


Our community is full of users who rely on Unity — whether it be for work, for play, or both. Knowing that, we’ve been thinking about new ways we can engage our community and provide a better user experience. One of the initiatives we’ve decided on is to start sharing the source for selected components of Unity. With access to the source for components (or tools related to Unity), we hope to:

我们社区中到处都是依赖Unity的用户-无论是工作,娱乐还是两者兼而有之。 知道这一点,我们一直在考虑可以与社区互动并提供更好的用户体验的新方法。 我们决定采取的举措之一是开始共享Unity选定组件的源。 通过访问组件(或与Unity相关的工具)的源代码,我们希望:

  • Reduce risk by giving you control of things that are commonly used

  • Increase the flexibility and applicability of components by giving you the power to customize them

  • Enable you to extend Unity in ways that were previously just not possible


To do this, we’re going to start hosting components’ source over at our home on BitBucket. We’ve also prepared a Guide for Contributors that is now part of our user manual.

为此,我们将从家中的BitBucket开始托管组件的源代码。 我们还准备了《贡献者指南》,指南现已成为用户手册的一部分。

(What exactly will you open the source to?)

We’re starting this project by making the recently-updated source to the Unity Test Tools available on BitBucket in a repository ready for you to fork, modify, and even open pull requests with contributions if you wish.


The next component we plan to give you the source to (unless we get something else ready before then!) is the long-awaited new UI system. We’re convinced you’ll do awesome things with the source once you get it in your hands.

我们计划为您提供源代码的下一个组件(除非我们在此之前做好其他准备!)是期待已久的新UI系统。 我们相信,一旦掌握了源代码,您将对源代码进行出色的处理。

Beyond that, we don’t have a concrete plan, but we have a lot of things in the pipeline. These components (like the new UI system) will all be isolated from Unity in such a way that you can modify them and use your own modified version with the official public Unity release.

除此之外,我们没有具体的计划,但是我们还有很多工作要做。 这些组件(如新的UI系统)都将与Unity隔离开来,您可以对其进行修改,并在Unity官方公共发行版中使用自己的修改版本。

来源发布了什么许可证? ()

We are using MIT/X11 as our standard license. We’ve never been a fan of a revenue sharing model, and we have a similar opinion about the license for our open-source components; we didn’t want to burden you with licenses that restrict what you can do with the source code.

我们正在使用MIT / X11作为我们的标准许可证。 我们从来都不喜欢收益共享模型,并且对开源组件的许可也有类似的看法。 我们不想给您增加许可证,从而限制了您可以对源代码执行的操作。

Because we’re releasing our source under an MIT/X11 license, we’re also expecting contributions we accept from the community to be contributed under an MIT/X11 license.

由于我们是根据MIT / X11许可证发布源代码,因此我们也希望社区接受的贡献将根据MIT / X11许可证进行贡献。

我需要Unity Pro吗? (Do I need Unity Pro?)

Nope! The source is available to everyone, regardless of what Unity license you have.

不! 不论您拥有什么Unity许可证,任何人都可以使用源代码。

Unity与开源的历史 (Unity’s History with Open-Source)

Unity has been participating in other open-source projects for quite some time. Our scripting engine is based on Mono and we keep our fork of Mono open on GitHub, as well as our open-source shader cross-compilation tools (hlsl2glslfork and glsl-optimizer). We also use a lot of open-source tools internally: our build/test automation server and lives on BitBucket, as do custom extensions to Mercurial, the version control system we use. Unity Technologies employs several developers to contribute to the open-source projects that we we use (check out a list of our contributions to the Mercurial project as an example).

Unity参与其他开源项目已有相当一段时间了。 我们的脚本引擎基于Mono,我们 Mono 的分支保持在GitHub上 ,以及我们的开源着色器交叉编译工具( hlsl2glslforkglsl-optimizer )。 我们在内部也使用了许多开源工具:我们的构建/测试自动化服务器和BitBucket都生活在BitBucket上Mercurial的自定义扩展也是如此,我们使用的版本控制系统也是如此。 Unity Technologies雇用了几名开发人员来为我们使用的开源项目做出贡献(例如,查看我们对Mercurial项目所做贡献的列表)。

新时代? 我们希望如此! (A new era? We hope so!)

Although Unity Technologies has been active in the open-source community for quite some time, this is the first time we’ll be opening the source to components of Unity itself. We’re excited to see what you do with it.

尽管Unity Technologies在开源社区中活跃了一段时间,但这是我们第一次向Unity本身的组件开放源代码。 我们很高兴看到您如何处理它。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/08/20/more-open-source-initiatives-from-unity/
