


We’re excited to announce that deltaDNA is joining Unity, bringing robust LiveOps tools to keep your players playing!


Unity’s team of more than 1,000 engineers work each day to build a best-in-class Editor and performant Engine, so you can create beautiful and fun games.


We have also heard the challenges that game developers face beyond creating the game itself – operating the game and retaining players. Our goal is to be with you through that entire journey –  to enable your success and keep your players in the game.

我们还听说了游戏开发人员所面临的挑战,不仅仅是创建游戏本身-操作游戏并留住玩家。 我们的目标是在整个旅程中与您同在–使您成功并保持玩家的参与。

deltaDNA brings an important piece of this puzzle: highly customizable LiveOps to better understand and engage your players. They join Unity with nearly a decade of experience partnering with developers such as Viacom, Bandai Namco, and 505 Games. Their features include:

deltaDNA带来了这个难题的重要组成部分:高度可定制的LiveOps,可以更好地理解和吸引玩家。 他们加入Unity已有近十年的经验,与Viacom,Bandai Namco和505 Games等开发人员合作。 它们的功能包括:

  • Multi-channel and real-time player CRM, enabling developers to deliver customized experiences to the whole player base

    多渠道实时播放器CRM ,使开发人员能够向整个播放器基础提供定制的体验

  • Segmentation tools to drive targeted and effective engagement strategies


  • Flexible, intuitive dashboards empower non-developers to manage their games (liveops managers, producers, game designers)

    灵活,直观的仪表板使非开发人员能够管理他们的游戏 (实时管理员,制作人,游戏设计师)

  • Consulting to assist customers with game mechanics and engagement strategies


下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

You can use deltaDNA across any engine, with any backend, and with any monetization system – and we are committed to it staying that way!


If you are new to deltaDNA, check them out here!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/19/deltadna-joins-unity-offering-best-in-class-tools-to-engage-your-players/
