docker安装redis无法启动: The container name “/ly-redis“ is already in use by container

报错信息:response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/ly-redis" is already in use by container 7606c1cc0d9cc3124e2a29e944c533229b93168e69b0b233d72d8eea73d32276. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name..

docker安装redis无法启动: The container name “/ly-redis“ is already in use by container




1.  根据错误信息,找到原因是容器已经在使用

2. 找到容器的名字,需错误信息中提示了 ly-redis  这就是容器的名称

3. 使用docker命令删除容器:docker rm ly-redis  (名字不能抄)

4. 再次执行您要想执行的命令

5. 重新启动 docker restart ly-redis

6. 检验容器是否启动成功:docker exec -it ly-redis redis-cli

7.  输入 ping 即可,如果得到PONG,说明redis在dockers中安装成功!!!


docker安装redis无法启动: The container name “/ly-redis“ is already in use by container