unity2020新特性_新的Unity Pro和Plus订阅的定价将于2020年1月1日更改

unity2020新特性_新的Unity Pro和Plus订阅的定价将于2020年1月1日更改


Current seat subscriptions and current custom agreements are unaffected. Jump to the FAQ below if you have questions.

当前的席位订阅和当前的自定义协议不受影响。 如有疑问,请跳至下面的常见问题解答。

新价格于2020年1月1日生效 (New prices take effect January 1, 2020 )

Effective January 1, 2020 at 12:00 am UTC, the price for Unity Pro subscriptions will be USD $150/month and Unity Plus subscriptions will be USD $40/month for new seats, additional seats, and renewals of expiring custom agreements. Unity Personal remains free for all eligible users. View subscription plans.

从2020年1月1日世界标准时间上午12:00开始,Unity Pro订阅的价格为150美元/月,Unity Plus订阅的价格为40美元/月(新席位,额外席位和续订的自定义协议续订)。 所有符合条件的用户均可免费使用Unity Personal。 查看订阅计划

A little background. This is not something we do often. In fact, we haven’t updated our subscription pricing since it launched in 2016. 

一点背景。 这不是我们经常做的事情。 实际上,自2016年推出以来,我们尚未更新订阅价格。

A lot has changed since then. Tens of thousands of games and experiences are made with Unity each year, and millions of students, hobbyists, and Indies have free access to Unity until they become commercially successful. We’ve invested across all dimensions of the product such as building new features and services, improving the quality of releases, widening our platform reach, and adding premium learning resources. While we’ve made great strides, there is so much more we want to deliver. Watch out for our next release, free new sample games and tutorials, and more value to be added to the subscription plans. We’re staying committed to doing whatever it takes to inspire, equip, and educate our amazingly talented, dedicated, and growing community. This change will help us do that.

从那以后很多事情改变了。 每年都有成千上万的Unity 游戏和经验 ,成千上万的学生,业余爱好者和印度人可以免费使用Unity,直到他们在商业上取得成功。 我们已经在产品的各个方面进行了投资,例如 构建新功能 和服务,提高发布质量,扩大平台范围以及添加 优质的学习资源 。 尽管我们取得了长足的进步,但我们还有很多要交付的东西。 请注意我们的 下一个版本 ,免费的新示例游戏教程 ,以及更多可添加到订阅计划中的价值。 我们始终致力于为激发,装备和教育我们才华横溢,敬业且不断发展的社区做出一切努力。 这一变化将帮助我们做到这一点。

常见问题(FAQ) (Frequently asked questions (FAQ))

发生什么变化以及何时发生? (What’s changing and when?)

Effective January 1, 2020 at 12:00 am UTC, the price for Unity Pro subscriptions will be USD $150/month and Unity Plus subscriptions will be USD $40/month. This pricing applies to new subscriptions, additional seats, and renewals of expiring custom agreements. Current seat subscriptions and current custom agreements are unaffected. If you wish to confirm this, please check your email or contact the Customer Service team

从2020年1月1日世界标准时间上午12:00开始,Unity Pro订阅的价格为150美元/月,Unity Plus订阅的价格为40美元/月。 此价格适用于新订阅,额外席位以及到期的自定义协议的续订。 当前的席位订阅和当前的自定义协议不受影响。 如果您想确认这一点,请检查您的电子邮件或联系 客户服务团队

您为什么要提高订阅价格? (Why are you raising the price of subscriptions?)

The price has remained the same for over three years and we are making these increases in order to continue investing in new technology, features and services that will benefit all Unity creators. 


还会有免费的Unity版本吗? (Will there still be a free Unity version?)

Yes. Unity Personal remains free to creators with revenue or funding (raised or self-funded) below USD $100K in the past year.

是。 过去一年中,收入或资金(自筹或自筹)低于10万美元的创作者仍可以使用Unity Personal 。

作为当前订阅者,我会受到影响吗? (As a current subscriber, am I affected?)

Current seat subscriptions and current custom agreements are unaffected. However, new subscriptions, additional seats, and renewals of expiring custom agreements will be at the new price if purchased after Dec 31, 2019.

当前的席位订阅和当前的自定义协议不受影响。 但是,如果在2019年12月31日之后购买,新的订阅,额外的席位以及续订的自定义协议将以新价格出售。

我想在2020年为我的订阅添加席位。这些席位会以我目前的价格还是新价格出现? (I want to add seats to my subscription in 2020. Will they be at my current price or the new price?)

Seats added on or after January 1, 2020 will be at the new price. However, you can add seats before then at your current price. There is no limit to the number of seats you can add at any time.

在2020年1月1日或之后添加的席位将采用新价格。 但是,您可以在此之前以当前价格添加座位。 您可以随时添加的席位数量没有限制。

如何为我的Unity订阅添加更多席位? (How do I add more seats to my Unity subscription?)

You can find information on how to add seats to your subscription plan here. If you have a custom agreement and would like to add seats, please reach out to your account manager. There is no limit to the number of seats you can add at any time.

您可以在 此处 找到有关如何增加席位的信息 。 如果您有自定义协议并想增加席位,请与您的客户经理联系。 您可以随时添加的席位数量没有限制。

我预付了折扣价。 我的订阅价格会受到影响吗? (I received a discounted rate for prepaying. Will my subscription price be affected?)

No, current seat subscriptions and current custom agreements are not affected. However, new subscriptions, additional seats, and renewals of expiring custom agreements are affected if purchased after Dec 31, 2019. 

否,当前的席位订阅和当前的自定义协议不受影响。 但是,如果在2019年12月31日之后购买,则新订阅,额外席位和到期的自定义协议的续订均会受到影响。

我有促销价。 我的价格将如何受到影响? (I have promotional pricing. How will my price be affected?)

Current seat subscriptions and current custom agreements, including those with promotional pricing, are not affected by this change. If you wish to confirm this or have questions, please check your email or contact the Customer Service team.

当前的席位订阅和当前的自定义协议(包括具有促销价格的协议)不受此更改的影响。 如果您希望确认这一点或有任何疑问,请查看您的电子邮件或联系 客户服务团队

这是否意味着当前订户将永远保持当前定价? (Does this mean current subscribers keep their current pricing forever?)

No, it means current seat subscriptions are not impacted at this time. While there are currently no plans to increase prices beyond this announcement, we periodically review pricing and consider making adjustments. We will communicate any future changes in advance and in a clear and transparent manner to help customers plan ahead.

不,这意味着当前席位订阅目前不会受到影响。 尽管目前没有计划在本公告之后提价,但我们会定期审核价格并考虑进行调整。 我们将以清晰透明的方式提前通知任何将来的更改,以帮助客户提前计划。

我通过客户经理与Unity达成了自定义协议。 我的价格会涨吗? (I have a custom agreement with Unity through an account manager. Will my price increase? )

If you have an expiring custom agreement through a Unity account manager that expires after Dec 31, 2019, your renewal price would be at the new price. Reach out to your account manager or sales representative if you wish to renew before this change or if you have any questions.

如果您通过Unity客户经理有一份即将到期的自定义协议,该协议在2019年12月31日后到期,那么您的续订价格将为新价格。 如果您想在此更改之前续订或有任何疑问,请与您的客户经理或销售代表联系。

价格上涨会在全球范围内生效吗? (Will this price increase take effect globally?)

Yes, the price increase is effective in all regions.


您是否要定期提高订阅价格?   (Are you going to regularly increase your subscription prices? )

We do not currently have plans to increase prices beyond this announcement; however, we periodically review pricing and consider making adjustments. We will communicate any future changes in advance and in a clear and transparent manner to help customers plan ahead.

我们目前没有计划在此公告之后提价; 但是,我们会定期检查价格并考虑进行调整。 我们将以清晰透明的方式提前通知任何将来的更改,以帮助客户提前计划。

2020年1月1日,Unity Pro,Plus或Personal会有其他变化吗? (Is anything else going to change on January 1, 2020 for Unity Pro, Plus, or Personal?)

Nothing else pertaining to Unity Pro, Plus, or Personal will change on January 1, 2020.

到2020年1月1日,与Unity Pro,Plus或Personal无关的其他任何东西都不会改变。

还有问题吗? (Still have questions?)

If you are a current subscriber, contact the Customer Service team. If you have a Unity account manager, please contact them. 

如果您是当前订户,请 联系 客户服务团队 。 如果您有Unity客户经理,请与他们联系。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/10/17/pricing-for-unity-pro-and-plus-subscriptions-to-change-on-january-1-2020
