


Union is now Unity Games.

工会现在是Unity Games。

We’re the same team, working with the same award-winning Unity developers—we’ve just changed names to better reflect our mission to democratize games distribution. Our new name, Unity Games, more clearly reflects our passion for Unity and its ever-expanding community of talented developers.

我们是同一团队,与屡获殊荣的Unity开发人员合作-我们只是更名,以更好地体现我们使游戏发行*化的使命。 我们的新名称Unity Games更清楚地反映了我们对Unity及其不断扩展的有才华的开发人员社区的热情。

Union has been a nexus between talented developers and technology partners keen to support games on new platforms. Our developer-focused approach has resulted in chart-topping releases on more than a half-dozen platforms and made otherwise inaccessible opportunities a reality. Like making a unicorn poop in Muffin Knight on Roku—we made that happen. You’re welcome.

联盟一直是热衷于在新平台上支持游戏的才华横溢的开发商与技术合作伙伴之间的纽带。 我们以开发人员为中心的方法已导致在六个以上的平台上发布排行榜榜首,并使原本无法获得的机会成为现实。 就像在Roku上的Muffin Knight中制作独角兽便便一样,我们做到了。 别客气。

All of this work continues—and more—under the new banner of Unity Games. Extending our efforts beyond emerging platforms, we’re bringing select titles to Android starting today. This is in overwhelming response to our developers whose trust and confidence in us fuels this exciting evolution. Thank you!

在Unity Games的新旗帜下,所有这些工作(甚至更多)将继续下去。 从新兴平台扩展我们的工作,从今天开始,我们将精选的游戏引入Android。 这是对开发人员的压倒性回应,他们对我们的信任和信心助长了这一激动人心的发展。 谢谢!

Of course, we’re committed to supporting all previous Union releases and more games for LG smart TVs, BlackBerry, and Tizen devices on the way. These new releases will be under the Unity Games brand. Check out UnityGames.com to learn more.

当然,我们致力于支持所有先前的Union版本以及即将推出的适用于LG智能电视,BlackBerry和Tizen设备的更多游戏。 这些新版本将以Unity Games品牌进行。 请访问UnityGames.com了解更多信息。

If you’re developing a game and interested in working with Unity Games, let us know. We’d love to see what you’re creating with Unity!

如果您正在开发游戏并且对使用Unity Games感兴趣,请告诉我们 。 我们希望看到您使用Unity创建的内容!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/07/01/introducing-unity-games-2/
