
本文为法国巴黎东方大学(作者:Karim Hammoudi)的博士论文,共234页。


The aim of this work is to develop research on 3D building modeling. Inparticular, the research in aerial-based 3D building reconstruction is a topic verydeveloped since 1990. However, it is necessary to pursue the research since theactual approaches for 3D massive building reconstruction (although efficient)still encounter problems in generalization, coherency, accuracy. Besides, therecent developments of street acquisition systems such as Mobile MappingSystems open new perspectives for improvements in building modeling in thesense that the terrestrial data (very dense and accurate) can be exploited withmore performance (in comparison to the aerial investigation) to enrich thebuilding models at facade level (e.g., geometry, texturing). Hence, aerial andterrestrial based building modeling approaches are individually proposed. Ataerial level, we describe a direct and featureless approach for simplepolyhedral building reconstruction from a set of calibrated aerial images. Atterrestrial level, several approaches that essentially describe a 3D urbanfacade modeling pipeline are proposed, namely, the street point cloudsegmentation and classification, the geometric modeling of urban façade and theocclusion-free facade texturing.

1 引言
2 从航空影像中提取三维多面体建筑模型
3 地面城市激光数据的性质
4 地面城市街道点云的分割与分类
5 从图像和激光数据进行正面建模和无遮挡纹理处理
6 结论与未来工作展望
