Learning from the Past: Continaul Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural network review

Learning from the Past: Continaul Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural network review

1. 提出问题

现有的基于图网络做meta-learning的方法会有Catastrophic forgettinginsufficient robustness的问题, 导致不嗯呢个保持long-term的knowledge,并会造成严重的错误积累。

  • Catastraphic forgetting
  • insufficient robustness

2. 提出解决方案

针对Catastraphic forgetting的问题,文章采用了联合模型:

采用long-term (GRU)纠正 inter-task的问题;

采用graph neural networks计算short-term intra-class 之间的关联性;

由以上两个思想,设计出一个Continual Graph Neural Network, 可以实现在遇到新的eposides的时候,合理保持并利用重要的prior-imformation.

Learning from the Past: Continaul Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural network review

从图中可以看到,在每一个episode中,GNN采用embedding后的feature作为初始化,随后采用K-Hop Message Passing的方法更新节点,最后将得到的信息存储在GRU中,有利于分类结果在学习新样本的同时还能合理利用重要的先验知识

除此之外,在图网络中边初始化的不确定性是非常常见的,文章又提出贝叶斯方法用于edge inference(边的推理计算);这样可以实现针对不同的任务,分类的权重可以动态的调整。

3. 网络模型

3.1 Continual Graph Neural Networks


  • Node Interactions Modeling
  • Task History Transition
  • Adjacency Feature Update

3.2 Bayes by Backprop for Edge Inference

Learning from the Past: Continaul Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural network review

从图2中可以看出,在Edge Inference模块中,首先更新Node features, 然后通过Task Representation network获取分类器的分布,去除当前分类器所在的分布的权重,当前的另一分支处理相邻矩阵的更新,然后将分类器权重和相邻矩阵分布一同更新到图网络中

Learning from the Past: Continaul Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural network review

4. 实验结果

Learning from the Past: Continaul Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural network review

Learning from the Past: Continaul Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural network review
