HDD drives. They have generally used SATA2 and SATA3 interfaces and used in Laptops, PC and Servers.

    2-5 inch的尺寸与2.5 HDD相同,以便使用或替换为HDD驱动器。 它们通常使用SATA2和SATA3接口,并用于笔记本电脑,PC和服务器。

  • mSATA form is designed to be used with NVMe and PCIe connection/interface types for restricted space requirements. This form is generally used with ultrathin laptops, Intel NUC systems, mini ITX motherboards, Laptops, PC and servers.

    mSATA表格旨在与NVMe和PCIe连接/接口类型一起使用,以限制空间。 该表格通常用于超薄笔记本电脑,英特尔NUC系统,微型ITX主板,笔记本电脑,PC和服务器。

  • M2. form factor is designed to be used with NVMe and PCIe interfaces/connections.

    M2. 外形设计用于NVMe和PCIe接口/连接。

选择合适的SSD(固态驱动器) (Choosing Right SSD (Solid State Drive))

Even SSD drives prices are getting more affordable while buying we have to choose the right SSD for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. We should consider the following issues before selecting the SSD.

甚至在购买SSD硬盘的价格越来越便宜的同时,我们也必须选择合适的SSD以提高效率和成本效益。 选择SSD之前,我们应考虑以下问题。

  • Usage Purpose is one of the most important things while buying SSD. We should have a reason which will be very efficient with the use of SSD. In order to store photos or videos, SSD usage is not ideal.

    Usage Purpose是购买SSD时最重要的事情之一。 我们应该有一个使用SSD会非常有效的原因。 为了存储照片或视频,SSD的使用并不理想。

  • Operating System Speed is one of the most important factors in general. We can install the operating system and its files into the SSD which will make our system much faster.

    通常, Operating System Speed是最重要的因素之一。 我们可以将操作系统及其文件安装到SSD中,这将使我们的系统更快。

  • Applications and Games can be installed into the SSD where they will run faster and response times will be lesser.

    可以将Applications and Games安装到SSD中,它们将运行得更快,响应时间更短。

  • Other files, folder, and data can be a secondary disk drive like HDD or SSHD which is a hybrid HDD with some flash memory and caching mechanism.


  • Other files, folders, and data can be also stored in the cloud for rare access and only download when required.



如何升级SSD(固态驱动器)(How To Upgrade SSD (Solid State Drive))

After deciding the size of the SSD we need to select the right SSD drive with the proper form factor and interface/connection type. We need to get information about the interface/connection type supported the system we want to add SSD. For example, we can not connect SSD with NMVe into a SATA only system. Or we can not put 2.5 inch SSD into an mSATA form factor area. After these, we can back up or copy the data already stored old disk drive or use some tools provided with the SSD or freely over the internet.

确定SSD的大小后,我们需要选择具有适当形状和接口/连接类型的正确SSD驱动器。 我们需要获取有关要添加SSD的系统所支持的接口/连接类型的信息。 例如,我们无法将具有NMVe的SSD连接到仅SATA的系统中。 否则我们不能将2.5英寸SSD放入mSATA尺寸区域。 之后,我们可以备份或复制已经存储在旧磁盘驱动器上的数据,或者使用SSD随附的某些工具或通过Internet*地进行备份。

SSD(固态硬盘)的优势 (SSD (Solid State Drive) Advantages)

SSD provides a lot of advantages according to the standard disk drives like HDD, CD, Floppy Disk.


  • Higher Speed: SSD drives the main advantage is the speed they provide. They can provide better read and write speeds according to other disk technologies. This high speed is achieved with higher IOPS simply higher Input Output Per Second.

    Higher Speed :SSD驱动器的主要优势是它们提供的速度。 根据其他磁盘技术,它们可以提供更好的读写速度。 更高的IOPS就是每秒更高的输入输出,从而实现了如此高的速度。

  • Lower Latency is another performance factor which is the time required to read or write a bunch of data. Lower latency provides agile responses from the SSD to the requestions applications.

    Lower Latency是另一个性能因素,它是读取或写入一堆数据所需的时间。 较低的延迟提供了从SSD到请求应用程序的敏捷响应。

  • Low Power Consumption is another important advantage of the SSD because of no physical movement or action. SSD works with electrical signals which are at a very low level.

    由于没有物理移动或动作,因此Low Power Consumption是SSD的另一个重要优势。 SSD可以处理非常低的电信号。

  • More Stability is provided with SSD’s because of the no moving parts and physical operations. SSD’s do not affect by drop, vibration. Also, NAND technology provides higher stability according to magnetic area technology.

    由于没有活动部件和物理操作,因此SSD具有More Stability 。 SSD不受跌落,震动的影响。 而且,NAND技术根据磁区技术提供了更高的稳定性。

  • Less Space Requirement: SSD’s with the NAND technology can provide higher storage sizes with less space. This will make SSD less space required storage.

    Less Space Requirement :采用NAND技术的SSD可以以更少的空间提供更大的存储容量。 这将使SSD减少所需的存储空间。

SSD(固态硬盘)的缺点 (SSD (Solid State Drive) Disadvantages)

Even SSD provides a lot of superior features according to HDD, CD, Floppy Disk it has some disadvantages according to them.


  • Higher Price: Event with the recent manufacturing advancements the SSD prices are higher than HDD per GB. But this disadvantage is getting disappearing as time goes on with the advancements in SSD manufacturing technology and consumer preferences.

    Higher Price :随着最近制造技术的进步,SSD价格高于每GB HDD。 但是随着时间的推移,随着SSD制造技术和消费者喜好的发展,这种劣势正在消失。

  • Lesser LifeTime: SSD uses NAND technology where data is read and written over and over again where the NAND chips are used. NAND chips have a little bit less lifetime according to HDD which is not a big disadvantage according to their lifetime.

    Lesser LifeTime :SSD使用NAND技术,可以在使用NAND芯片的情况下反复读写数据。 根据HDD,NAND芯片的寿命要短一些,就其寿命而言,这并不是一个很大的缺点。


SSD(固态硬盘)性能和基准 (SSD (Solid State Drive) Performance and Benchmarks)

In this part, we will explain the most exciting aspect of the SSD the Performance and Benchmark of SSD drives by comparing it with HDD.


  • Access Time: SSD provides very low access time which is 0.1 ms where HDD access time is about 5.5-8.05 ms.

    Access Time :SSD提供的访问时间非常短,仅为0.1毫秒,而硬盘访问时间约为5.5-8.05毫秒。

  • Random I/O Performance: Random I/O is the SSD best features where SSD can process 6000 I/O in a second where HDD can only process up to 400 I/O

    Random I/O Performance :随机I / O是SSD的最佳功能,其中SSD可以在一秒钟内处理6000 I / O,而HDD最多只能处理400 I / O

  • I/O Request Times: SDD I/O request time is about 20ms where HDD is about 400-500 ms.

    I/O Request Times :SDD I / O请求时间约为20毫秒,其中HDD约为400-500毫秒。

  • Typical Backup Time: A typical backup can be completed with SSD in 6 hours wherewith HDD in 20-24 hours.

    Typical Backup Time :典型的备份可以用SSD在6小时内完成,而HDD可以在20-24小时内完成。

SSD(固态驱动器)与HDD(硬盘驱动器) (SSD (Solid State Drive) vs HDD (Hard Disk Drive))

Let’s make a complete comparison SSD with HDD about all different aspects in a single shot.


  • Power Consumption: SSD power consumption is about 2-3 watts in general where HDD consumes 6-7 watts in general.

    Power Consumption :SSD功耗通常约为2-3瓦,而HDD功耗通常为6-7瓦。

  • Cost: SSD costs $0.20 per gigabyte where HDD costs $0.03 per gigabyte. SSD’s are more expensive than HDD.

    Cost :SSD成本为每GB 0.20美元,而HDD成本为每GB 0.03美元。 SSD比HDD贵。

  • Capacity:  SSD capacities start from 50 GB to 4TB where HDD capacities start from 500GB to 10TB in general.

    Capacity :SSD容量通常从50 GB开始到4TB,而HDD容量从500GB开始到10TB。

  • OS Boot Time: Operating system with SSD disk can boot in 10-13 seconds where with HDD the boot takes up 30-40 seconds at least. SSD is very faster than HDD for OS boot time.

    OS Boot Time :带有SSD磁盘的操作系统可以在10-13秒内启动,而使用HDD引导至少需要30-40秒。 SSD的启动时间比HDD快得多。

  • Noise: SSD noise is zero because there is no moving part where HDD can create a lot of noise because of disk spinnings.

    Noise :SSD噪音为零,因为没有活动部件,硬盘会因磁盘旋转而产生大量噪音。

  • Vibration: SSD does not have vibration because of no moving parts where HDD can create some vibration because of spinning disk plates.

    Vibration :由于没有活动部件,SSD没有振动,而HDD会由于旋转的磁盘板而产生一些振动。

  • Heat Production: SSD creates so little heat because of no moving parts and low power consumption where HDD produces a little more heat because of moving parts and higher power consumption.

    Heat Production :由于没有活动部件和低功耗,SSD产生的热量很少,而由于活动部件和较高的功耗,HDD产生的热量更多。

  • Failure Rate: SSD means the time between failure is about 2.0 million hours where HDD mean time between failures is 1.5 million hours. This makes SSD more stable.

    Failure Rate :SSD表示故障间隔时间约为200万小时,而HDD表示故障间隔时间为150万小时。 这使SSD更加稳定。

  • File Copy/Write Performance: SSD file copy/write can provide 200 MB/s in general which can go up to 500MB/s where HDD file copy/write can provide between 50-200MB/s in general.

    File Copy/Write Performance :SSD文件复制/写入通常可以提供200 MB / s的速度,最高可以达到500MB / s,而HDD文件复制/写入通常可以提供50-200MB / s的速度。

  • File Open Performance: SSD access time is very low which makes it very fast file opening speed where HDD is slower than SSD for opening files.

    File Open Performance :SSD的访问时间非常短,这使得文件打开速度非常快,而HDD的打开速度比SSD慢。

  • Encryption: For both SSD and HDD can provide security feature disk encryption in some models.

    Encryption :在某些型号中,对于SSD和HDD都可以提供安全功能磁盘加密。

  • Fragmentation: SSD does not have any fragmentation problem because of its flash technology where HDD can be defragmented which will cause performance and noise problems.

    Fragmentation :SSD没有任何碎片化问题,因为它的闪存技术可对HDD进行碎片整理,这将导致性能和噪音问题。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-ssd-solid-state-drive/