《白日梦想家》The Secret Life of Walter Mitty :感谢一场白日梦

《白日梦想家》The Secret Life of Walter Mitty :感谢一场白日梦

《白日梦想家》The Secret Life of Walter Mitty :感谢一场白日梦



To see the world,things dangerous to come to,
To see behind walls,To draw closer,
To find each other and to feel,
That is the purpose of LIFE.


——Beautiful things don't ask for attention.
——Sean Penn台词《白日梦想家》

—— 你打算什么时候拍照?
—— 有时候,我不拍。有时我喜欢那个时刻,我指我自己。我不喜欢为了拍照而被干涉。所以,我留在 那一刻。
—— 留在那一刻?
—— 嗯,那一刻,就像现在。

——To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.