


Back in 2011, Brad Frost wrote a post on Support vs. Optimization. One of the (many) smart things he said was:

早在2011年,布拉德·弗罗斯特(Brad Frost)就支持与优化一文发表了文章。 他说的(很多)聪明的事情之一是:

The power of the web is its ubiquity. It is the web’s superpower, and its omnipresence is what sets it apart from native platforms.

网络的力量无处不在。 它是网络的超级力量,它的无处不在使它与本机平台区分开来。

This is what excites me about the web and it’s why web technology tends to be my focus. That ubiquity, that ability to get your information to anyone with a device connected to the web, is incredibly inspiring. This is why I tend to get so frustrated when we do things that eliminate that superpower.

这就是让我对Web感到兴奋的原因,这就是为什么Web技术倾向于成为我关注的重点。 这种无处不在的功能,以及通过连接到网络的设备将信息传递给任何人的能力,令人鼓舞。 这就是为什么当我们做消除超级能力的事情时,我往往会感到沮丧。

When we don’t consider what an experience is like without JS, we’re crippling that super power.

当我们不考虑没有JS的体验时 ,我们就会削弱这种超级能力。

When we use techniques that work only on top-of-the-line modern browsers, but don’t consider what happens in other browsers, we’re crippling that super power.

当我们使用仅在*现代浏览器上可用的技术,却不考虑其他浏览器会发生什么时 ,我们就会削弱这种超级功能。

When we build fat sites that are incredibly slow to load on older devices or slower networks, if they can even load at all, we’re crippling that super power.

当我们构建的胖站点在旧设备或较慢的网络上加载速度极其缓慢时, 如果它们甚至根本无法加载 ,我们就会削弱这种超级能力。

When we neglect to consider people with accessibility needs, we’re crippling that super power.

当我们忽略考虑有无障碍需求的人时 ,我们就是在削弱这种超级力量。

When we slam the door on people because of the device they’re using, we’re crippling that super power.


As you make decisions that don’t include each of these groups you continually reduce the unique power of the web. Individually it might not seem like much, but with each step you’re cutting off more and more people from being able to access content you’re putting online. This makes little sense no matter if you choose to look at it from a business perspective or an ideological one.

当您做出不包含所有这些组的决策时,您将不断降低网络的独特功能。 从个人的角度看,它似乎并不多,但是随着每一步,您将使越来越多的人无法访问您正在上网的内容。 无论您是从业务角度还是从意识形态角度来看,这都毫无意义。

In a recent post on the Pastry Box Mat Marquis talked about browser support and the different views web professionals may take when it comes to their work:

在最近关于Pastry Box的帖子中, Mat Marquis谈到了浏览器支持以及网络专业人员在工作中可能采取的不同观点:

Some people want their paychecks and to go home, and that’s fine. You and me, though—we’re gonna work harder than they do. We’ll build things that ensure that entire populations just setting foot on the web for the first time can tap into the collected knowledge of the whole of mankind.

有些人想要他们的薪水然后回家,这很好。 但是,您和我-我们将比他们更加努力。 我们将构建一些东西,以确保整个人群第一次踏上网络就可以利用所收集的全人类知识。

That last line right there is why I enjoy working with web technologies. It’s what I get excited about.

最后一行就是为什么我喜欢使用Web技术。 这就是我的兴奋。

The web has the power to go anywhere—any network, any device, any browser. Why not take advantage of that?

Web可以随处访问-任何网络,任何设备,任何浏览器。 为什么不利用它呢?

Update: This post ended up being a little more controversial than I anticipated, so I ended up following it up tackling the topic from another angle in a follow-up, “Being Practical”. Aaron Gustafson also followed up with an excellent look at the “cost” of progressive enhancement that is well worth your time.

更新:这篇文章的争议最终超出了我的预期,因此我在后续的“实践”中从另一个角度探讨了该主题。 亚伦·古斯塔夫森(Aaron Gustafson)还出色地研究了逐步增强“成本”,这很值得您花时间。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2013/07/crippling-the-web/
