wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图

wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图

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Taking screenshot is important because if we want to show something to our audience or put picture to the document we will need meaningful graphs. Windows all ready provides screenshot tool which is named snipping tool. This tool can be found all versions of the Microsoft Windows operating systems.

截屏很重要,因为如果我们想向观众展示一些东西或在文档中放图片,我们将需要有意义的图形。 Windows全部准备好了提供截图工具的截图工具。 可以在所有版本的Microsoft Windows操作系统中找到该工具。

打开截图工具 (Open Snipping Tool)

In order to start snipping tool. We will write snipping command to the windows run menu like below. Only writing sni will list snipping tool but if there are similar name tools it can not be highlighted by default. Just enter or click with the mouse will open the snipping tool.

为了开始截图工具。 我们将向windows run菜单中写入snipping命令,如下所示。 仅编写sni会列出剪断工具,但是如果有类似的名称工具,则默认情况下不会突出显示。 只需输入或用鼠标单击将打开截图工具。

wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图
Open Snipping Tool


Windows snipping tool have very simple toolbar which provides the snipping or screenshot functionalities. The icons reside in tool bar like below.

Windows截图工具具有非常简单的工具栏,可提供截图或屏幕截图功能。 图标位于如下所示的工具栏中。

  • New

  • Cancel

  • Options

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屏幕截图区域选项(Screen Shot Area Options)

One of the most useful option of the snipping tool is defining the screen shot area. I we click to the New button it will list 4 type of area define methods.

截图工具最有用的选项之一就是定义屏幕截图区域。 我单击“ New按钮,它将列出4种类型的区域定义方法。

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Screen Shot Area Options
  • Free-form Snip will give us the freedom to select screen shot area just moving the cursor

    Free-form Snip将使我们能够*移动光标而选择屏幕截图区域

  • Rectangular Snip will gives us to select rectangle borders and the rectangle body will be snipped.

    Rectangular Snip将使我们能够选择矩形边框,并且矩形主体将被剪切。

  • Window Snip will gives us to select related window to select and screen shot.

    Window Snip将使我们能够选择要选择的相关窗口并进行屏幕截图。

  • Full-screen Snip will take the whole screen for snipping

    Full-screen Snip将全屏截图

截屏(Take Screen Shot)

We will just click to the new and select the screen shot region. After the selection the snipping tool will automatically create the screen shot of the region like below.

我们将只单击新内容,然后选择屏幕截图区域。 选择之后,截图工具将自动创建该区域的屏幕截图,如下所示。

wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图
Take Screen Shot

As we can see after taking screen shot we have rich toolbar to edit or save the screenshot.


保存截图 (Save Screenshot)

wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图

We may want to save the screen shot into a file. Save will save the screenshot as a image as GIF , JPG , PNG or Single Html format 

我们可能要将屏幕截图保存到文件中。 Save将把屏幕截图保存为GIFJPGPNGSingle Html格式的图像


wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图
Save Screen Shot

复制剪贴板(Copy The Clipboard)

Clipboard is used to store text, image, document etc. in the operating system memory to save it into an other application like word, notepad etc. We can copy to clipboard with the following icon.


wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图

作为电子邮件发送 (Send As Email)

We can send the taken screenshot as email easily. Click following button. This will open default email application and attache screenshot to the newly created email.

我们可以轻松地将拍摄的屏幕截图作为电子邮件发送。 点击以下按钮。 这将打开默认电子邮件应用程序,并将屏幕快照附加到新创建的电子邮件。

wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图

屏幕截图编辑 (Screen Shot Editing)

Windows Snipping Tool provides some simple tools for image editing. We can use them as pen, highlighter and erase.

Windows截图工具提供了一些用于图像编辑的简单工具。 我们可以将它们用作笔,荧光笔和擦除笔。

钢笔 (Pen)

wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图
Screen Shot Editing -Pen


We can highlight some part of the given screenshot. This can be useful if we need to take some notes.

我们可以突出显示给定屏幕截图的一部分。 如果我们需要做一些记录,这可能会很有用。

wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图
Screen Shot Editing


We can use eraser in order to clean, erase some part of the screenshot.


wpf 捕获桌面快照_Windows截图工具以捕获桌面截图
Screen Shot Editing

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/windows-sniping-tool-capture-screenshot-desktop/

wpf 捕获桌面快照