


We are pleased to announce the full support for Windows Phone 8.1 and Universal Windows Applications with the release of Unity 4.5.3. We’ve been working very hard to put our finishing touches on it since its beta program announcement back in April. It is available for download today!

我们很高兴地宣布,随着Unity 4.5.3的发布,将全面支持Windows Phone 8.1和通用Windows应用程序。 4月份Beta程序发布以来,我们一直在努力进行画龙点睛。 今天就可以下载!

这是什么一回事呢? (What is it all about?)

With the help of Universal Windows Applications, you can now build your Unity game once and target all Windows devices – desktops, laptops, tablets and phones running Windows/Windows Phone 8.1 or higher. On Windows devices, Universal Apps behave identically to Windows 8.1 apps, which Unity has supported since 4.3. On Windows Phone devices, Universal Apps run as Windows Phone 8.1 apps, which is a new feature of Unity 4.5.3.

借助通用Windows应用程序,您现在可以一次构建Unity游戏,并定位所有Windows设备-运行Windows / Windows Phone 8.1或更高版本的台式机,笔记本电脑,平板电脑和电话。 在Windows设备上,Universal Apps的行为与Windows 8.1应用程序相同,Unity从4.3开始就支持Windows 8.1应用程序。 在Windows Phone设备上,Universal Apps作为Windows Phone 8.1应用程序运行,这是Unity 4.5.3的新功能。


Figure 1. Universal Applications build window


Windows Phone 8.1带来了什么? (What does Windows Phone 8.1 bring to table?)

If you worked on Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store games in the past, you know that even though the two platforms are similar, they still have their differences. With Windows Phone 8.1, that changes. There are no longer two separate platforms; they have converged to a single one. To reflect that, building for Windows Phone 8.1 is located under Windows Store platform in our Editor.

如果您过去曾经使用过Windows Phone 8和Windows Store游戏,那么您会知道即使两个平台相似,但它们仍然存在差异。 使用Windows Phone 8.1,情况会发生变化。 不再有两个独立的平台; 他们已经融合到一个。 为了反映这一点,Windows Phone 8.1的构建位于我们的编辑器的Windows Store平台下。

Other features of Windows Phone 8.1 player include:

Windows Phone 8.1播放器的其他功能包括:

  • Access the full power of .NET 4.5.1 in your C# scripts (Windows Runtime APIs, async/await, etc.);

    在您的C#脚本(Windows运行时API,异步/等待等)中访问.NET 4.5.1的全部功能;
  • Efficient multithreaded renderer – up to 33% less time per frame (measured on Angry Bots on Nokia Lumia 520 running Windows Phone build 8.10.12359.845);

    高效的多线程渲染器–每帧时间减少多达33%(在运行Windows Phone build 8.10.12359.845的诺基亚Lumia 520上的愤怒机器人上进行测量);
  • GPU profiling is now available thanks to a new graphics driver for Windows Phone 8.1 (On devices which received the driver update).

    由于Windows Phone 8.1使用了新的图形驱动程序(在收到驱动程序更新的设备上),GPU剖析现在可用。

Figure 2. GPU profiler running on Windows Phone 8.1

图2. Windows Phone 8.1上运行的GPU Profiler

通用应用程序如何工作? (How do Universal applications work?)


Figure 3. Universal app Visual Studio solution

图3.通用应用程序Visual Studio解决方案

So what does the name “Universal” mean? When you press build, Unity will generate a Universal app Visual Studio solution, which will contain 3 projects: ProjectName.Windows, ProjectName.WindowsPhone and ProjectName.Shared (as illustrated in Figure 3).

那么“通用”这个名字是什么意思呢? 当您按下build时,Unity将生成一个通用应用程序Visual Studio解决方案,它将包含3个项目:ProjectName.Windows,ProjectName.WindowsPhone和ProjectName.Shared(如图3所示)。

The shared project, as its name implies, contains all the shared elements: XAML layout, Unity data and asset files.


Target specific projects (ProjectName.Windows and ProjectName.WindowsPhone) contain platform specific files: application manifests, icons, splash screen and tile images. Since Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 aren’t binary compatible, each project will also contain their own set of DLLs. Fear not – Unity will automatically make your managed plugins compatible with either target.

目标特定项目(ProjectName.Windows和ProjectName.WindowsPhone)包含特定于平台的文件:应用程序清单,图标,初始屏幕和切片图像。 由于Windows 8.1和Windows Phone 8.1不二进制兼容,因此每个项目还将包含自己的一组DLL。 不用担心– Unity将自动使您的托管插件与任一目标兼容。

When you press the deploy button in Visual Studio, only the necessary files will get copied to the target device (or local machine, if you prefer), thus minimizing the application size which the user would have to download from the Windows Store.

当您在Visual Studio中按下“部署”按钮时,仅将必要的文件复制到目标设备(或本地计算机,如果您愿意的话),从而最小化了用户必须从Windows应用商店下载的应用程序大小。

太好了,我需要如何开始? (Great, what do I need to get started?)

You will need:


  • Unity 4.5.3 or later;

    Unity 4.5.3或更高版本;
  • Windows 8.1 (any edition);

    Windows 8.1(任何版本);
  • Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2 installed (Express for Windows, Professional, Premium or Ultimate edition).

    安装了Update 2的Visual Studio 2013(适用于Windows,Professional,Premium或Ultimate版的Express)。

If you want to test your application on Windows Phone 8.1 emulator (rather than a physical phone), you’ll also need:

如果要在Windows Phone 8.1模拟器(而不是物理电话)上测试应用程序,则还需要:

  • Windows 8.1 Pro;

    Windows 8.1专业版;
  • At least 4 GB RAM;

    至少4 GB RAM;
  • CPU that supports Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) and Data Execution Prevention (DEP).


As always, before updating Unity, backup your project and don’t forget to read the docs:


http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/WP8-1.html http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/WindowsUniversalApps.html

http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/WP8-1.html http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/WindowsUniversalApps.html

Have fun!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/08/07/introducing-universal-windows-applications-in-unity/
