


Two weeks ago we announced our Unity Summer of Code program through which we offer indie & student developers the chance to get paid for doing something cool in Unity. Now we have reviewed all of the almost hundred proposals and selected the four of them that we found best matched the program!

两周前,我们宣布了“ Unity Summer of Code”计划,通过该计划,我们为独立和学生开发人员提供了在Unity上做一些很棒的事情而获得报酬的机会。 现在,我们已经审核了将近一百个提案,并选择了四个与该计划最匹配的提案!


The ultimate goal for a parametric explosion system?


Ben Throop is working on Detonator – a Parametric Explosion System

Ben Throop正在研究雷管–参数爆炸系统

Great explosions can make a game. Bad explosions can ruin a game. As important as they are, they are difficult to do well because they are composed of art and complex behavior that’s not easily consolidated into a single object. Explosions also have a high degree of randomness, yet within a domain that is not easily described and is often violated.

巨大的爆炸可以创造游戏。 不好的爆炸会毁了游戏。 尽管它们很重要,但它们很难做好,因为它们是由艺术和复杂的行为组成的,很难将其合并为一个对象。 爆炸也具有高度的随机性,但是在一个不容易描述且经常被违反的领域内。

That said, Unity developers of all types could make great use of a system that allows for efficient creation and iteration of explosion effects.


For artists, the system will provide a means to harness and iterate on complex behavior that is normally hidden behind coding barriers. Artists can think in terms of “size” and “intensity” of the explosion as a whole, while also drilling down to tweak details. Detonator is more than just a collection of particle emitters.

对于艺术家来说,该系统将提供一种手段来利用和迭代通常隐藏在编码障碍后面的复杂行为。 艺术家可以从整体上考虑爆炸的“大小”和“强度”,同时还可以深入研究细节。 雷管不仅仅是粒子发射器的集合。

For programmers, creating an explosion with great visual quality will no longer hinge on finding pre-existing particle libraries or an artist friend. Detonator will provide solid results from the start. It will also allow easier binding of game logic to explosion parameters by providing meta-parameters that combine several emitters, models, lights, into a single “Intensity” or “Duration” value.

对于程序员而言,创建具有出色视觉效果的爆炸不再依赖于查找预先存在的粒子库或艺术家朋友。 雷管从一开始就提供可靠的结果。 通过提供将多个发射器,模型,灯光组合成单个“ Intensity”或“ Duration”值的元参数,还可以使游戏逻辑与爆炸参数的绑定更加容易。

Sándor Moldán is working on an Erosion Tool for Realistic Terrain Generation


The aim of this project is to provide Unity artists and level designers with a set of intuitive and simple-to-use tools which they can use to create realistic terrain directly within the Unity Editor by adding the effects of natural erosion to terrain objects.

该项目的目的是为Unity艺术家和关卡设计师提供一组直观且易于使用的工具,他们可以通过在地形编辑器中添加自然侵蚀效果直接在Unity Editor中创建逼真的地形。

These tools will include a set of ‘wizard’ style filters which will perform erosion on the entire terrain object and a set of brushes which allow the user to erode a smaller section of the terrain with a greater degree of control. Both the erosion filters and brushes will include a selection of different erosion types which can be applied to the terrain object, including thermal, hydraulic, tidal, glacial and wind erosion.

这些工具将包括一组将对整个地形对象进行侵蚀的“向导”样式的滤镜,以及一组允许用户以较大程度的控制力侵蚀较小区域的画笔。 侵蚀过滤器和刷子都将包括可以应用于地形对象的不同侵蚀类型的选择,包括热,水力,潮汐,冰川和风蚀。

In creating these tools, particular attention will be given to the kind of landforms that create good gameplay and how natural erosion can help to achieve this. For example, a heavily hydraulically eroded terrain will have large areas of flat land, broken up by steep impassable areas, which is vastly more playable and interesting from a level design perspective than a continuous jagged terrain.

在创建这些工具时,将特别关注可创造良好游戏玩法的地形,以及自然侵蚀如何帮助实现这一目标。 例如,水力侵蚀严重的地形将具有大面积的平坦土地,并被陡峭的不可通行区域破坏,从水平设计的角度来看,这比连续的锯齿状地形更具可玩性和趣味性。

An additional tool will be included with the project which will allow users to texture a terrain object by automatically generating splatmaps based on the height and slope of the terrain.


Matthew Miner is working on a Cutscene Editor

Matthew Miner正在研究过场动画编辑器

Creating cutscenes in Unity, while not necessarily difficult for the seasoned developer, can be a challenge for those more familiar with traditional filmmaking tools and techniques. As game projects grow larger, it’s likely that trained filmmakers — cinematographers, editors, etc. — will assist with the creation of these cutscenes. Currently there’s no simple system for working with elements like multiple shots and transitions; that is, there’s no easy way to “cut together” a scene.

在Unity中创建过场动画对于经验丰富的开发人员而言并不一定很困难,但对于那些更熟悉传统电影制作工具和技术的人来说,可能是一个挑战。 随着游戏项目规模的扩大,受过训练的电影摄制人员(电影摄影师,编辑等)可能会协助制作这些过场动画。 当前,没有简单的系统可以处理多个镜头和转场等元素。 也就是说,没有简单的方法可以将场景“裁剪”在一起。

The solution is a Cutscene Editor, a tool for Unity with the ability to “capture” an animated scene from multiple viewpoints and edit it together. These individual clips are placed in a timeline similar to those seen in non-linear editors like iMovie and Final Cut. Clips can be rearranged, trimmed, split, slowed down, sped up, and given special effect filters like sepia tone. Transitions like crossfades can be added between clips as well as title cards and subtitles. Dialogue and sound effects can be added on their own section of the timeline. Ideally a developer can create a cutscene without writing any code.

解决方案是Cutscene编辑器,这是Unity的工具,能够从多个视点“捕获”动画场景并将其一起编辑。 这些单个剪辑的放置时间与类似于iMovie和Final Cut的非线性编辑器中的剪辑相同。 可以重新排列,修剪,分割,放慢,加速和剪辑特殊剪辑效果,例如棕褐色调。 可以在片段之间以及字幕卡和字幕之间添加交叉渐变之类的过渡效果。 对话和声音效果可以添加到时间线的自己的部分中。 理想情况下,开发人员无需编写任何代码即可创建过场动画。

Michał Mandrysz is working on a Tool for Transferring VRay Scenes into Unity


It’s amazingly simple to make a scene in Unity. Just drag and drop whatever you want to the scene, drag materials and textures to it and your scene is done. That’s a pretty neat workflow, but you hit some problems if you want your Unity authored scene to be lightmapped.

在Unity中创建场景非常简单。 只需将所需的任何对象拖放到场景中,将材质和纹理拖放到该场景即可完成场景。 这是一个非常整洁的工作流程,但是如果您想对Unity创作的场景进行灯光映射,则会遇到一些问题。

This project will integrate Unity even more tightly with 3ds Max software, and whatever of its renderers you want to use (like VRay). It should give designers the power to create photo-realistic Mirrors-Edge like scenes with less effort, while being able to author scenes in Unity instead of in 3ds Max.

该项目将把Unity与3ds Max软件以及您要使用的任何渲染器(例如VRay)更加紧密地集成在一起。 它应该使设计人员能够轻松创建像照片一样的逼真Mirrors-Edge场景,同时能够在Unity中而不是在3ds Max中创作场景。

(Proposals above have been trimmed and in some cases slightly rephrased.)


We are all excited to follow the development of these projects over the next six weeks. Good luck guys!

我们都为能在接下来的六周内关注这些项目的发展而感到兴奋。 祝大家好运!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/07/22/unity-summer-of-code-takes-off/
