1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation

本文为《Linear algebra and its applications》的读书笔记

Whenever a linear transformation TT arises geometrically or is described in words, we usually want a “formula” for T(x)T(\boldsymbol x). The discussion that follows shows that every linear transformation from Rn\mathbb R^n to Rm\mathbb R^m is actually a matrix transformation xAx\boldsymbol x \mapsto A\boldsymbol x.

The key to finding AA is to observe that TT is completely determined by what it does to the columns of the n×nn \times n identity matrix InI_n.

The columns of I2=[1001]I_2=\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{bmatrix} are e1=[10]\boldsymbol e_1=\begin{bmatrix}1\\0\end{bmatrix} and e2=[01]\boldsymbol e_2=\begin{bmatrix}0\\1\end{bmatrix}. Suppose TT is a linear transformation from R2\mathbb R^2 into R3\mathbb R^3 such that T(e1)=[572]\boldsymbol T(e_1)=\begin{bmatrix}5\\-7\\2\end{bmatrix} and T(e2)=[380]\boldsymbol T(e_2)=\begin{bmatrix}-3\\8\\0\end{bmatrix}. With no additional information, find a formula for the image of an arbitrary x\boldsymbol x in R2\mathbb R^2.
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
The matrix AA in (3) is called the standard matrix for the linear transformation TT . (线性变换TT 的标准矩阵)

We know now that every linear transformation from Rn\mathbb R^n to Rm\mathbb R^m can be viewed as a matrix transformation, and vice versa (反之亦然).

Let TT :: R2R2\mathbb R^2\rightarrow \mathbb R^2 be the transformation that rotates each point in R2\mathbb R^2 about the origin through an angle ϕ\phi, with counterclockwise rotation for a positive angle. We could show geometrically that such a transformation is linear. Find the standard matrix AA of this transformation.
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation

Geometric Linear Transformations of R2\mathbb R^2

Because the transformations are linear, they are determined completely by what they do to the columns of I2I_2.
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation

1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation


1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation

Existence and Uniqueness Questions

The concept of a linear transformation provides a new way to understand the existence and uniqueness questions asked earlier.
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation


“Does TT map Rn\mathbb R^n onto Rm\mathbb R^m?” is an existence question.

1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation


“Is TT one-to-one?” is a uniqueness question.

The projection transformations shown in Table 4 are not one-to-one and do not map R2\mathbb R^2 onto R2\mathbb R^2. The transformations in Tables 1, 2, and 3 are one-to-one and do map R2\mathbb R^2 onto R2\mathbb R^2.

Let TT be the linear transformation whose standard matrix is
A=[148102130005]A=\begin{bmatrix}1&-4&8&1\\0&2&-1&3\\0&0&0&5\end{bmatrix}Does TT map R4\mathbb R^4 onto R3\mathbb R^3? Is TT a one-to-one mapping?

Since AA happens to be in echelon form, we can see at once that AA has a pivot position in each row. Therefore, TT maps R4\mathbb R^4 onto R3\mathbb R^3.
However, since the equation Ax=bA\boldsymbol x = \boldsymbol b has a free variable, each b\boldsymbol b is the image of more than one x\boldsymbol x. That is, TT is not one-to-one.

1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation
Since TT is linear, T(0)=0T(\boldsymbol 0) =\boldsymbol 0. If T is one-to-one, then the equation T(x)=0T(\boldsymbol x) =\boldsymbol 0 has at most one solution and hence only the trivial solution.
If TT is not one-to-one, then there is a b\boldsymbol b that is the image of at least two different vectors in Rn\mathbb R^n—say, u\boldsymbol u and v\boldsymbol v. But then, since TT is linear, T(uv)=T(u)T(v)=bb=0T(\boldsymbol u-\boldsymbol v)=T(\boldsymbol u)-T(\boldsymbol v)=\boldsymbol b-\boldsymbol b=\boldsymbol 0. The vector uv\boldsymbol u-\boldsymbol v is not zero. Hence the equation T(x)=0T(\boldsymbol x)=\boldsymbol 0 has more than one solution.

也可以这样证明:设 AxA\boldsymbol x 为线性变换 TT 对应的标准矩阵,则 TT 为单射 \Leftrightarrow Ax=bA\boldsymbol x=\boldsymbol b 有唯一解 \Leftrightarrow Ax=0A\boldsymbol x=\boldsymbol 0 只有平凡解 \Leftrightarrow T(x)=0T(\boldsymbol x)=\boldsymbol 0 只有平凡解

1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation

可以发现,只有当 TT 是方阵的时候 TT 才可能是双射 ( TT 的标准矩阵 AA 的每行每列都必须要有主元)

Let T(x1,x2)=(3x1+x2,5x1+7x2,x1+3x2)T(x_1,x_2)=(3x_1+x_2,5x_1+7x_2,x_1+3x_2). Show that TT is a one-to-one linear transformation. Does TT map R2\mathbb R^2 onto R3\mathbb R^3?
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation

So TT is indeed a linear transformation, with its standard matrix AA shown in (4).
The columns of AA are linearly independent because they are not multiples. By Theorem 12(b), TT is one-to-one.
To decide if TT is onto R3\mathbb R^3, examine the span of the columns of AA. Since AA is 3×23 \times 2, the columns of AA span R3\mathbb R^3 if and only if AA has 3 pivot positions. This is impossible, since AA has only 2 columns. So the columns of AA do not span R3\mathbb R^3, and the associated linear transformation is not onto R3\mathbb R^3.
1.9 The matrix of a linear transformation