


Coaxial cable is a type of copper cable. It was designed to transmit signals over the long ranges. Coaxial cable mainly used for cable TV and computer network to transmit data and signal. Especially in the 1970s and 1980s coaxial cable was popular for the TV broadcasting and computer networks, but with the development of the fiber cable, it started to lose popularity.

同轴电缆是铜电缆的一种。 它旨在传输远距离的信号。 同轴电缆主要用于有线电视和计算机网络以传输数据和信号。 特别是在1970年代和1980年代,同轴电缆在电视广播和计算机网络中很流行,但是随着光缆的发展,它开始失去了普及性。

Coaxial cable was invented in 1800 by an Engineer and Mathematician Oliver Heaviside and patented this invention. The first intercontinental coaxial cable transmission is completed in 1940.

同轴电缆是由工程师和数学家Oliver Heaviside于1800年发明的,并为此申请了专利。 第一次洲际同轴电缆传输于1940年完成。

同轴电缆零件 (Parts Of Coaxial Cables)

Coaxial cable consists of 4 main parts in general. But these parts may change according to the type of coaxial cable. Here are the parts of the coaxial cable.

同轴电缆通常由4个主要部分组成。 但是这些部分可能会根据同轴电缆的类型而变化。 这是同轴电缆的部件。

  • Outside Insulation insulates the coaxial cable from outside effects and covers the coaxial cable completely. It is made from plastic generally.

    Outside Insulation将同轴电缆与外界影响隔离,并完全覆盖同轴电缆。 它通常由塑料制成。

  • Copper Mesh is used to protect the cable and copper wire from the electric or magnetic effects. Copper Mesh is very important where copper wire performance like speed, bandwidth, frequency quality mainly depends on it.

    Copper Mesh用于保护电缆和铜线免受电磁影响。 在速度,带宽,频率质量主要取决于铜线性能的情况下,铜网非常重要。

  • Insulation is used to make apart Cooper Mesh and Copper wire. It is mainly used to cut and prevent the connection between Copper mesh and Copper wire.

    Insulation用于分隔铜网和铜线。 它主要用于切割和防止铜网和铜线之间的连接。

  • Cıpper wire is the most important part where the electrical signal is transmitted. As its name suggest its made of copper.

    Cıpper wire是传输电信号的最重要部分。 顾名思义,它是由铜制成的。

Parts Of Coaxial Cables

同轴电缆的类型(Types Of Coaxial Cables)

Coaxial cables can be different in type and use cases. According to their impedance, there are two types of coaxial cables which are 75 Ohm and 50 Ohm. Generally, 75 Ohm cables are used to transmit video signals where 50 Ohm cables are used to transmit data like a computer network. Higher Ohm values will transmit signals shorter ranges but the signal quality stays better. Lesser Ohm values will transmit signals to the longer ranges. Mainly there are following Coaxial cables exist which are explained in detail.

同轴电缆的类型和使用情况可能不同。 根据其阻抗,同轴电缆有两种类型,分别是75欧姆和50欧姆。 通常,75欧姆电缆用于传输视频信号,而50欧姆电缆用于传输数据,例如计算机网络。 较高的欧姆值将传输较短距离的信号,但信号质量保持较好。 欧姆值越小,信号传输范围就越长。 主要存在以下同轴电缆,将对其进行详细说明。

  • RF Coaxial Cable

  • RG-6 Coaxial Cable

  • RG-11 Coaxial Cable

  • RG-59 Coaxial Cable


射频同轴电缆(RF Coaxial Cable)

RF type coaxial cable is mainly used to carry radio frequency signals. This type of cable was used long before in order to carry radio stations to the subscribers where RF coaxial cable is input into radio or TV device.

RF型同轴电缆主要用于承载射频信号。 这种类型的电缆很久以前就被使用过,以便将无线电台运送到订户,在那里射频同轴电缆被输入到无线电或电视设备中。

RG-6同轴电缆 (RG-6 Coaxial Cable)

RG-6 type coaxial cable has larger conductors where they can provide better signal quality. They have thicker insulation which allows handling GHz level signals more efficiently. Generally used for TV antennas for the walls and ceilings.

RG-6型同轴电缆具有较大的导体,可以提供更好的信号质量。 它们的绝缘层较厚,可以更有效地处理GHz电平信号。 通常用于墙壁和天花板的电视天线。

RG-11同轴电缆 (RG-11 Coaxial Cable)

RG-11 is a cable which is thicker than most of the other type of coaxial cables which makes it difficult to work with. But this type of struct makes it able to carry the signal to the loner distances according to RG-6 and R-59.

RG-11是比大多数其他类型的同轴电缆都要粗的电缆,这使它难以使用。 但是这种类型的结构使其能够按照RG-6和R-59将信号传送到更长的距离。

RG-59同轴电缆 (RG-59 Coaxial Cable)

RG-56 is a very common coaxial type where it can be used for domestic usage which is similar to the RG-6. Its connector is thinner than RG-6 where it makes it a good choice for short runs and low-frequency transmission.

RG-56是一种非常普通的同轴类型,与RG-6类似,可用于家庭使用。 它的连接器比RG-6薄,因此是短期和低频传输的理想选择。

同轴电缆的优点 (Advantages Of Coaxial Cables)

Coaxial cables are generally preferred in the 1990s because of its advantages. Here are some of them.

由于其优点,同轴电缆在1990年代通常是首选。 这里是其中的一些。

  • Inexpensive to use

  • Easy To Wire and Install in different conditions

  • Easy To Expand for new buildings and infrastructures

  • Provides good resistance to the Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI)

  • High transfer speed like 10Mbps

  • Durable for different hazardous conditions


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-coaxial-cable-and-hot-it-is-used/
