ionic build ios时设备报错multiple devices matched the request


The requested device could not be found because multiple devices matched the request.
ionic build ios时设备报错multiple devices matched the request


xcrun simctl list
ionic build ios时设备报错multiple devices matched the request

我们看到有多个iphone8 8p X,
1. 在Xcode中随便打开一个工程,没有就新建一个空白的。
2. 打开选择设备列表下面会有add additional simulators,打开。
ionic build ios时设备报错multiple devices matched the request
3. 此时我们就看到所有设备了。删除重复的就解决了。
ionic build ios时设备报错multiple devices matched the request
ionic build ios时设备报错multiple devices matched the request
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