丰田汽车通过Unity和Microsoft HoloLens 2实现了混合现实魔术

Learn how Unity and HoloLens 2 have become essential tools at one of the world’s largest automakers to streamline processes, increase understanding, and save time.

了解Unity和HoloLens 2如何成为全球最大的汽车制造商之一的必备工具,以简化流程,增进了解并节省时间。

One of the core principles of Toyota Motor Corporation is Kaizen (continuous improvement). In both production equipment and work procedures, Kaizen seeks to drive maximum quality, efficiency gains, and elimination of waste.

丰田汽车公司的核心原则之一是改善(持续改进)。 在生产设备和工作程序上,Kaizen力求提高质量,提高效率并消除浪费。

Toyota often turns to technology to deliver these improvements, which is why the automaker was an early adopter of 3D data for digital engineering and later embraced real-time 3D technology. Toyota uses Unity’s real-time 3D development platform in many ways across its automotive lifecycle.

丰田公司经常求助于技术来实现这些改进,这就是为什么汽车制造商是数字工程3D数据的早期采用者,后来又采用了实时3D技术。 丰田汽车在其整个生命周期中以多种方式使用Unity的实时3D开发平台。

Its virtual pipeline starts by importing vehicle data into Unity using Pixyz. This process quickly converts Toyota’s large computer-aided design (CAD) assemblies into lightweight content suitable for real-time 3D. 

它的虚拟管道始于使用Pixyz将车辆数据导入Unity。 此过程将丰田的大型计算机辅助设计(CAD)组件快速转换为适合实时3D的轻量级内容。

The company then uses Unity to develop applications tailored to its needs and deploy them to various platforms, whether it’s conducting training sessions in virtual reality (VR), creating stunningly realistic car configurators for its luxury Lexus brand, or condensing inspection workflows from days to hours with HoloLens.


使用HoloLens 2和Unity推动持续改进 (Driving continuous improvement with HoloLens 2 and Unity)

Toyota has used Unity to create and deploy mixed reality applications to Microsoft’s revolutionary device across its automotive production process. Naturally, its team was eager to expand their mixed reality capabilities with HoloLens 2, the next generation of Microsoft’s wearable holographic computer. 

丰田汽车已经使用Unity在其汽车生产过程中创建混合现实应用程序并将其部署到Microsoft的革命性设备上。 自然,其团队渴望通过下一代的微软可穿戴全息计算机HoloLens 2扩展其混合现实功能。  

Watch the talk below from Koichi Kayano, the project leader of mixed reality for automotive digital engineering at Toyota, which introduces several proof of concept cases in progress. Learn how Unity and Microsoft’s new mixed reality devices are helping Toyota achieve Kaizen in several aspects of design, manufacturing, and field service.

观看下面来自丰田汽车数字工程混合现实项目负责人Koichi Kayano的演讲,其中介绍了一些正在进行的概念证明。 了解Unity和Microsoft的新型混合现实设备如何在设计,制造和现场服务的多个方面帮助丰田实现Kaizen。


混合现实如何为丰田提供Kaizen (How mixed reality delivers Kaizen at Toyota)

丰田汽车通过Unity和Microsoft HoloLens 2实现了混合现实魔术

Koichi Kayano, project leader of mixed reality for automotive digital engineering at Toyota, wearing HoloLens 2

丰田汽车数字现实技术混合现实项目负责人Koichi Kayano身穿HoloLens 2

Here are some of the many ways Toyota is saving time, reducing costs and driving efficiencies with mixed reality.


改进对计算流体动力学(CFD)分析的设计审查 (Improving design reviews for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis)

Previously an arduous task, CFD analysis is now made simpler with the assistance of mixed reality. Toyota uses Unity and HoloLens 2 to capture and display CFD analysis on a vehicle in real-time to streamline the design review process.

以前这是一项艰巨的任务,现在借助混合现实可以简化CFD分析。 丰田使用Unity和HoloLens 2实时捕获并显示车辆的CFD分析,以简化设计审查过程。

Going around a stationary vehicle, the user can simulate and analyze how its design affects aerodynamics. And using multiple HoloLens 2 devices, Toyota’s team can share their view with one another to better communicate and collaborate during a review process.

在固定车辆周围行驶时,用户可以模拟和分析其设计如何影响空气动力学。 通过使用多个HoloLens 2设备,Toyota的团队可以彼此共享他们的视图,从而在审核过程中更好地进行沟通和协作。


Using Unity and HoloLens 2, Toyota captures and displays CFD analysis on a vehicle in real-time

丰田汽车使用Unity和HoloLens 2实时捕获并显示车辆的CFD分析

对车辆功能的加深了解 (Increasing understanding of vehicle functionality)

丰田汽车通过Unity和Microsoft HoloLens 2实现了混合现实魔术

Microsoft’s Spectator View allows Toyota’s team to see on a mobile device what a HoloLens 2 user is seeing

Microsoft的Spectator View使Toyota的团队可以在移动设备上查看HoloLens 2用户所看到的内容

Once a vehicle is assembled, it is challenging to explain the functionality of hidden mechanisms within the vehicle. This is made more difficult when the function requires the vehicle to be in motion. 

组装好车辆后,要解释车辆内隐藏机构的功能将是一项挑战。 当该功能要求车辆行驶时,这变得更加困难。

Using HoloLens 2 and Unity, users can now move around and inspect the inner workings of a “moving” vehicle – making a task that was once impossible now able to be easily and safely performed.

使用HoloLens 2和Unity,用户现在可以四处走动并检查“行驶中”车辆的内部工作情况–这项曾经无法实现的任务现在可以轻松安全地执行。


Users can see how the vehicle operates at startup, upon acceleration and deceleration in mixed reality


使用机器学习减少检查过程中的人为错误 (Reducing human error during inspections using machine learning)

The possibility of human error is always present, even among expert technicians. Simple errors such as a loose coolant cap carry consequences if not detected and corrected immediately.

即使是专业技术人员,也总是存在人为错误的可能性。 如果未发现并立即纠正,则诸如冷却剂盖松动之类的简单错误会带来后果。

With the help of machine learning, Unity, and HoloLens 2, engineers are being guided to recognize and remedy inconsistencies that are easily missed by ordinary inspection. 

在机器学习,Unity和HoloLens 2的帮助下,指导工程师识别和纠正通常检查中容易遗漏的不一致性。  

Toyota’s team can easily spot mistakes that the human eye would miss with mixed reality. In this case, HoloLens 2 detects that the oil level gauge is improperly installed and highlights it in red text.

丰田的团队可以很容易地发现人为混合现实会错过的错误。 在这种情况下,HoloLens 2会检测到油位计安装不正确,并以红色文本突出显示。

Trying to reduce human error previously required a lot of human effort, however. To train machine learning models on Microsoft Azure to recognize these simple mistakes, Toyota’s team needed to take 20,000 photos and spend 200 hours annotating the photos manually.

但是,以前试图减少人为错误需要很多人的努力。 为了在Microsoft Azure上训练机器学习模型以识别这些简单的错误,Toyota的团队需要拍摄20,000张照片,并花费200个小时手动注释照片。

Manual annotation was a time-consuming process for Toyota and required its team to label tens of thousands of photos to help the AI system detect errors accurately.


Using Unity, Toyota created 3D models of the vehicle and the body parts under the hood, varied the model’s position in 3D space, and automatically captured a large volume of labeled images to train its machine learning models.


丰田汽车通过Unity和Microsoft HoloLens 2实现了混合现实魔术

A virtual Toyota model made with Unity


Toyota used Unity to automatically capture and tag images to train its machine learning models to recognize errors after body parts are installed


Compared to the traditional workflow that took 200 hours, this approach generated the needed amount of auto-labeled images in just 30 minutes—a 400X improvement in speed. This synthetic data also proved just as effective at training the machine learning models as the manually annotated photographs. For Toyota, this kind of time and cost savings is an ideal example of Kaizen in action.

与花费200个小时的传统工作流程相比,此方法仅需30分钟即可生成所需数量的自动标记图像,速度提高了400倍。 事实证明,这些合成数据在训练机器学习模型方面与手动标注的照片一样有效。 对于丰田公司而言,这种节省时间和成本的方法就是改善行动的理想例子。

减少现场服务中的错误 (Reducing mistakes in field service)

丰田汽车通过Unity和Microsoft HoloLens 2实现了混合现实魔术

Inspecting electrical wiring systems with HoloLens 2

使用HoloLens 2检查电气布线系统

Proper electrical wiring configuration is crucial for ensuring vehicles operate as intended. In a finished vehicle, however, inspection of connector positions and pin assignments is a serious challenge.

正确的电线配置对于确保车辆按预期运行至关重要。 然而,在整车中,检查连接器位置和插针分配是一个严峻的挑战。

Instead of relying on 2D diagrams, Toyota’s team now has the ability to visualize the entire three-dimensional electrical wiring diagram inside the engine, doors, dashboard, or any other part of the car they require. This allows Toyota’s field service engineers to gain contextual understanding and to visualize the location of the wiring systems without the labor and time needed to remove physical parts.

丰田团队现在不再依赖2D图,而是可以可视化引擎,门,仪表板或所需的汽车任何其他部分内的整个三维电气接线图。 这样一来,丰田的现场服务工程师就可以了解相关情况并可视化布线系统的位置,而无需花费大量的人工和时间来拆卸物理零件。


Toyota field service engineers can visualize the entire three-dimensional electrical wiring diagram inside the vehicle.


Toyota also leveraged mixed reality applications from Dynamics 365 for two additional use cases.

丰田还利用Dynamics 365的混合现实应用程序开发了另外两个用例。


在现场服务中启用远程协助 (Enabling remote assistance in field service)

As a global company, Toyota needs to connect field support engineers and experts across various locations. This presents numerous challenges and hinders effective collaboration and training.

作为一家全球性公司,丰田汽车需要在各个地点联系现场支持工程师和专家。 这提出了许多挑战,并阻碍了有效的协作和培训。

With HoloLens 2 and Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, Microsoft’s mixed reality distance collaboration tool, two or more participants can share the same view, communicate, and collaborate no matter their location. This solution allows remote staff to inspect work, educate, and train field engineers, while saving considerable time and money and improve overall results.

借助Microsoft的混合现实距离协作工具HoloLens 2和Dynamics 365 Remote Assist ,两个或多个参与者可以共享相同的视图,进行交流和协作,无论他们身在何处。 该解决方案使远程人员可以检查,培训和培训现场工程师,同时节省大量时间和金钱,并改善总体结果。


Toyota uses HoloLens 2 and Microsoft’s collaboration tools to seamlessly connect offsite experts to remote support engineers

丰田使用HoloLens 2和Microsoft的协作工具将异地专家无缝连接到远程支持工程师

使创建现场指导应用程序更加轻松快捷 (Making it easier and faster to create field guidance applications)

Step-by-step tutorials are critical to the ability of Toyota’s service engineers to make repairs effectively, but creating these manuals is time- and resource-intensive. In the past, a digital version of a work procedure app would take up to ten days and require an on-site computer graphics engineer.

循序渐进的教程对于丰田服务工程师有效进行维修的能力至关重要,但是创建这些手册会耗费大量时间和资源。 过去,工作程序应用程序的数字版本最多需要十天,并且需要现场计算机图形工程师。

With Dynamics 365 Guides, Microsoft’s virtual training, performance, and instruction solution, the same task now takes 90 percent less time—just one day. This automated process allows anyone with basic training to create necessary applications through detailed instructions and guidance, freeing up programmers to focus on other tasks.

借助Microsoft的虚拟培训,性能和教学解决方案Dynamics 365 Guides ,现在同一任务所需的时间减少了90% (仅一天)。 这种自动化的过程使任何经过基础培训的人都可以通过详细的说明和指导来创建必要的应用程序,从而使程序员可以腾出时间专注于其他任务。


Dynamics 365 Guides reduced person-hours needed to create training content for car repairs by 90 percent

Dynamics 365指南将创建汽车维修培训内容所需的工时减少了90%


Learn more about tools for developing for HoloLens 2 with Unity.

了解有关使用Unity开发HoloLens 2的工具的更多信息。

Unity is the leading platform for creating content for augmented reality and virtual reality applications – subscribe to Unity Pro and Pixyz to get started today or learn more about our solutions for your business.

Unity是为增强现实和虚拟现实应用程序创建内容的领先平台– 订阅Unity Pro和Pixyz立即开始使用,或了解有关我们为您的业务提供的解决方案的更多信息。

Unity Technologies is the author of this blog post; Toyota Motor Corporation is not responsible for its content.

Unity Technologies是此博客文章的作者; 丰田汽车公司对其内容不承担任何责任。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/09/08/toyota-makes-mixed-reality-magic-with-unity-and-microsoft-hololens-2/