qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

qt grab() 截图

qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

OS X has a bunch of very useful utilities packed away within it. The Utilities folder has a more versatile screenshot tool called Grab, which outdoes the default OS X screenshot functions that you might already use daily.

OS X中打包了许多非常有用的实用程序。 Utilities文件夹具有更通用的截图工具,称为Grab,它超过了您可能每天都在使用的默认OS X截图功能。

It’s easy to execute screenshots in OS X, simply use “Cmd + Shift + 3” for full-screen shots, and “Cmd + Shift + 4” for selections shots. The resulting snaps are then saved automatically to the desktop so you don’t even need to open another folder.

在OS X中执行屏幕截图很容易,只需使用“ Cmd + Shift + 3”获得全屏快照,并使用“ Cmd + Shift + 4”获得选择快照 。 然后将生成的快照自动保存到桌面,因此您甚至无需打开其他文件夹。

Alternatively, you can can add “Control” to your shortcuts, which will copy your screenshots to the clipboard instead of saving them.


The Grab utility adds further screenshot chops, which you can access from the “Capture” menu or by using any of the associate keyboard shortcuts.


qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图
You can execute “grabs” from the “Capture” menu or by using any of the associated keyboard shortcuts.

If you access the Preferences, you can select a different pointer type, and turn the screenshot sound off or on.


qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

Let’s review each capture type and talk about what they do.


The selection grab can be executed using the keyboard shortcut “Shift + Cmd + A” and will let you select a portion of your screen. You can see in the screenshot below that a small tooltip will appear allowing you to track your pointer’s location on the screen.

可以使用键盘快捷键“ Shift + Cmd + A”执行选择抓取,使您可以选择屏幕的一部分。 您可以在下面的屏幕快照中看到一个小的工具提示,您可以在屏幕上跟踪指针的位置。

qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

The window grab capture (“Shift + Cmd + W”) is simple enough to understand. When you use it, all you have to do choose the window you want to save.

窗口抓取捕获(“ Shift + Cmd + W”)非常简单易懂。 使用它时,所有要做的就是选择要保存的窗口。

qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

Similarly, the screen grab is nothing more than a full-screen capture not unlike the one you can get using “Shift + Cmd + 3”. When using the Grab utility, this capture can easily be executed using “Cmd + Z”.

同样,屏幕抓取也不过是全屏抓图,与使用“ Shift + Cmd + 3”可以得到的抓图不同。 使用Grab实用程序时,可以使用“ Cmd + Z”轻松执行此捕获。

qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

Finally, the timed screen grab allows you to stage your screenshots a bit by starting a ten-second timer, which means that you will have ten seconds to move any windows you want or menus you want to open, so they’re all included in your shot. This option can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut “Shift + Cmd + Z”.

最后,定时屏幕抓取使您可以通过启动十秒钟计时器来稍微上演屏幕快照,这意味着您将有十秒钟的时间来移动想要的任何窗口或想要打开的菜单,因此它们都包含在其中你的镜头。 可以使用键盘快捷键“ Shift + Cmd + Z”访问此选项。

qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图

Finally, whenever you capture any of the four aforementioned screenshot types, it will open up in Grab’s image viewer. You can then decide whether you got the shot you were going for, or if you need to try again.

最后,每当您捕获上述四种屏幕截图类型中的任何一种时,它将在Grab的图像查看器中打开。 然后,您可以决定是否要进行拍摄,或者是否需要重试。

Closing the viewer will spawn a save dialog, which will let you keep your new screenshot, choose where you save it, give it an appropriate name, and add tags, or you can just discard it by clicking “Don’t Save”.


qt grab() 截图_如何在OS X中使用Grab实用程序获取高级屏幕截图
Grab’s save dialog will let you give your screenshots an easy name and save it to any location you want.

While Grab isn’t necessarily a complicated utility, it does add more options and flexibility above and beyond the system defaults. While it isn’t as versatile as a screenshot application like Skitch, for users who have relatively simple needs, Grab offers the main screenshot options the vast majority of users will likely ever need.

尽管Grab不一定是一个复杂的实用程序,但它确实在系统默认值之外增加了更多选项和灵活性。 虽然它不像Skitch这样的屏幕截图应用程序那么通用,但对于需求相对简单的用户而言,Grab提供了绝大多数用户可能需要的主要屏幕截图选项。

Got a question or comment you would like to add? We encourage you to leave any feedback you may have in our discussion forum.

有您要添加的问题或评论吗? 我们鼓励您在论坛中留下任何反馈。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/228072/how-to-use-the-grab-utility-in-os-x-for-advanced-screenshots/

qt grab() 截图