


When rapid, truly disruptive progress occurs in an industry, instabilities are created – and unstable systems don’t last. We see many examples of this everywhere, but most of us rarely think about what it means and how this kind of instability might be taking place within the computer graphics industry. 

当一个行业发生快速,真正破坏性的进步时,就会产生不稳定因素,并且不稳定的系统不会持续下去。 我们到处都可以看到许多这样的例子,但是我们大多数人很少考虑它的含义以及这种不稳定在计算机图形行业中如何发生。  

为什么要使用基于示例的工作流程? (Why an example-based workflow?)

Computer graphics is rapidly progressing, which leads to an unstable supply and demand market. The demand for 3D content to consume has long outpaced our ability to produce it. We see many symptoms of this inequality: exponentially growing team sizes, ballooning project budgets and durations, and dependence on distributed teams and outsourcing. These are cracks in the industry’s foundation. 

计算机图形学发展Swift,导致供需市场不稳定。 消费3D内容的需求已经远远超过了我们制作3D内容的能力。 我们看到这种不平等的许多症状:团队规模呈指数级增长,项目预算和工期不断膨胀,以及对分布式团队和外包的依赖。 这些是行业基础上的裂缝。


The rising cost of game development is exponential.


Thus, we’re making a case for a new paradigm in content creation, a shift in mindset as well as in the technology stack: the example-based workflow.


什么是基于示例的工作流程? (What is an example-based workflow?)

The philosophy behind an example-based workflow is that we can’t keep painting and programming every pixel. Rather than starting from a blank canvas and building everything from scratch using a manual or procedural workflow, this workflow starts with an example of what’s needed, such as a scan, a photo, or an older asset from a previous generation of media. Starting with this raw example, the computer requires data, high-level instructions on what to do with that data, and then it can begin to automate an otherwise manual process.

基于示例的工作流程背后的理念是,我们不能一直对每个像素进行绘制和编程。 该工作流不是从空白的画布开始,而是使用手动或过程性工作流程从头开始构建所有内容,而是从所需示例开始,例如扫描,照片或上一代媒体中的旧资产。 从这个原始示例开始,计算机需要数据,有关如何处理该数据的高级说明,然后它可以开始自动执行其他手动过程。


The example-based workflow


To make things simple, here’s a list of the three ingredients that make up an example-based workflow:


  1. Start from seed data or an example of what an artist wants to create


  2. Define the intent


  3. Automate


  4. OPTIONAL: Refinement through human feedback, return to step 2


This might sound unconventional, but the industry is already using example-based workflows today. Although it’s a niche use case, photogrammetry, the conversion of 2D photos into textured 3D models, can be considered the first wave of example-based content creation because it leverages data to automate the 3D modeling process. Unity sees AI-Assisted Artistry as the second wave.

这听起来可能是非常规的,但是当今行业已经在使用基于示例的工作流。 尽管这是一个利基用例,但摄影测量法(将2D照片转换为带纹理的3D模型)可以被视为基于示例的内容创建的第一波,因为它利用数据来使3D建模过程自动化。 Unity将AI辅助艺术性视为第二波潮流。


When Unity began to explore photogrammetry and how that would fit into their platform, it was a small team on a strict timeline for this project. This necessitated adopting the most efficient methods possible – brute force wasn’t an option. Most studios see scanning as a means to create highly photorealistic content very quickly.  Studios are investing in scanning equipment and associated software such as Reality Capture, which has gained an excellent reputation. That said, photogrammetry is not a full turnkey solution, since manual cleanup and tweaking are needed to go from raw scan to production-ready asset. This is where Unity had to develop and explore other solutions – leading Unity technical artist Cyril Jover to create the industry’s leading Delighting tool, designed specifically for photogrammetric scans. As part of this effort, the team adopted ArtEngine for automated seam removal and the general scan-cleaning process.

当Unity开始研究摄影测量法以及如何将摄影测量法应用到他们的平台中时,这个项目的时间很短,只是一个小团队。 因此必须采用最有效的方法-不能选择强行使用。 大多数工作室都将扫描视为一种快速创建高度真实感内容的方法。 制片厂正在投资购买扫描设备和相关软件,例如Reality Capture,该软件已赢得了极高的声誉。 就是说,摄影测量并不是一个完整的交钥匙解决方案,因为从原始扫描到可投入生产的资产都需要手动清理和调整。 这是Unity开发和探索其他解决方案的地方-领先的Unity技术艺术家Cyril Jover创建了业界领先的 Delighting工具 , 该 工具 专门用于摄影测量扫描。 作为这项工作的一部分,该团队 采用了ArtEngine 来实现自动接缝清除和常规扫描清洁过程。

Microsoft technical artist Pete McNally is similarly charged with the task of building realistic environments with a small team. These constraints led Pete to become an industry pioneer in adopting and utilizing an example-based workflow. Pete shared his full thoughts on the topic at 80lvl:

微软技术艺术家皮特·麦克纳利(Pete McNally)同样负责由一个小团队构建现实环境的任务。 这些限制使Pete成为采用和利​​用基于示例的工作流的行业先驱。 皮特在80lvl上分享了他对该主题的完整想法:

“There are already some solutions for removing seams on materials but I haven’t found anything to match ArtEngine by Artomatix. It uses an example-based approach, rather than procedural to remove seams and can also mutate textures, creating new textures based on input from existing ones. For example, I used Artomatix in the Сraggy Cliffs:

“已经有一些解决方案可以消除材料上的接缝,但我还没有找到任何与Artomatix的ArtEngine相匹配的解决方案。 它使用基于示例的方法,而不是程序化的方法来去除接缝,并且还可以对纹理进行变异,根据现有纹理的输入来创建新纹理。 例如,我在СraggyCliffs中使用了Artomatix:


Mutation and seam removal on photogrammetry scans courtesy of Pete McNally

摄影术扫描的突变和接缝去除由Pete McNally提供

It has given a new lease of life to some 3D scans I’ve done that were too problematic to be used in production, such as textures that were too blurry or geometry that was stretched or had holes in it. ArtEngine can fill in missing detail, allowing you to paint areas that you’d like to ignore and producing new viable textures.”

它为我完成的一些3D扫描赋予了新的生命,这些3D扫描太麻烦了而无法在生产中使用,例如纹理太模糊或几何体被拉伸或有Kong。 ArtEngine可以填补缺失的细节,使您可以绘制要忽略的区域并产生新的可行纹理。”

So that’s what we mean by an example-based workflow: the computer extrapolates and ideates upon example data, so the artist provides high-level sophisticated creativity and the computer contributes the low-level mechanistic creativity. It’s a perfect symbiosis between artist and tool, each empowering the other. This isn’t just a necessary evolution for the computer graphics industry, it’s an inevitable one.

因此,这就是我们基于示例的工作流程的意思:计算机对示例数据进行推断和构思,因此艺术家提供了高级复杂的创意,而计算机则提供了低级的机械创意。 这是美工与工具之间的完美共生,两者相互促进。 这不仅是计算机图形业的必要发展,也是必然的发展。

它是如何工作的? 增强,扩展,转换 (How does it work? Enhance, expand, transmute)

You’re probably wondering how you would use an example-based workflow in practice to streamline your creative productions. We’ve identified six pillars to the workflow, three on the data side and three that automate. While each of these pillars warrants their own blog post, I’d like to briefly touch on automation by highlighting the three tasks that should no longer require manual intervention, since this is likely foreign to many artists. 

您可能想知道在实践中如何使用基于示例的工作流程来简化创意作品。 我们已经确定了工作流的六个Struts,其中三个是在数据方面,另外三个是自动化。 尽管每个Struts都有自己的博客文章,但我想通过强调三个不再需要手动干预的任务来简要介绍自动化,因为这对许多艺术家来说都是陌生的。

提高 (Enhance)

Enhance is a family of ArtEngine tools that help you to improve your visual creative assets. The industry is sitting on mountains of old, outdated 3D content. The standard resolution for textures doubles roughly every five years. At the same time, original master files are frequently lost, leaving behind only downressed and compressed production assets. Even assets produced by scanning today can suffer from blur and noise artifacts. ​Enhance takes assets and improves the quality in some way, extending their value and lifespan. One ArtEngine feature from the Enhance family is Up-Res, ​which can perform a ​2x ​or a​ 4x cartoon or photorealistic resolution improvement on any image or texture.

增强功能是ArtEngine工具系列,可帮助您改善视觉创意资产。 业界正坐在古老的,过时的3D内容上。 纹理的标准分辨率大约每五年翻一番。 同时,原始主文件经常丢失,仅留下压缩和压缩的生产资产。 即使是今天通过扫描产生的资产,也可能遭受模糊和噪声伪像的影响。 加强采取资产和提高质量以某种方式,延长它们的价值和寿命。 增强系列的ArtEngine功能之一是Up-Res,它可以对任何图像或纹理执行2倍或4倍的卡通或逼真的分辨率提升。


扩大 (Expand)

Going from a concept to filling an entire world is a long, tedious and largely repetitive process. Expansion was the first problem Artomatix set out to solve, and it’s still one of our core goals. We’re proud to support a number of expansion-based features in ArtEngine today. Seam Removal can make any texture or material tileable. Content Aware Fill can fill in any damaged or missing parts of a scan. Texture Mutation ​can grow a material out to a bigger size without creating repeats or generate infinite seamless variants from just a single example.​ Expansion brings the richness and variety of the real world into the digital realm.

从概念到覆盖整个世界是一个漫长而乏味且很大程度上是重复的过程。 扩展是Artomatix着手解决的第一个问题,它仍然是我们的核心目标之一。 今天,我们很自豪能够在ArtEngine中支持许多基于扩展的功能。 去除接缝可以使任何纹理或材料平铺。 内容感知填充可以在扫描的任何损坏或丢失的部分继续进行。 质地突变可以生长的材料出更大的尺寸,而无需创建重复或生成只是一个例子无限无缝的变体。扩张带来的丰富性和多样性现实世界进入数字领域。


转换 (Transmute)

Often 3D content is unfit for the task at hand – not that there’s anything wrong with the content itself, it just doesn’t work with the rest of the project. Perhaps a material is in the wrong artistic style, or a PBR scan just doesn’t look right placed next to other scans due to scanner miscalibration. If putting together a 3D world is like assembling a puzzle, ​Transmutation ​is any function that helps the artist when those puzzle pieces don’t fit together other out of the box. Many real-world objects such as cloth and brick walls are “near-regular patterns,” this means they have a pattern, but it’s warped or inexact in some way and can’t be used as a tileable texture. The Pattern Unwarp ​ feature automatically detects the true pattern and unwarps it, transmuting ​it into a form that can be tiled. 

3D内容通常不适合手头的任务–并不是内容本身有什么问题,它不适用于项目的其余部分。 可能是材料的艺术风格错误,或者由于扫描仪校准不正确,使得PBR扫描看上去不正确地放置在其他扫描旁边。 如果将3D世界放在一起就像组装拼图一样,那么当这些拼图碎片无法与其他盒子装在一起时,T变换是可以帮助艺术家的任何功能。 许多现实世界中的物体(例如布料和砖墙)都是“近乎规则的图案”,这意味着它们具有图案,但是它在某种程度上发生了翘曲或不精确,因此不能用作可平铺的纹理。 Pattern Unwarp功能会自动检测并取消变形,将其转变为可以平铺的形式。


We’ve briefly introduced the three pillars of automation, or the three ways that artists can use an example-based workflow to transform their 3D content in the future.


观看Unity ArtEngine会议 (Watch the Unity ArtEngine session)

If you’re interested in learning more, watch Artomatix founder Eric Risser and Mike Geig, Global Head of Evangelism Content, show you ArtEngine’s potential for your projects. In this free one-hour online webinar, they demonstrate how to take full advantage of an example-based workflow with the help of ArtEngine’s features such as Texture Mutation, Seam Removal, Pattern Unwarp, Material Generation, Texture Upresing, Color Match, JPEG Artifact Removal, Texture in-painting, and more.

如果您想了解更多信息,请观看Artomatix创始人Eric Risser和福音派内容全球负责人Mike Geig,向您展示ArtEngine在您的项目中的潜力。 在这个免费的一小时的在线网络研讨会中,他们展示了如何借助ArtEngine的功能来充分利用基于示例的工作流程,例如纹理突变,接缝去除,图案变形,材料生成,纹理提升,色彩匹配,JPEG伪像去除,纹理修补等。

Watch the Unity ArtEngine session

观看Unity ArtEngine会议

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/04/27/accelerate-and-enhance-creativity-with-an-example-based-workflow/
