(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...

(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...




1)两个字符串的长度之差 大于1 直接返回false;

2)长度之差等于1, 判断长的字符串删掉不一样的字符,剩余的字符串是否相同;



class Solution {
     * @param s: a string
     * @param t: a string
     * @return: true if they are both one edit distance apart or false
    bool isOneEditDistance(string &s, string &t) {
        // write your code here
        if(s.size() > t.size())
            swap(s, t);   //保证t比s长
        int diff = t.size() - s.size();
        if(diff > 1)
            return false;
        if(diff == 1){
            for(int i=0; i<s.size(); i++){
                if(t[i] != s[i])
                    return (s.substr(i) == t.substr(i+1));   //t去掉索引为i的字符之后剩余的子串和s是否相同
            return true;
        if(diff == 0){
            int cnt = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<s.size(); i++){
                if(s[i] != t[i])
                    cnt ++;
            return (cnt==1);


(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 题意:API :int read4(char *buf) 每次读4个字符,想要实现read函数每次能读入任意字符。

(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



 ptr 是读入字符串的指针,bufferPtr是指向buffer队列的头指针,bufferCnt 是指向buffer队列的尾指针。

// Forward declaration of the read4 API.
int read4(char *buf);  //return the actual number of characters read

class Solution {
     * @param buf destination buffer
     * @param n maximum number of characters to read
     * @return the number of characters read
    char buffer[4];
    int bufferPtr = 0, bufferCnt = 0;  //队列的头指针和尾指针 
    int read(char *buf, int n) {
        // Write your code here
        int ptr = 0;
        while(ptr < n){
            if(bufferPtr == bufferCnt){
                bufferCnt = read4(buffer);
                bufferPtr = 0;
            if(bufferCnt == 0)  //没有数据读入就退出
            while(ptr < n && bufferPtr < bufferCnt){
                buf[ptr] = buffer[bufferPtr];
        return ptr;


(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



class Solution {
     * @param strs: a list of strings
     * @return: encodes a list of strings to a single string.
    string encode(vector<string> &strs) {
        // write your code here
        string ans;
        for(int i=0; i<strs.size(); i++){
            string s = strs[i];
            for(int j = 0; j<s.size(); j++){
                if(s[j] == ':')
                    ans += "::";   //加一个转义符,把所有的:变为::
                    ans += s[j];
            ans += ":;";    //一个字符串结束后加上分隔符
        return ans;

     * @param str: A string
     * @return: dcodes a single string to a list of strings
    vector<string> decode(string &str) {
        // write your code here
        vector<string> ans;
        string item;
        int i = 0;
            if(str[i] == ':'){
                if(str[i+1] == ';'){
                    // ; 为分隔符
                    item = "";
                    i += 2;
                    // :为转义符
                    item += str[i+1];
                    i += 2;
                item += str[i];
        return ans;


leetcode 388 & lintcode 643

(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



class Solution {
    vector<string> split(string& str, char c){
        char *cstr, *p;
        vector<string> ret;
        cstr = new char[str.size() + 1];
        strcpy(cstr, str.c_str());  //将str拷贝给cstr
        p = strtok(cstr, &c); //将cstr指向的字符数组以c来分割
            p = strtok(NULL, &c);
        return ret;
    int lengthLongestPath(string input) {
        int ans = 0;
        vector<string> lines = split(input, '\n');  //用\n来分隔字符串
        map<int, int> level_size;
        level_size[-1] = 0;  // 初始化在第0层
        for(int i=0; i<lines.size(); i++){
            string line = lines[i];
            int level = line.find_last_of('\t') + 1;   
            // 查找字符串中最后一个出现\t。有匹配,则返回匹配位置;否则返回-1.
            int len = (line.substr(level)).size();  //第level层字符串的长度
            if(line.find('.') != string::npos){   //if(s.find('.') != -1)
                //找到. 说明是文件
                ans = max(ans, level_size[level - 1] + len);
                //每一行要加/ 故+1
                level_size[level] = level_size[level - 1] + len + 1;  //前缀和优化
        return ans;



(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...





若对1做名人检验:2,3,4认识1;而5 不认识1。

说明 1 不是名人,且 2,3,4也不会是名人。

即两个人中,总有一个人被去掉:若1和2 ,2认识1 说明2不是名人;若1和3,3不认识1 说明1不是名人。

(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



// Forward declaration of the knows API.
bool knows(int a, int b);  //return whether A knows B
//if true, A is not celebrity
//if false, B is not celebrity
class Solution {
     * @param n a party with n people
     * @return the celebrity's label or -1
    int findCelebrity(int n) {
        // Write your code here
        int ans = 0;
        for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
            if(knows(ans, i))
                ans = i;  //每次去掉一个人
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
            if(ans!=i && knows(ans, i))
                return -1;
            if(ans != i && !knows(i, ans))
                return -1;
        return ans;

(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



class Solution {
    int romanToInt(string s) {
        unordered_map<char, int> mp = {{'I',1}, {'V', 5},  {'X', 10}, {'L', 50},  {'C', 100}, {'D', 500}, {'M', 1000}};
        int r = mp[s[0]];
        for(int i=1; i<s.size(); i++){
            r += mp[s[i]];
            if(mp[s[i-1]] < mp[s[i]])
                r = r - 2*mp[s[i-1]];    
        return r;


class Solution {
    int romanToInt(string s) {
        unordered_map<string, int> mp = {{"I",1}, {"V", 5},  {"X", 10}, {"L", 50},  {"C", 100}, {"D", 500}, {"M", 1000}};
        int r = mp[s.substr(0, 1)];
        for(int i=1; i<s.size(); i++){
            r += mp[s.substr(i, 1)];
            if(mp[s.substr(i-1, 1)] < mp[s.substr(i, 1)])
                r -= 2*mp[s.substr(i-1, 1)];    
        return r;


(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



class Solution {
    string intToRoman(int num) {
        vector<int> value = {1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5,4,1};
        vector<string> roman = {"M", "CM", "D","CD","C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV",
        string str;
        int i = 0;
            if(num >= value[i]){
                num -= value[i];
                str += roman[i];
        return str;


(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...


 坑点:一定要再设置一个long long 的数组nums2来保存nums里的数,而且getString 函数的形参 st和ed也必须是long long类型的。

class Solution {
     * @param nums: a sorted integer array
     * @param lower: An integer
     * @param upper: An integer
     * @return: a list of its missing ranges
    string getString(long long st, long long ed){
        if(st > ed)
            return "";
        if(st == ed)
            return to_string(st);
        return to_string(st) + "->" + to_string(ed);
    vector<string> findMissingRanges(vector<int> &nums, int lower, int upper) {
        // write your code here
        vector<string> ans;
        string tmp;
        vector<long long> nums2;
        for(int i=0; i<nums.size(); i++)
            tmp = getString(lower, upper);
            if(tmp != "")
            return ans;
        tmp = getString(lower, nums2[0]-1);
        for(int i=1; i<nums2.size(); i++){
            tmp = getString(nums2[i-1]+1, nums2[i]-1);
            if(tmp != "")
        tmp = getString(nums2.back()+1, upper);
        if(tmp != "")
        return ans;


(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



class Solution {
    static bool cmp(const )
    vector<vector<int>> merge(vector<vector<int>>& intervals) {
        vector<vector<int>> res;
            return res;
        sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end());
        //sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), cmp);
        int start = intervals[0][0], end = intervals[0][1];
        intervals.push_back({INT_MAX, INT_MAX});
        for(int i=1; i<intervals.size(); i++){
            vector<int> interval = intervals[i];
            if(interval[0] <= end){
                if(interval[1] > end)
                    end = interval[1];
                res.push_back({start, end});
                start = interval[0];
                end = interval[1];
        return res;


(分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...



 (分类讨论, 情景模拟, 区间类型) lintcode 640. One Edit Distance, leetcode 388,intcode 645. 13. 12. 659. 660...




//注意这个 for(st=0; st<intervals.size() && intervals[st].start < newInterval.start; st++)
intervals[st].start < newInterval.start 判断条件要写在循环判断里面,如果写在循环里面用if判断,st就多加了一次。
 * Definition of Interval:
 * classs Interval {
 *     int start, end;
 *     Interval(int start, int end) {
 *         this->start = start;
 *         this->end = end;
 *     }
 * }

class Solution {
     * @param intervals: Sorted interval list.
     * @param newInterval: new interval.
     * @return: A new interval list.
    vector<Interval> insert(vector<Interval> &intervals, Interval newInterval) {
        // write your code here
        vector<Interval> ans;
        int st;
        for(st=0; st<intervals.size() && intervals[st].start < newInterval.start; st++)    
        if(!ans.empty() && ans.back().end >= newInterval.start)
            ans.back().end = max(ans.back().end, newInterval.end);
        for(int i=st; i<intervals.size(); i++){
            if(ans.back().end >= intervals[i].start)
                ans.back().end = max(ans.back().end, intervals[i].end);
        return ans;