rfp 系统_RFP:Unity向学校授予60台Android智能手机

rfp 系统_RFP:Unity向学校授予60台Android智能手机

rfp 系统

rfp 系统_RFP:Unity向学校授予60台Android智能手机

Hello Unity Community. This is my first blog post and I’m happy to be sharing some very exciting news. I joined Unity almost two months ago to assist with commercial and institutional licensing. In my short time here, Unity has maintained a whirlwind pace of product announcements, resource partnerships, tech demos and conference appearances. It has certainly been an exhilarating start to a new job.

您好Unity社区。 这是我的第一篇博客文章,很高兴与您分享一些令人振奋的新闻。 我将近两个月前加入Unity,以协助进行商业和机构许可。 在我短暂的时间内,Unity保持了产品发布资源合作伙伴关系技术演示会议露面的旋风。 当然,这是新工作令人振奋的开始。

Prior to joining Unity I spent a number of years working with colleges setting up game design and game programming courses around the world. In 2005 there were only 30 schools that offered any sort of accredited game development courses. Fast-forward to 2010 and hundreds of higher education institutions are now offering, not just courses, but full-fledged degrees in 3D simulation and electronic game production. During this time, Unity has rapidly become the most popular game engine in use at these schools. Every month dozens of professors and program directors contact us asking for more information about adopting Unity Pro and Unity iPhone.

在加入Unity之前,我花了很多年的时间与大学合作,在全球范围内开设游戏设计和游戏编程课程。 2005年,只有30所学校提供了各种认可的游戏开发课程。 到2010年,数百所高等教育机构不仅提供课程,而且还提供3D模拟和电子游戏制作的完整学位。 在这段时间里,Unity已Swift成为这些学校中使用的最受欢迎的游戏引擎。 每个月都有数十位教授和程序主管与我们联系,以询问有关采用Unity Pro和Unity iPhone的更多信息。

Unity is also firmly committed to supporting the Google Android platform. We strongly feel that competition in the mobile handset and tablet PC markets will create lucrative opportunities for mobile developers. Last week we announced a huge opportunity for Unity developers who want to expand their business to Android: we are giving away 500 Nexus One Android phones (details available here.) However, in our eagerness to kick start Unity Android game production, we do not want to skip over the important role schools play in shaping the next generation of application designers. That is why I am pleased to announce that today Unity is opening an RFP (Request For Proposal) to select up to three schools whose programs will each be awarded 20 copies of Unity Android Pro, Unity Pro and 20 Nexus One Phones.

Unity还坚定地致力于支持Google Android平台。 我们强烈认为,手机和平板电脑市场的竞争将为移动开发人员创造丰厚的机会。 上周,我们宣布了希望将业务扩展到Android的Unity开发人员的巨大机会:我们将赠送500部Nexus One Android手机( 请参见此处。 )但是,由于我们急于启动Unity Android游戏的生产,希望跳过学校在塑造下一代应用程序设计师中扮演的重要角色。 这就是为什么我很高兴地宣布,今天Unity即将开放RFP(征求建议书),以选择最多三所学校,每所学校的课程将分别获得20份Unity Android Pro,Unity Pro和20部Nexus One手机。

The full details of the RFP can be accessed here. For additional questions please post comments in the space below or contact us directly at [email protected] .

可以在此处访问RFP的完整详细信息。 如有其他问题,请在下面的空格中发表评论,或直接通过[email protected]与我们联系。



We will try to ship phones to most places. Although accredited colleges and universities worldwide are eligible, Unity Technologies can only ship phones to addresses in the US, Canada, EU / EEA states, Switzerland, *, * and Singapore. If Unity Technologies cannot ship a phone(s) to a school because of taxes, embargoes, FCC restrictions, customs duties and / or fees levied by the destination country or any other reason, Unity Technologies may still grant the software portion of the award. Unity Technologies reserves the right at all times to cancel or alter to the award criteria and reclaim any awarded materials

我们将尝试将电话运送到大多数地方。 尽管全球认可的高校都有资格,但Unity Technologies只能将电话运送到美国,加拿大,欧盟/欧洲经济区国家,瑞士,香港,*和新加坡的地址。 如果Unity Technologies由于目的地国征收的税款,禁运,FCC限制,关税和/或费用或任何其他原因而无法将手机运送到学校,则Unity Technologies仍可能授予该奖项的软件部分。 Unity Technologies保留随时取消或更改奖励标准并收回任何奖励材料的权利

All participating schools agree that this promotion shall be governed by the laws of the state of Denmark.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/07/07/rfp-unity-to-award-60-android-smart-phones-to-schools/

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