VPython - example - A simple 3D sine curve

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#!/usr/bin/env # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from visual import * #!/usr/bin/env # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from visual import * """ This will print the sin curve """ scene.title = "Sin Curve" scene.center = vector(0,0,0) # using a suitable 'box' as x- axis xaxis = box(length= 20, height=0.2, width= 0.5, color=color.blue) #creating the sine curve object sinecurve = curve( color = color.red, radius=0.3) dt = 0.1 for t in arange(0,10,dt): dydt = vector( t,sin(t), 0 ); sinecurve.append( pos=dydt, color=(1,0,0) ) rate( 500 )

VPython - example - A simple 3D sine curve